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Q &$!$ (', pA /  / \  / @\  \ TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK AS TO ITSmain ckhost FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND WITHOUT WARRANTY BY THE TRUSTEES OFanonymous COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK OF ANY KIND, EITHERCan't open device: EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED/dev/ttyApple II WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK SHALL NOTMacintosh BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF ORCan't allocate packet buffers! IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN OR IS HEREAFTER ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU SHALLRSTS/E INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN4 ,4L X p   THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE (INCLUDINGxon/xoff ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.AOS/VSrts/ctsdtr/cdThe above copyright notice, permissions notice, and disclaimer may not beVM/CMSetx/ackremoved, altered, or obscured and shall be included in all copies of thestringC-Kermit software. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City ofMVS/TSONew York reserve the right to revoke this permission if any of the termsof use set forth above are breached.Internet Kermit Service cannot be started at a terminal.dtr/ctsFor further information, contact the Kermit Project, Columbia University,612 West 115th Street, New York NY 10025-7799, USA; phone +1 (212) 854 3703,main about to call ttopen() inserverfax +1 (212) 663 8202 or +1 (212) 662 6442, email kermit@columbia.edu,MVS/ROSCOE     Web http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ or http://www.kermit-project.org/.can't initialize i/oremoteAtari STdirect-serialsstelnettcp/ipmain SO_OOBINLINEStratus VOSdecnetApollo Aegisnetbiosnamed-pipeMS-DOSmain argc after prescan()Windows-32main about to cc_executemain 2 cfilefmain argcmain zstateisabsoluteisabsolute rc Entering server mode. If your local Kermit software is menu driven, use the menus to send commands to the server. Otherwise, enter the escape sequence to return to your local Kermit prompt and issue commands from there. Use SEND and GET for file transfer. Use REMOTE HELP for a list of other available services. Use BYE or FINISH to end server mode. main setting interrupt trapinitflowzoutbuffer mallocgetiobs okinitproto spsizinitproto spsizrZ8 KermitXMODEMXMODEM-CRCYMODEMYMODEM-gZMODEMikslogin clienthost C-Kermit ready at %s%s dotakeiniinserverdotakeinisstelnetmain executing init filemain exits init fileInterrupt during initialization or command-line processing.C-Kermit quitting...cl_commandsckcmai got interruptmain cmdfilInterrupt during initialization or command-line processing.C-Kermit quitting...setprefixC-KermitKermit versionkermit?Incomplete IKSD URL anonymousdourl: out of memoryanonymous Password:kermit] matchpos= matchdepth= string=C-Kermit library, 8.0.031, 29 Jul 2001ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=>?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123chknumL X d h l p t x |                        invalid%02ld:%02ld:%02ld     $ , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |       "{'([<"}')]>cksplitcksplit result0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZmakelist smakelist elementmakelist last elementMAKESTR MALLOC FAILURE CKMATCH ENTRY pat optCKMATCH ENTRY str depCKMATCH 1CKMATCH INIT patckmatch skipCKMATCH ACKMATCH ZERO dCKMATCH QUOTEDCKMATCH \ new matchCKMATCH \ no matchCKMATCH QUOTECKMATCH DCKMATCH ? patCKMATCH ? strCKMATCH [] CKMATCH [] matchCKMATCH {} CKMATCH .. stringCKMATCH .. ostringCKMATCH {} segmentCKMATCH {} ostring sofarCKMATCH {} matchposCKMATCH {} tpCKMATCH {} stringCKMATCH {} ostringCKMATCH {} kCKMATCH {} savposCKMATCH {} matchCKMATCH * CKMATCH * n stringCKMATCH * n pattrnCKMATCH * n pCKMATCH * Index() stringCKMATCH * Index() pattrnCKMATCH * Index() resultCKMATCH * Rindex()CKMATCH * Rindex() pattrnCKMATCH * Rindex() resultCKMATCH * stringpos matchposCKMATCH * new match CKMATCH * new stringCKMATCH * new pattrnCKMATCH *$ CKMATCH *$ matchCKMATCH ** matchCKMATCH * kCKMATCH *CKMATCH cs=cpCKMATCH RETURN[ttspdlist B1200sysinit jchdlr: otherttclos Dttinl senses parityttspdlist B1800?WARNING - close failed: %s ttinl packet beforettspdlist B2400errno = %d UNIX Communications support, 8.0.278, 8 Dec 2001ttinl packet after ttclos failedttinl gotttspdlist B4800ttclos about to call ttunlckttspdlist B9600sysinit ttyname(0)Warning, problem releasing lock ttpushttspdlist EXTAttclos donesysinit CTTNAMttinc le_getchar/dev/ttyttspdlist EXTBsysinit cttnamttinc myreadttspdlist spdlistttinc restoring oldalarmtthang BSD stylettgspd ttyfdtthang TIOCCDTR failsttsndb ttyfdttgspd sg_ospeed 1tthang TIOCSDTR errnosysinit uidbuf from USERttgspd gtty 2 xsndbrk BSDBREAKLOGNAMEttgspd gtty 2 errnosysinit uidbuf from LOGNAMECan't send BREAKBREAK stuck!!!ttgspd gtty 2 speedsysinit uidbuf from whoami()ttgspd codeUNKNOWNttgspd speedsysinit final uidbufttres TIOCSETC failedPRINTERttres TIOCSETC okDISPLAYttwait select errnottres TIOCSLTC failedLOCATIONttwait OKttres TIOCSLTC okttwait select xttpushback nttres sttysysinit startupdirttpushback my_countttres resultmsleep SELECT 1ttres errnomsleep SELECT 2ttres return codemygetbuf IMPROPERLY CALLED with my_countmsleep catch-all selectttchkpid lock pidttopen telnetfdmygetbuf readmygetbuf errnottopen ttnamettchkpid my pidttopen ttnmsvmygetbuf TCP errorttopen modemttchkpid kill errnomygetbuf SERIAL errorttopen netconngtimerttchkpid pid testttopen ttyfdmyfillbuf calling FIONREAD ioctlremoving stale lockRemoving stale lock %s (pid %d terminated) ttopen *lclmyfillbuf FIONREADttopen ttmdmmyfillbuf FIONREAD availttchkpid unlinkttopen ttnet