/* -*- mode:C++; indent-tabs-mode:t; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Controller for Tascam US-X2Y * * Copyright (c) 2003 by Karsten Wiese * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by Rui Nuno Capela * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef Cus428State_h #define Cus428State_h #include "Cus428_ctls.h" class Cus428State: public us428_lights { public: // Constructor. Cus428State(struct us428ctls_sharedmem* Pus428ctls_sharedmem, int y = 8) :us428ctls_sharedmem(Pus428ctls_sharedmem),Y(y) ,us428_ctls(0) ,MuteInputMonitor(0) ,SoloInputMonitor(0) ,RecInputMonitor(0) ,SelectInputMonitor(0) ,aBank(0) ,cBanks(32 / y) ,W0(0) ,aWheel(0) ,aWheel_L(0) ,aWheel_R(0) ,bSetLocate(false) ,bSetRecord(false) ,uTransport(0) ,aWheelSpeed(0) { Mute = new unsigned char [cBanks]; Solo = new unsigned char [cBanks]; Rec = new unsigned char [cBanks]; Select = new unsigned char [cBanks]; for (int i = 0; i < cBanks; ++i) Mute[i] = Solo[i] = Rec[i] = Select[i] = 0; init_us428_lights(); for (int v = 0; v < 5; ++v) { Volume[v].init(v); } } // Destructor. virtual ~Cus428State() { delete Select; delete Rec; delete Solo; delete Mute; } enum eKnobs { eK_RECORD = 72, eK_PLAY, eK_STOP, eK_FFWD, eK_REW, eK_SOLO, eK_REC, eK_NULL, eK_InputMonitor, // = 80 eK_BANK_L, eK_BANK_R, eK_LOCATE_L, eK_LOCATE_R, eK_SET = 85, eK_INPUTCD = 87, eK_HIGH = 90, eK_HIMID, eK_LOWMID, eK_LOW, eK_Select0 = 96, eK_Mute0 = 104, eK_Mute1, eK_Mute2, eK_Mute3, eK_Mute4, eK_Mute5, eK_Mute6, eK_Mute7, eK_AUX1 = 120, eK_AUX2, eK_AUX3, eK_AUX4, eK_ASGN, eK_F1, eK_F2, eK_F3, }; void InitDevice(void); void KnobChangedTo(eKnobs K, bool V); void SliderChangedTo(int S, unsigned char New); void WheelChangedTo(E_In84 W, char Diff); virtual void UserSliderChangedTo(int S, unsigned char New); virtual void UserWheelChangedTo(E_In84 W, char Diff); virtual void UserKnobChangedTo(eKnobs K, bool V); void SliderSend(int S); Cus428_ctls *Set_us428_ctls(Cus428_ctls *New) { Cus428_ctls *Old = us428_ctls; us428_ctls = New; return Old; } // Update the LED lights state. int LightSend(); // Time-code (hh:mm:ss:ff:fr) to/from absolute wheel position converters. void LocateWheel(unsigned char *tc); void LocateSend(); // Set basic application transport state. void TransportToggle(unsigned char T); void TransportSet(unsigned char T, bool V); void TransportSend(); // Set bank layer state. void BankSet(int B); void BankSend(); // Process masked-write sub-command. void MaskedWrite(unsigned char *data); // Reset internal MMC state. void MmcReset(); protected: void SendVolume(usX2Y_volume &V); struct us428ctls_sharedmem* us428ctls_sharedmem; bool StateInputMonitor() { return LightIs(eL_InputMonitor); } // Set the wheel differential. void WheelDelta(int W); // Set the wheel differential. void WheelStep(int dW); // Set the wheel shuttle speed. void WheelShuttle(int dW); // Get the curent wheel timecode. void LocateTimecode(unsigned char *tc); // Send own MMC masked-write subcommand. void SendMaskedWrite(unsigned char scmd, int track, bool V); usX2Y_volume_t Volume[5]; Cus428_ctls *us428_ctls; // To hold channel light-mode states. unsigned char MuteInputMonitor, *Mute, SoloInputMonitor, *Solo, RecInputMonitor, *Rec, SelectInputMonitor, *Select; // The current selected bank, maximum number of bank/layers. int aBank, cBanks; // Differential wheel tracking. int W0; // Some way to convert wheel (absolute) position into hh:mm:ss:ff:fr int aWheel; // SET L/R points. int aWheel_L; int aWheel_R; // SET knob state. bool bSetLocate; // REC knob state. bool bSetRecord; // Last/current transport state. unsigned char uTransport; // Shuttle wheel absolute speed. int aWheelSpeed; // The official number of faders (channels per bank) int Y; }; class Cus428StateMixxx: public Cus428State{ public: Cus428StateMixxx(struct us428ctls_sharedmem* Pus428ctls_sharedmem, int y); void UserKnobChangedTo(eKnobs K, bool V); void UserSliderChangedTo(int S, unsigned char New); void UserWheelChangedTo(E_In84 W, char Diff); protected: int focus; int eq; }; extern Cus428State* OneState; #endif