VECTOR(1) Vector Reference Manual VECTOR(1) NAME vex - remote connection manager for X redirection vem - remotely executed system manager for X vesh - restricted shell proccessor for vector vetx - remote file viewer SYNOPSIS vex [-toolkitoption ...] vem [-toolkitoption ...] vesh [logout] [vem ...] vetx [-toolkitoption ...] -file DESCRIPTION The Vector series of programs provide a method of remote execution and automatic redirection of X software, while maintaining a high level of network security. The only requirements are the use of a multitasking operating system, X11R5 (or better), and the OpenLook xview/sspkg widget sets. The current version was developed with Linux 1.1.59 and will work with SunOS 4.1.3 with a gcc compiler. COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. INSTALLATION The Vector software package, as currently configured, contains both client and server software for ease of installation. (1) Obtain the Vector tar file. (, etc.). (2) Create directory "/usr/local/vector" for a location of the files. (3) Uncompress and untar the files into this directory. (4) Configure and modify the Makefile as neccessary and recompile. (chmod a+x vex vem vesh if needed) (5) Simbolically link these executables into the "/usr/local/bin" directory for common visibility of the programs. ln -s /usr/local/vector/vex /usr/local/bin ln -s /usr/local/vector/vem /usr/local/bin ln -s /usr/local/vector/vesh /usr/local/bin ln -s /usr/local/vector/vetx /usr/local/bin (6) Add a Vector user id to the passwd file like the following: vector::4037:400:vector shell:/home/vector:/usr/local/bin/vesh Note:This anonymous login should provide ample security if Vector's "vesh" shell proccessor is used in conjunction with "vem" in the restricted mode. (7) Install a ".vector_hosts" file in each users HOME directory. This text file is used to contain predefined vector addresses for the users convienence. Addresses of the form "" should be fine. (8) Symbolically link or copy any and all prgrams/directories to be used to the vector directory. If tty type programs are to be used, the combination of a shell script with "xterm $* -e my_prog_name" can be used to redirect the output. HOW TO USE Vector takes advantage of the X Window systems ability to redirect a GUI output to any computer attached by the Internet protocol suite. It is assumed that the user has some knowledge of the X Window system. To use: First, run "vex" (Vector Executive) this should provide the user with a connection manager screen conating the users login name and system hostname. Second, decide whether to use the default anonymous "vector" login or type in your login name for the target machine. Third, by pressing the "Directory" button a window containing the contents of the ".vector_hosts" file should appear. And, after using your mouse to highlight the desired server, press the "Get Selection" button to designate that server. Fourth, press the "Connect" button to initiate communications. And Fifth, after contact has been made, press the "Manage" button to execute and redirect the "vem" (Vector Manager) to your location. Special Note: By pressing the right mouse button while in the ".vector_hosts" file you can activate the file editing tools. After the Vector Manager has been executed, a screen displaying the current directory root is displayed. The word "vector" will be displayed in the middle of the veiwing area for a vector anonymous login. Place the mouse pointer on the directory root and press the left mouse button once, the directory root should be highlighted. Pressing the left mouse button twice should cause a directory structure like the following to appear: -- openwin/ / vector --- README.txt \ -- xsol* Activating "openwin/" will cause the manager to branch out into another subdirectory, hence "/" represents a directory. Likewise, activating "xsol*" will execute and redirect this X Window game to my location ("*" represents an executable program.). The remaining filename is simply a text file and can be viewed by "View" under the options menu. TELEVIDEO The Internet Televideo module has not been completed at this time, but hopefully will be completed in the near future. The module will use TCP connections and Audio/Video device drivers attached to the appropriate hardware. The module hopefully will be completed as follows: Locally: vetv -server The vector televideo will be executed in a server mode waiting for a TCP connection. It is assumed that connection is allowed by server default. Remotely: vetv -client The remotely executed vector televideo after being executed in a client mode will query the remote user if a connection will be allowed. If the connection is allowed, two TCP pipes will be set up for the connection. The connection will provide two way video and audio communications. Server TCP sockets Client ------ ---------------- ------ /dev/audio, /dev/video-> 3051 | 3050 -> monitor, speaker monitor, speaker <- 3050 | 3051 <- /dev/audio, /dev/video POSSIBLE USES Internet Gaming sessions Interactive Software Demonstration Software Realtime Banking Software Internet Televideo (A telephone system for the 21st century.) ETC... ISSUES The Internet needs fiber optic bandwidth. As currently designed this software package works fine over Ethernet speeds. But, the currently designed leased line backbone of the Internet is a handycap.