DECstation/ULTRIX 4.3gftimermyfillbuf FIONREAD errnomyfillbuf availttrpidztime s==NULLmyfillbuf readttrpid zchki/dev/ttymyfillbuf read errnottopen REOPEN netopenztime GFTIMER gettimeofdayttrpid fdttopen MAXNAMLEN definedmyfillbuf mybufcongm getting modesttopen BSD4 definedttrpid string read/dev/ttyttopen BSD42 definedttinl calling tn_doop()ttrpid integer readttopen MYREAD definedcongetbuf char lossttrpid short readttopen netcongetbuf readaheadttinl tn_doop() returnedttrpid pidttopen got open network fdttopen pipe: nopushconcb constateu_start and !inserverconcb cgmfme_start and serverPipe errorconcb backgrd/usr/spool/uucpconcb ttyfdttflux my_countFork error/usr/spool/uucpconcb ttfdflg/usr/spool/uucpconcb isattyttflui le_inbuf chconcb suspendttflui ttpipettlock readlinkfdopen failurettlock linkcccbrk.sg_flags concb 1ttflui netfluittlock linkdevttopen net xconcb stty CBREAKLCK..%sttopen got open fdLOCKFILE_NAME_TOO_LONGttopen fdflagcccbrk.sg_flags concb 2ttflui ttyfdttopen xlocalttflui TIOCFLUSH ANYBSDttlock link symlockcccbrk.sg_flags concb x/dev/ttyttlock lock2concb xttlock lock2 clearedttopen fnam/dev/ttyconcb errno%s/LTMP.%05dttopen xlocalttlock flfnamconcb returnsconbgt process group testttlock tmpnamttopen ttlockBSD job controlttlock creat failedttopen ttlock failsUUCP not installed or Kermit misconfigured ttopen reading lockfile pidconbin constateconbgt jcttlock pidLocked by process %d conbinconbgt jcshellttopen lockpidconbin returnsconbgt osigintttlock found tty lockedconbgt signal testconres cgmfconbgt isatty testttunlckttopen lkfconres constateconbgt backgrdttunlck lockfile seizedWarning - Lockfile %s seized by pid %d ttopen timoconres isatty okttunlck unlinkWarning - Can't remove lockfile: %s conres restoring sttyconint conistatettunlck lock2 unlinkttopen alarmWarning - Can't remove secondary lockfile: %s conres returnsconint backgrdconint jcttopen timed ttyfdttopen untimed ttyfdconint background ignoring signals, jcttopen errnottopen xlocalconint foreground catching signals, jcttpkt parityttopen substituting 0ttpkt xflowttopen perrorconnoi conistatettpkt speedWarning, problem releasing lock ttopen EACCESSttpkt ttpmsk/dev/null%s is not a terminal device in_chk entryttpkt netconnttopen not a ttyin_chk ttyfdWarning, problem releasing lock ttpkt modes already set, skipping.../dev/ttyconchk contypin_chk ttptyttopen fnam=CTTNAMttpkt calling ttsspdttopen fnam=cttnamin_chk ttpushttopen ttyname(ttyfd) xlocalttpkt ttsspd resultttopen setting ttyfd = 0ttpushin_chk close-on-disconnectttinc LocalEchoInBufttpkt hard flow, TANDEM off, RAW onttopen stdio redirectedin_chk carrier lostconinc(0) errnottpkt no flow, TANDEM off, RAW onttopen gtty ttold.sg_flagsin_chk ttgmdm I/O errorconinc timeout logic errorttpkt keeping original TANDEMttopen TIOCGETCin_chk ttgmdm gotsigsconinc alarm setttpkt turning on TANDEMttopen TIOCGETC failedin_chk FIONREAD return codeconinc(timo) nttpkt cooked, cbreak, parityttopen TIOCGETC okin_chk FIONREAD countconinc(timo) errnottpkt TIOCSETC failedttopen TIOCGLTCin_chk FIONREAD errnottpkt TIOCSETC okttopen TIOCGLTC failedin_chk my_countttscarrttpkt TIOCSLTC failedttopen TIOCGLTC okin_chk nttpkt TIOCSLTC okttopen TIOCLGETcarrctlin_chk resultttpkt setting rawmode, parityttopen TIOCLGET failedttgmdm K_MDMCTL definedttpkt stty failedttopen TIOCLGET okttgmdm TIOCMGET ioctlttpkt stty okttopen O_NDELAYttxin MYREADttgmdm errnottpkt successttopen fcntl O_NDELAYttxin myread returnsttgmdm bitsttopen fcntl failure to unset O_NDELAYttxin xttgmdm TIOCM_CTS definedttsetflow flowCan't unset O_NDELAYttopen xlocalttgmdm TIOCM_DSR definedttsetflow net modemttopen executing close/openttgmdm TIOCM_CAR definedttol sttgmdm TIOCM_RNG definedttol dblflagttvt ttyfdttopen calling carrctlttgmdm TIOCM_DTR definedttol doubled sttvt tvtflgttol tryttopen carrctl okxttgwsiz LINESttgmdm TIOCM_RTS definedttvt speedttol okttvt flowttopen sttyCOLUMNSttvt curcarrxttgwsiz COLUMNSttol write errorsuspendttvt modes already set, skipping...ttopen ttspeedpsuspend errorttol TCP errorttvt network connection, skipping...ttopen ttyfdpsuspend okttol partialttvt modes already set, skipping...ttopen *lclttvt using external fd, skipping...ttopen lock filele_inbufttoc timeoutchars waitingttvt setting modes...do_open xlocalttoc flowttvt hard flow, TANDEM offdo_open flags Ale_putcharttoc TIOCSTARTdo_open flags Bbuffer is fullttvt TANDEM onttoc errnottvt no flow, TANDEM off, RAW onx 0T  le_putsttvt keeping original TANDEMhanguple_putsttvt okttinl maxttclos ttyfdle_putstrpriv_opnttsspd cpspriv_opn resultttinl timottclos netconnttsspd ttyfdpriv_opn errnottinl alarmttclos xlocalttsspd xlocalttinl timoutttgwsiz TIOCGWINSZttsspd okttclos closing netttinl startttgwsiz tt_rowsttsspd sttinl eolttclos ttyfd after netclosttgwsiz tt_colsttsspd failsttinl unsavingttclos setting O_NDELAYttgwsiz TIOCGWINSZ 00?Sorry, device is not open ttsspd gttyttruncmd fail: nopushttinl myread failure, nWarning - Can't set O_NDELAYttsspd sttyttclos fcntl failure to set O_NDELAYttruncmd systemttinl myread errno***************ttruncmd waitttclos alarmttinl EINTR myread iSIGHUP receivedttruncmd wait statuspcontinuingcongspdttclos ALARM TRAP errnottinl non-EINTR -3ttclos() timeout: %s ***************ttruncmd wait pexitstatclosingttclos Attinl network myread failureclosingttclos exithangup^%c... ttspdlist no USETCSETSPEEDCanceled... ttclos calling tthang()ttinl skippingttspdlist B50ttinl lengthttspdlist B75ttclos tthang()ttinl extended lengthttspdlist B110ttclos Bttinl bad seqttspdlist B134ttclos calling ttres()ttinl EOP lengthttspdlist B150Fatal: setuid failure. ttinl ittclos ttres()Fatal: setgid failure. ttspdlist B200Fatal: C-Kermit setuid to root! ttinl csavedttclos Cttspdlist B300sysinit jchdlr: SIG_IGNttinl removedttclos calling closettspdlist B600sysinit jchdlr: SIG_DFLttinl got eolttclos close()zstimezinfill kactivezstime datezstime: nothing to dozxpand entryZINFILL feofzfseekzxpand xdironlyUNIX File support, 8.0.185, 8 Dec 2001zstime: zstrdt failszinfill calling ttwaitzxpand xfilonlyzstime: tmzxpand fn 1zinfill ttwaitzfnqfp fnamezstime: A-pkt date ok zfnqfp xpZINFILL INBUFSIZEzfnqfp while *szstime: Can't stat file:zxpand fn 2zinbuffer is a valid bufferzfnqfp zgtdirzxpand isdir 1ZINFILL about to call freadzfnqfp buf 1zxpand fn 3ZINFILL freadzfnqfp buf 2zxpand haveonedir A1zfnqfp lenzstime lpermszxpand haveonedir A2ZINFILL ferrorzstime gpermszstime system idzxpand haveonedir BZINFILL errnozxpand okzstime file perms beforezxpand fcountZINFILL count 0 EOF return -1zfnqfp overflowzfnqfp pathZINFILL count 0 not EOF return -2zfnqfp namezstime octal lpermzstime mask 1nzxpandnzxpand xdironlyzstime mask 2nzxpand xfilonlyzcmpfn s1zstime gprotectzcmpfn s2nzxpand xmatchdotzcmpfn resultzstime S_IRUSRnzxpand xrecursivezstime S_IWUSRnzxpand xnobackupzstime S_IXUSRnzxpand xnolinkszstime mask xzstime mask x|maskzoutdump zoutcntzstime flagzoutdump wrotezstime S_IFMT xzoutdump write errorzoutdump write returnszstime file perms afterzstime: sb.st_atimechkfn out of rangezstime: default modtimeznewn suffix removalzstime setpermsznewn suffix removal 2zstime DIRECTORY bit onznewn max 1zstime DIRECTORY bit offznewn max 2zstime chmodznewn namepartznewn len/dev/nullzstime 0: can't set modtime for fileznewn A matcheszstime 0: modtime set for filezgetfs fnamzstime 1: comparezstime 1: compareznewn A newnamepacketznewn B deltazgetfs _IFLNK needrlinkznewn B matcheszgetfs readlinkznewn B new namezgetfs readlink errno DECstation/ULTRIX 4.3zprint filezprint flagszgetfs readlink resultrm -f zprint printernamezgetfs sizezprint printpipezgetfs st_sizezrename oldcat %s | %szrename newcat %s >> %s%s %s < %szprint command/dev/nullzrename dirls -l zrename no dirls -l zrename link()zchki stat failszrename unlink()zchki not regular filezchki stat ok:zrename zcopy()zrename zdelet()zchki access failed:zchki access ok:pwd ; df .zcopy src argzcopy dst arg/dev/nullfinger splitpathzcopy files identical: stat()zchko: Malloc error 46 splitpath malloczchko isplitpath malloc failurezchko itsadirsource file not foundsplitpath xpatlastzcopy srcSPLITPATHzcopy dst 1zchko access failed:zcopy files identical: strcmp()zchko access ok:fgen patzcopy source is directoryfgen current directoryzcopy dst 2fgen stathackzcopy dst 3zdeletfgen scratchzcopy open sourcefgen xpatslashzcopy open destfgen xpatzcopy final readfgen xpatlastfgen xpatabsolutezcopy errnonzrtol name/dev/nullzsetperm guesttraverse add: end of path segmentnzrtol fullnamezsetperm errornzrtol sizing MAXNAMLENzsetperm oknzrtol sizingNONAMEzgpermtraverse entry sofar----------nzrtol new nametraverse entry xpat----------traverse entry xpatlasttraverse entry pl -> npartzstrip beforetraverse xpatslash absolute----------traverse xpatslash relativezstrip after tilde-strippingzgpermzstrip aftertraverse xpatslash ckmatchtraverse add: recursive, match, && !isdirtraverse sofar 2traverse segisdirzipermtraverse itswild traverse existstraverse not found----------traverse sofar 3zipermnzltor nametraverse opening directory/var/log/iksd.logtraverse opendir()nzltor fullnametraverse opendir() faileddoiklog opennzltor name2doiklog open errnotraverse skippingzchdirzopenizchdir 2traverse add: recursive && isdir && segisdir or matchzopeni chkfntraverse mresult xpatzchdir 3traverse mresult pl -> npartzopeni called with ZSYSFN, failing!traverse mresult sofar segisdirzsattr buf.st_mode & 0777traverse mresult sofar itsadirtraverse mresult xmatchdotzsattr lpermsTerminal input not allowedzsattr gpermszopeni: attempts input from unredirected stdintraverse mresult s1 kludgetraverse mresult depthtraverse mresult xpatslashzopeni fopentraverse mresult nambufzopeni fullnametraverse mresult itswildtraverse mresult segisdirzdtstr timeargtraverse add: match && !itsadirzgtdir BSD4 getwd()zopenolocaltime returns nullzopeno fcb dispaddresult string space not init'dzxcmd fails: nopushzopeno fcb typezdtstr tm_yearaddresultzxcmd outzopeno fcb charaddresult skipzstrdt YEAR-2000 ALERT 1: localtime year(pipe)addresult ARRAY FULLzxcmd outzopeno fcb is NULLaddresult lenzdatstr yearaddresult OUT OF SPACEzxcmd priv_chk failedzopeno fp[n]=stdout?String space %d exhausted - use SET FILE STRINGSPACE to increase ?Too many files (%d max) - use SET FILE LISTSIZE to increase addresult ADDzxcmd popen%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dzopeno appendzdatstrFailedzopeno fullnamezxcmd pipe failurezopeno fopen argzopeno failed errnozfcdat/bin/shzxcmd pidzfcdat statzopeno zobufsizetilde_expandzfcdat lstat failed/dev/null?Privilege cancellation failure zfcdat buffer.st_mtimezopeno ZOFILE nonblocking/bin/shzopeno ZOFILE unbufferedzxcmd shpath;Zx0Ngetpwuid()zopeno ok/bin/shzstrdtBad creation date zstrdt date check 1zxcmd fork failurez_exec commandBad creation date zclose file numberz_exec arg 0zstrdt date check 2zxcmd pidz_exec arg 1Bad creation date z_exec tzstrdt date check 3zstrdt BSD calling ftimezclose zclosfzxcmd fcntl 1 pipe flagsz_exec errnozclose zclosf fp[n]zstrdt BSD back from ftimezxcmd fcntl 2 resultzstrdt BSD timezonezclose fclose failszshcmd commandzclosf filnum/bin/shzstrdt so far so goodzclose error flushing last bufferzclosf outzshcmd SHELLzstrdt yearzshcmd shpathzstrdt fails - yearzclose iklogopenzshcmd shnamezclosf pclosezstrdt 4 bad date zstrdt 6 bad date zclosf pexitstatzstrdt 9 bad date zshcmd exit statuszstrdt 12 bad date zclosf fp[filnum]zstrdt 15 bad date zstrdt tmx 1zclosf fp[ZSYSFN](pipe)iswildiswildzstrdt tmx 3 (DST)zclosf killing pid%.24s [BUFFER WOULD OVERFLOW] %.24s %d %s %ld %s %c %s %c %c %s %s %d %s zclosf wait statuspisdir cache hitisdir stat;Zx0Nzclosf wait pexitstatkermitisdir errnozlocaltimezclosf fp[filnum]zclose iksdmsgisdir _IFLNK islinkBad creation date zlocaltime date check 1zclose returnsisdir islinkBad creation date zlocaltime date check 2isdir statbuf.st_modeBad creation date zlocaltime date check 3zlocaltime so far so goodzlocaltime yearzmkdirzlocaltime fails - yearzmkdir tilde_expandzlocaltime 4 bad date zsinl zchin failzmkdir tp after tilde_expansionzlocaltime 6 bad date zmkdir makingzlocaltime 9 bad date fgen string spacezlocaltime 12 bad date zmkdir failed, errnozlocaltime 15 bad date fgen can't malloc string space %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dinitspace ssplengnfile znext Csfile qwhoarewe xfermodegnfile setting sndsrc backSendingbgetpkt empty filewhoarewe g_xfermode mode: binarysinit okbgetpkt timeout sizegnfile fullnameC-Kermit functions, 8.0.210, 10 Nov 2001whoarewe remote sysid mode: text| }8}t}gnfile zchkisipkt pktnumDisabledgnfile gnferror C character setLocal onlywhoarewe wearealiketransparentRemote onlygnfile -1 xfer character setsipkt getsbufEnabledwhoarewe setting fncnv file character setgnfile skipping:Sending from:whoarewe setting binary: open failure - skippedSFILE fpfsecsSkippedSFILE fsecsgnfile -3xsinit kRead access deniedSkippedsdata entry, firstgnfile fileselectsdata draingnfile gnferror Dxgnbyte initial swapsdata draining, winlognfile resultxgnbyte from bufsdata sbufnumsdata countdownzminchar swappingsdata streaming pktnumzminchar C0sdata nxtpkt pktnumzminchar C1rcvfil rdatapsdata packetCALIBRATExgnbyte 1st UCS2NONAMExgnbyte fileordersdata cx/zseen windowingxgnbyte fileordersdata cx/zseen nonwindowingAccess deniedxgnbyte UCS2 goodbom swapsdata spsizrcvfil rcvexceptxgnbyte UCS2 badbom swapsdata binaryrcvfil skippingException listxgnbyte UCS2 noBOM swapsdata parityrcvfil discardxgnbyte UCS2 noBOM swap refused: exception listsdata eof, drainxgnbyte fileordersdata pktnumrcvfil cmarg2xgnbyte UCS2sdata lenxgnbyte UTF-8 input errorrcvfil srvcmd 2sdata dataxgnbyte UTF8->UCS2rcvfil access deniedsdata ttchkWrite access deniedrcvfil srvcmd 1ReceivingXGNBYTE EOFrcvfil pipesendrcvfil pipesendXGNBYTE xrcvfil rcvfilter XGNBYTE KANA SJrcvfile pipesend filterrcvfil pipenamexgnbyte zminchar 1?Sorry, receive filter + filename too long, %d max. Name too longxgnbyte thischarClient Command Status Description [UNICODE]seof can't get s-bufferrcvfil as[other] REMOTE LOGIN required xgnbyte EOF on Ctrl-Z 1 GET %-14s%s rcvfil dirflgTransfer file(s) from server to client.xgnbyte uc eol SEND %-14s%s Transfer file(s) from client to server.rcvfil ofn1lenxgnbyte xx rc MAIL %-14s%s sxeof nxtpkt fails/dev/nullSend file(s) as e-mail.rcvfil existsxgnbyte xx uc REMOTE ASSIGN %-14s%s sxeof packetAssign value to server variable or macro.rcvfil permsxgnbyte UCS->EUC UCS REMOTE CD %-14s%s rcvfil fncactChange server's directory.xgnbyte UCS->EUC EUC REMOTE COPY %-14s%s seot nxtpktCopy a file on the server.rcvfil appendxgnbyte UCS->EUC xlabuf[0] REMOTE DELETE %-14s%s Delete a file on the server.Can't append to a directoryxgnbyte UCS->EUC xlacount REMOTE DIRECTORY %-14s%s error - can't append to directoryList files on the server.xgnbyte UCS->EUC rc REMOTE EXIT %-14s%s appending toExit from Kermit server program.rpar max 1Can't rename existing directoryxgnbyte decoding error REMOTE HOST %-14s%s error - can't rename directory-b4)Lz hM]pU6Z Q~"#In'+Af/T=23uV7J;,}?PCtiGx KXaOdRS$Y^W(j[쑖_!cgl*kNo1rs yw9{& ȡDH٪>@£F꫼mqʻ\v0B`%:< Ӥ|ߴe8E.5Execute a shell command on the server.rpar sprmlenxgnbyte xc REMOTE PRINT %-14s%s Error receiving fileSend a file to the server for printing.rpar max 2 backup:xgnbyte ucs2_to_utf8 error REMOTE QUERY %-14s%s rcvfil backup ofn1Get value of server variable or macro.rpar 8bq sqrcvfil backup ofn2xgnbyte UTF8 buf[0] REMOTE MKDIR %-14s%s Create a directory on the server.rpar 8bq ebqrcvfil discardxgnbyte UTF8 xlabuf REMOTE RMDIR %-14s%s Remove a directory on the server.rpar xfermode refused: namexgnbyte UTF8 xlacount REMOTE RENAME %-14s%s Rename a file on the server.rpar whatami2rcvfil overwritexgnbyte errorhȎT 0  REMOTE SET %-14s%s renameSet a parameter on the serverCan't overwrite existing directoryxgnbyte send CRLFreplace REMOTE SPACE %-14s%s error - can't overwrite directorybackupInquire about disk space on the server.xgnbyte->UCS2BEappend REMOTE TYPE %-14s%s overwritingdiscardDisplay a server file on your screen.rcvfil updatexgnbyte->UCS2LE REMOTE WHO %-14s%s File has same name as existing directoryxgnbyte cupdateList who is logged in to the server.spar biggest 1 error - directory exists: FINISH %-14s%s xgnbyte xlaptrExit from Kermit server program.spar rprmlenrcvfil bad collision actionReturn the server to its command prompt.xgnbyte xlabuf BYE %-14s%s rpar biggest 2rcvfil ofn1Log the server out and disconnect.rcvfil ofn2BAD BAD spar packetrcvfil ofpermsxgnbyte bad xlatypercvfil calling zmkdirspar 8bq rqxgnbyte switch failureREMOTE HELPzmkdir failsC-Kermit %s,%s spar 8bq sq error - directory creation failure:spar 8bq ebqDirectory creation failure.SERIOUS ERROR: getpkt data == NULL path created:spar 8bq rqfgetpkt first uflagSERIOUS ERROR: encstr data == NULLrcvfil fspecspar setting parity to spacegetpkt first rtrcvfilx: nspar capasrcvfilx: ofn1encstrencstr memptr 1spar lscapurcvfil fpfsecsgetpkt zkanji: input errorencstr spsizspar lscaprgetpkt zkanji: empty string/filespar ebqflgencstr getpkt rcgetpkt: empty stringspar swcaprencstr string too biggetpkt funcstrnxtdir funcnxtspar swcapuencstr getpkt rcreof fncactgetpkt xgnbytenxtdir funclenspar lscapureof discardgetpkt zminchar Anxtdir funcbufspar yreof discardingnxtdir return 1getpkt zminchar Bspar lpcapureof success*.~[0-9]*~getpkt timeout sizenxtdir ckmatchspar lp lenreof cxseengetpkt: input errornxtdir zgetfsspar slow-start spsizreof czseengetpkt empty filenxtdir zcfdatspar lp spmaxreof rdatapputfil0000-00-00 00:00:00reof o_isopengetpkt 1st char0000-00-00 00:00:00spar windowreof lastchargetpkt eof crc16putfil zchout write error, setting czseenspar window after adjustmentdomydir permsgetpkt eof ffcspar windowreof closfgetpkt nleftputfilnxtdir linknamespar no windows%10s%-10s %s %s getpkt timeout sizeputfil zchout write error, setting czseenreof MOVE zrename%-10s %s %s spar sending, redefine spmax moving received file togetpkt EOP FAILED to move received file to%10s%10ld %s %s%s%s spar biggestreof RENAME zrenamegetpkt leftover renaming received file togetpkt osizespar whatru FAILED to rename received file to%10ld %s %s%s%s reof successgetpkt eof/eotspar streamokreof returnsBDECODE%sSummary: %ld director%s, %ld file%s, %ld byte%s%sspar clearrqspar urclearbdecode write error - errnotinit flagspar sysindex xnxtdir funclenspar sysindex ysfile send filter tinit spsizsfile xnxtdir return 2spar sysindex biggestsfile notafiletinit timintspar whoareyousfile restored tcharsettinit winlospar sysindexsfile restored fcharsetsnddirspar whatru2snddir namespar whatru2 xfermodesfile cmarg2tinit getsbufsnddir name 1sfile binary 1xpnbyte RESETsnddir name 2Listing files: %s%s%sRemote system type: sfile wearealikexpnbyte aproto whoareusfile xfermodesnddir directorypktinit winloxpnbyte UTF-8 conversion errorproto special VMS prefixingsfile filepeeksnddir nzxpand nxpndsfile s_csetDIRECTORY %ssfile tcharsetDIRECTORYTransaction beginsxpnbyte haveucsnddirsfile xfrxlaGlobal file mode:sinit()binaryxpnbyte uc.x_shortsfile scanfileCollision action:xpnbyte feol %10s: %s%sgnfile sndsrcsfile scanfile textxpnbyte uc.x_shortskippingrinit fncact %10s: %s%sgnfile filcntsfile scanfile text7deletedxpnbyte buf directory: %s%sgnfile whatsfile scanfile 7 fcharsetxpnbyte uc%s%ld file%s deleted, %ld byte%s freed%sgnfile recursivesfile scanfile 7 tcharsetxpnbyte sjgnfile dodirstoosfile scanfile text8resetc fsizegnfile binary = gnf_binarysfile scanfile 8 fcharsetxpnbyte eugnfile pipesendsfile scanfile 8 tcharsetxpnbyte bad euDeleting "%s"%sREMOTE DELETEgnfile calibratesfile scanfile Unicodexpnbyte euCALIBRATIONsfile Unicode tcharsetfnlist: no memory for cmargbufxpnbyte impossible combinationDirectory requested: fnlist nfilsgnfile arraysfile scanfile binaryxpnbyte BAD FALLTHRUfnlist cmargTransaction cancelledsfile binary 2fnlist cmarg2Changed directory toDECODEChanged directory tognfile czseensfile sendmodecwd failedFailed to change directory tosfile pktnamsfile fnspathdecode write errnognfile filefile EOFgnfile filefile filnamsfile fncnvsyscmdgnfile nfilsCalibrationsyscmd zxcmd oksinit xpsyscmd zxcmd failed?Internal error expanding ADD list sfile xpathgnfile addlist filnamsinit gnfilegnfile cmlist filnamsfile xfncnvsinit gnfilgnfile ngetpathNo files meet selection criteriaremsetToo many files match wildcardremsetFILE%02ldCancelledmaxdata spsiz 1remset xfer charset lookupsfile filnam 1Read access deniedgnfile getpathsfile pktnam 1File is not readablemaxdata spsiz 2gnfile absolutesfile pipesend filtersfile pipenameNo files matchmaxdata len 1gnfile wild?Sorry, send filter + filename too long, %d max. File not foundRSET FILE CHAR namesfile filnam 2sinit nfilsmaxdata len 2REMOTE SET xfermodegnfile nzxpandsfile pktnam 2sinit filnamsfile error - Recover vs Textsinit msgadjpkl lengnfile znext Agnfile gnferror ARecovery attempted in TEXT mode: SERIOUS ERROR: bgetpkt data == NULLadjpkl slotsgnfile gnferror Bsfile X packetbgetpkt bufmaxadjpkl bufsizsfile binarygnfile doneadjpkl new lengnfile znext XTransaction beginsbgetpkt timeout sizegnfile znext BGlobal file mode:gnfile FTP MPUT /RECURSIVESendingbinarybgetpkt: input errorChecksum errorSTREAMING fastack xinput echo discardedchecked charsblock check (2)input type D=input typeshould be (2)ackns kUser cancelled.FAILED - InterruptedChecksum errorackns can't getsbufFAILED - Connection lostchecked charsblock check (3)ackns winloReceive window fullshould be (3)ackns nrpack receive window full wslotsCRC errorbad type B block check winlo pktnumChecksum errorTransmission error on reliable link.(crunched)input got E, nakstaterpack block check OKnack bad pkt numZZZ crunched zrpack got dupnack can't getsbufZZZ x not recd yetZZZ x not NAK'd yet%c-xx-%02d-resend seq%c-%02d-%02d-ZZZ NAKing winloRetransmissionToo many retries.resend PKT NOT IN WINDOWSERVER IDLE TIMEOUTtstats xfsecsresend kinput receive-state timeout, winlotstats filcntresend pktinfo indexinput sending NAK for winlotstats fpxfsecsresend retryinput sent too many nakststats fptsecs(resend)Too many retries.resend ttol msecinput rsn=winloresend ttol returnsinput out of sequence, rsnTransaction complete(resend)input rseqtbl[rsn] files transferred input recv can't find index for rcvd pkt total file characters Sliding windows protocol error. communication line in errpktinput recv chkwin communication line out Protocol Error: elapsed time (seconds) Sequence error on reliable link. effective data rate errpkt drainingToo many retries.STREAMING input streaming elapsed time (seconds) Draining incoming packets, wait...STREAMING input sndtyp effective data rate Drain complete.input send returning pre-stashed ACKinput streaming typeString too longscmd spackinput sendecho discardedfstats tfcUser cancelled.fstats whatInterruptedConnection lostfstats epktmsgGET Packet Internal Error 1Receive window full complete, sizesopkt NULL list wslots !"$'(+-.03569:opktitemsopkt datainput send too many resendssopkt opktcntToo many retriesGET Packet Internal Error 9input T cut packet lengthsopkt pktnuminput send rsnsopkt spackinput send winloSend Packet Failuresopkt rcinput send chkwinbestlen ack xbestlen ack typebestlen Bsrinit recursivebestlen retrysrinit regetbestlen lensrinit retrievebestlen spacketssrinit opktbestlen Asrinit ooptsbestlen wslotssrinit omodebestlen maxsendsrinit cmargbestlen spsiz AGET with no filenamesrinit null cmargbestlen spsiz BGET Packet Internal Error 2bestlen spsiz Csrinit malloc fail O1bestlen spsiz DGET Packet Internal Error 3input send rotated send windowsrinit malloc fail O2input send mark pktGET Packet Internal Error 4srinit malloc fail M1input send ACK for previousToo many retriesGET Packet Internal Error 5input send ACK out of windowsrinit malloc fail O2NAK received on reliable link.GET Packet Too Long for Serverinput send NAKGET Packet Internal Error 6srinit malloc fail F1input N cut packet lengthGET Packet Internal Error 7 in windowsrinit malloc fail F2Too many retriesGET Packet Too Long for ServerNAK for next packet, windowingSend Packet FailureToo many retriesNAK for next packet, no windowingkstart NAK out of windowch == LFkstartNAK out of windowch = CRinput send unexpected typekstart SOPinput about to flushkstart EOLinput winlokstart EOP chkspktkstart ksbufinput rsnkstartp - ksbuf >= 94input returning typekstartp - ksbuf >= 94parchk nparchk startzstart Zmodem SOPchktimo streamingchktimo timochktimo flagchktimo spmaxchktimo urpsizZmodem downloadreceive /protocol:zmodemchktimo plenset proto kermit, server, set protocol gset proto kermit,server,set proto xmodemchktimo new timoset proto kermit,server,set proto xmodem-crcset proto kermit,server, set protocol yset proto kermit,server,set proto zmodemserverspack nreceive /protocol:kermitreceive /protocol:zmodemspack dataspack dspack lenrpack pktnumspack copyrpack getrbufspack mydatarpack ksbufspack sseqtbl[n]autodownload parityspack sending packet out of windowautodownload parchkrpack timint!1BRcs rpack rcvtimo#2$FW6etHZӾl~rpack streamingrpack timint 0 || streaming but rcvtimoSTREAMING spack skippingrpack ttinl lenspack spktlrpack ttinl msecspack ttol returnsRTT RECVrpack: ttinl failsFAILED: Connection lostRTT RECV ERROR spacketsrpack ^C serverConnection lostRTT RECV ERROR sequencespack ttol msecrpack ^C en_finRTT SENDrpack fataliospack calling screen, mydata=RTT SEND ERRORRTT z scaledRTT rcvtimo (float)RTT final rcvtimoBad packet headerrpack packet length less than 3input sstateBad packet lengthrpack bad sequence numbernxtpkt pktnuminput nakstatenxtpkt winlo input sndtypBad sequence numberrpack echonxtpkt ninput xitstanxtpkt chkwininput whatrpack bctlrpack chklennxtpkt getsbuf failureinput CONNECTION BROKENpacket too longinput winloinput rseqtbl[winlo]rpack block check Binput return pre-stashed packetchecked charsblock check (1)STREAMING fastack kshould be (1)STREAMING fastack can't getsbufinput rpack account password blksizegetsbuf bad arg accessgetsbuf packet encoding dispositiongetsbuf p lprotection gprotectiongetsbuf data == NULL systemid recfm sysparam lengthgetrbuf new rbufnum replyfreesbuf sseqtbl[n]opena fopena discardfreerbuf no such slotopena xflgfreerbuf packetopena remfilefreerbuf rbufnumopena remappdopena dispfreerpkt seqopen dispositionopena disposchkwin packetopena rename failschkwin winloCan't create backup fileopena rename okchkwin slotsopena remote lenopena local lenSEND BUFFERS:opena [file]=mode: buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries local name:%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%6d ckmkdir 1 fc mode: binary[%.72s%s] mode: text: no name given file character-set:[(empty string)] xfer 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Y cxseenLogin requiredReturn to your local Kermit and give a SEND command.Y cancelingKERMIT READY TO RECEIVE...Login requiredReturn to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.Can't send attributesCKCPRO O sgetinit failKERMIT READY TO SEND...Return to your local Kermit and give a SERVER command.Can't open windowCKCPRO O sgetinit doneKERMIT READY TO GET...User cancelledKERMIT READY TO SEND SERVER COMMAND...Y cxseenCKCPRO O sgetinit TBCproto calling wart, justoneY cxseenLogin requiredY czseenUser cancelledCKCPRO O sgetinit failC-Kermit server doneY cxseenY CALLING SEOF()CKCPRO O sgetinit doneGET disabledY cxseenCKCPRO O sgetinit TBCsgetinit whatruY czseenY successsgetinit binary (1)Login requiredsgetinit binary (2) deleted delete failed:Badly formed server commandsgetinit cLogin required moved to sgetinit len move failed:REMOTE HOST disabledstreamonsgetinit pHOST commands not available renamed tosgetinit O val rename failed:sgetinit M valY gnfileCan't do system commandY no more filessgetinit filenamesrv_timeoutsgetinit EOPsseot justoneDid you say RECEIVE instead of GET?Unknown GET Parametersgetinit unknown parameterUnimplemented server functionUnknown errorI srv_loginsgetinit unquoted filenameckcpro.w justone at E pktsgetinitREMOTE CD disabledsgetinit pipesendsgetinit ACan't change directoryProtocol errorsgetinit Bckcpro.w E tmpdir restoredREMOTE TYPE disabledsgetinit O-Packet TBCUnexpected packet typesgetinit O-Packet done - havefsGET without filenamesgetinit winlorcv_firstdataCan't open fileREMOTE CD disabledREMOTE DIRECTORY disabledrcv_firsdata mailAccess deniedError writing dataNo files matchCan't list directoryREMOTE DELETE disabledrcv_shortreplyAccess deniedIPKTZEROHACKIt's a directoryCan't open filercv_shortreply remfileFile not foundDELETE failedError writing dataFINISH disabledEXIT disabledrcv_shortreply fallthruBYE disabledREMOTE QUERY disabledCan't get valueValue too longC-Kermit BYE - Loggin out...Can't send valueREMOTE ASSIGN disabledCan't send helpsrv_renameREMOTE ASSIGN failedsrv_copyBadly formed server commandREMOTE SET disabledREMOTE COPY disabledUnknown REMOTE SET parameterREMOTE TYPE disabledAccess deniedAccess deniedCan't copy fileCan't type fileREMOTE MKDIR disabledREMOTE RENAME disabledDirectory access restrictedAccess deniedCan't rename fileDirectory creation failureRESUMEREMOTE RMDIR disabledserver=1REMOTE LOGIN x_loginRESUMEDirectory access restrictedserver=0REMOTE LOGIN x_loggedAlready logged in.REMOTE LOGOUTDirectory removal failureLogged outREMOTE SPACE disabledLogged outREMOTE LOGIN lenAccess deniedUsername too longREMOTE LOGIN 1Can't check spaceREMOTE LOGIN 3REMOTE WHO disabledREMOTE LOGIN 4Can't do who commandLogged insrv_queryLogged in as guest - restrictions applyLogged inLogin failedAccess denied.Logout ignoredLogin ignored.QUIT disabledLogout ignored.SERVER (generic) GOT UNEXPECTED 'q'Unimplemented REMOTE command SERVER IDLE TIMEOUT: %d sec QUIT disabledY rcv_shortreplySERVER (top) GOT UNEXPECTED 'q'F winlo 1Login requiredSEND disabledF winlo 2receive download dircmcvtdate dotime daycmkey: cmswitchgtword echofcmcvtdate dotime monthcmcvtdate dotime year?Default too long gtword askflagcmcvtdate dotime scmkey table lengthcmcvtdate dotime pCommand package 8.0.150, 8 Dec 2001gtword timelimitMonth out of rangecmkey cmflgscmnum 1st chknum okcmcvtdategtword cmdadlDay out of rangecmkey cccmcvtdatecmnum xxesc ok%04d%02d%02dcmkey gtword xc?Saved word too long Invalid timecmkey gtword zzcmnum zp 1gtword ungw return atmbufcmcvtdatecmnum zp 2%s%s%02dCommand or field too long gtword cToo many time digits?Default too long cmnum 2nd chknum okcmcvtdatecmkey atxbuf after *fToo many time fieldsEvaluated keyword too long cmnum xxesc 2 okcmcvtdate?Not a switch - %s Improper fractioncmkey token:cmcvtdategtword EOFInvalid time characterscmnum exp eval okcmcvtdatecmkey lookup?Field too long error 1 cmkey zzgtword too long #1?Field too long error 1 cmkey cmflgsgtword too long #1gtword iscontdcmkey crflagcmcvtdate timezoneOutput filegtword too long #2cmcvtdate timezone alpha?Ambiguous - %s ?Field too long error 2 Unknown timezone?No keywords match - %s cmofi cmfld returnsgtword too long ?cmcvtdatecmkey Esc cccmofi 1.5?Too long cmcvtdate timezone GMT offsetgtword too long Esccmcvtdate GMT offset signcmofi 2?Too long cmcvtdate GMT offset d?Default too long cmkey: default?Name too long cmcvtdate after timezonecmkey Esc pmsgcmofi 3?Command too long, maximum length: %d. Invalid delta timeEvaluated keyword too long ?Wildcards not allowed - %s cmcvtdatecmkey lookup ycmofi 4Invalid units in delta timecmkey lookup zcmcvtdatecmkey partial zcmofi 5: is directorycmcvtdate NEED_HRScmkey partial n/dev/tty?Command buffer overflow Extraneous material at endcmkey partial jcmcvtdatecmofi 6: failurecmkey partial k?Write permission denied - %s Invalid hourscmkey partial lencmofi 7: okcmcvtdatecmdgetc()Invalid minutes?No keywords match - "%s" cmcvtdatecmkey flgsInvalid secondscmcvtdate?No keywords match - %s Invalid minutes or secondscmcvtdategtword CR telnet errorcmcvtdate yearcmkey: addbufcmcvtdate month?Evaluated keyword too long cmcvtdate nday No keywords match cmkey token:cmcvtdate hh One of the following: %s, one of the following: cmcvtdate mmcmcvtdate ssor a macro name ("do ?" for a list) cmcvtdate gmtsignor the token %c or one of the tokens: %s cmcvtdate zhh8 @ H P X ` l t |     %d - Unexpected return code from gtword cmifi dcmcvtdate zmmcmkey gtword zzcmifi nzxoptscmcvtdate isgmtcmifi2 pathcmcvtdate NEW hh?Default name too long cmcvtdate NEW mm t|    cmifi gtwordcmcvtdate NEW ddcmifi switch xmonths%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dcmcvtdate GMT 1?Timed out  }} @~x~     X |  %s %02d:%02d:%02dCommand or field too long cmcvtdate GMT 2cmifi brstripaugustcmifi chkvardecemberTABLE OUT OF ORDER [%s] [%s] cmcvtdate asctime zlocaltime  ~~Expanded name too long februarylookupcmcvtdate GMT 3cmifi tilde_expandjanuarycmcvtdate hour?cmifi: malloc error tomorrowcmifi svcmcvtdate minuteyesterdaycmifi itsadircmcvtdate secondd PnovemberFridaycmifi nzxopts 2octobercmcvtdate base Mondayseptembercmcvtdate delta signSaturdaySundaycmifi y itsadircmcvtdate delta yrs Thursdaycmifi *xp pre-zxpandTuesdaycmifi y nzxpandcmcvtdate delta mos Wednesdaycmifi y atmbuf< H P \ h p x     cmifi diractive catch-all zxpandcmcvtdate delta dayscmifi sv wild?Wildcard matches more than one directory cmcvtdate delta hrs cmcvtdate delta minscmcvtdate delta secscmifip add pathcmcvtdate?No %s match - %s directoriescmcvtdate result?Too many %s match - %s directories[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [A-Z][a-z][a-z] [ 0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] Tt_-:cmifi sv not wild[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [A-Z][a-z][a-z] [ 0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z] [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]Command? cmifi nfiles?Not a directory - %s cmdiffdate d1 A?Read permission denied cmdiffdate d2 Acmdelta yy?Read permission denied - %s cmdiffdate d1 B?File not readable - %s cmdiffdate d2 Bcmdelta mo?File not found - %s cmdiffdate jd1cmifi esc, xccmdelta ddcmdiffdate f1cmdelta hhDefault name too long cmdiffdate jd2cmdelta mmcmifi tilde_expand Acmdiffdate f2cmdelta sscmifi tilde_expand Bcmdiffdate sign jdExpanded name too long cmdelta sincmifi tilde_expand xccmdiffdate fxcmdelta dyycmdelta dmo%d:%02d%d:%02d:%02dcmdelta ddd%ldd%d:%02dcmifi nzxpand%ldd%d:%02d:%02dcmdelta dhhcmifi filbufcmdiffdate resultcmifi *xpcmdelta dmm?No %s match - %s directoriescmdelta dss?Too many %s match - %s %04d-%s-%02d%sBase year out of rangedirectories%02d-%s-%04d%scmdeltaBase month out of rangecmifi partialcmdeltacmifi childrenBase day out of rangecmdeltacmifi REPAINT filbufBase hour out of rangecmifi REPAINT cccmdeltaBase minute out of rangecmifi REPAINT xcDate and/or timecmdeltaBase second out of rangecmifi REPAINT bp-cccmdate cmfld rccmdeltacmifi REPAINT bp-xcResult year out of rangecmdate 1cmdeltacmifi erase okcmdate 2?Evaluated date too long %04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dcmifi partial cmdbuf?Partial name too long cmdelta mjdcmifi partial atmbuf%s %02d:%02d:%02dcmifi unique?Directory name too long cmifi directory atmbufcmifi after erase sp=?Completed name too long CMD(P)?Not a directory - %s ?Command history error Directory name Input file specificationcmifi ? *xp, cccmifi ? wildcmcvtdatecmifi matchdotDate-time string too longcmcvtdate?No %s match - %s %s%s%s directories?Too many %s match - %s cmcvtdate asctimedirectoriescmcvtdate asctime+timezonecmcfm: cmflgsInvalid month, one of the following: cmcvtdate?Memory allocation failure cmcfm: atmbufcmcvtdate asctime month?Name too long - %s Command or field too long cmcvtdate asctime ok?Not confirmed - %s ?Not confirmed - %s cmcvtdate dowcmfld xdef 1 Press the Return or Enter key to confirm the command cmcvtdate dow new p%s%s%s Unrecognized day of weekcmcvtdatecmfld xdef 2cmcvtdate dowcmfld atmbuf 1 00:00:00?Default too long cmcvtdate A not timecmfld atmbuf 2cmfld gtwordTtYyNncmfld xcmfdb in->fcodecmcvtdate mjdCommand or field too long cmfdb cmnum 00:00:00cmfld 1?Default too long cmfdb cmoficmfld 2cmcvtdate NORMALValue too long cmfdb cmifi2 xcmcvtdate NORMAL X1cmfld 3cmcvtdate NORMAL X2?Default too long cmfdb cmifi2 ncmcvtdate NORMAL X3cmfld returnscmcvtdate NORMAL Acmfdb cmfld Tt_-:?Default too long Numeric date too longcmfld QUESTIONMARKcmfdb cmtxtInvalid date-time separator Please complete this fieldprompt sxcmcvtdatecmfdb cmkeycmcvtdate NORMAL non-yyyymmddprompt sycmfld gtword A xcmfdb cmcfmInconsistent date separatorscmfld gtword B xcmcvtdatecmfdb - unexpected function codeToo few fields in dateMisplaced time separator?cmfdb - unexpected function code: %d cmcvtdatecmfdb xpushcmd savbufProblem supplying current datecmtxt cmflgscmfdb cmflgscmcvtdateToo few fields in datepushqcmd savbufcmfdb crflagcmcvtdatecmcvtdate fld?Timed out cmfdb qmflagUnrecognized word in date?Timed out Invalid date-time separatorCommand or field too long cmfdb esflagToo many non-numeric fields in datecmtxt calling (*f)fatal error: unable to allocate command bufferscmcvtdatecmtxt (*f)cmini dpxcmfdb out->nresultNon-digit in third date fieldcmfdb failure xcmcvtdateUnknown monthcmtxt: addbufcmfdb failure errbitscmcvtdate Text stringDoes not match filename or switchDay not numeric&cmpush to depthDoes not match filename or keywordcmcvtdate?Unexpected return code from gtword() - %d Not a number or valid keywordDay or month out of rangecmpush: no memory for cmpNot a number or valid switchDay and month are ambiguousNot valid in this positioncmcvtdate?%s: "%s" Too few digits in year&cmpop called from top levelcmcvtdateungword cmflgsAmbiguous numeric date&cmpop to depthcmcvtdateToo many digits in yearunungw atmbufcmcvtdateUnexpected date formatcmcvtdategtword brkgtword cmfldflgsUnknown date-time word?Keyword table missing cmnum: illegal radix - %d cmcvtdatecmkey: pmsggtword swargcmcvtdate dotime yyyymmddcmnum: cmfldInternal error - date not defaultedcmkey: cmflgsgtword dpxcmcvtdate\f%s(s1,s2) s1 = string to look in. s2 = string of characters to look for, default = blanks and tabs. Choices:SET TELNET DEBUG { ON, OFF } on your screen.Like GOTO, but searches only forward for the label. See GOTO.Syntax: FILE [ switches ] [ ] The definition string is fully evaluated before it is assigned, so that Default is no GET-PATH, so C-Kermit looks only in its current directory. Sends the file to be printed, with optional options for the printer. Kermit packets, to help with protocol problems. The default filename isIf that fails too, try ROBUST. You can also change the definitions of each Set this to ON to display telnet negotiations as they are sent andDeclares a variable to be local to the current macro or command file. Opens, closes, reads, writes, and manages local files. the values of any variables are contained are used, rather than theirSET DIAL TOLL-FREE-PREFIX [ ]SET MODEM COMPRESSION { ON, OFF } packet.log in current directory.macro with the DEFINE command. To see the current definitions, type ԩ\4Դ 04L$X|@` T 0d \ x%T),03x7\: =BE L PS,WZ Lb0 gD 0mpl v {d~p X$, SET TRANSFER BELL { OFF, ON } received.SET TERMINAL DEBUG { ON, OFF }View the terminal emulation screen even when there is no connection.|$Xpx @| D  names. Compare with DEFINE. To illustrate the difference, try this:SET SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT seconds You toll-free dialing prefix, in case it is different from your long- Enables/disables the modem's data compression feature, if any./PROTOCOL:name"show macro fast", "show macro cautious", or "show macro robust". If listing, pause after each screenful.Syntax: (operation operand [ operand [ ... ] ])pܦ \ Returns string: s1 with all characters that are also in s2 trimmed from the %s. . Whether to ring the terminal bell at the end of a file transfer. Turns terminal session debugging on and off. When ON, incoming controlSynonym for SET FILE TYPE TEXT.The FILE commands are:TELOPT { AO, AYT, BREAK, CANCEL, EC, EL, EOF, EOR, GA, IP, DMARK, NOP, SE, Idle time limit while in server mode, 0 for no limit. distance dialing prefix. Uses the given protocol to send the file (Kermit, Zmodem, etc) for thisSESSIONSyntax: TAKE filename [ arguments ]SET TELNET DELAY-SB { ON, OFF } characters are displayed symbolically, rather than be taken as formattingSynonym for SET FILE TYPE BINARY. SUSP, SB [ option ], DO [ option ], DONT [ option ], DEFINE \%a hello NOTE: SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT and SERVER TIMEOUT are mutually exclusive.SET MODEM DIAL-COMMAND transfer without changing global protocol. Records your CONNECT session (default: session.log in current directory).DