Begin3 Title: Gwydion Dylan Version: 2.2.0 Entered-date: 8 February 1999 Description: Gwydion Dylan is a portable, optimizing Dylan compiler. It was originally written by the Gwydion Group at CMU and is now maintained by volunteers. Dylan is an object-oriented, dynamic language with four goals: high performance, rapid prototyping, ease of use, and seamless support for libraries written in C. Keywords: programming, compiler, dynamic, Dylan, C FFI Author: (Gwydion Group) Maintained-by: (Volunteer Maintainers) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/devel/lang/dylan/ 1939007 gwydion-dylan-2.2.0.src.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/gd/src/ 1939007 gd-2.2.0.tar.gz Original-site: Platforms: Linux x86, Linux PPC, FreeBSD. Other Unix-like systems with an ANSI C compiler require tweaks and bootstrapping. If you wish to build Gwydion Dylan from source, you'll need to get a binary from for your platform. Copying-policy: MIT-like (regular MIT in future versions) End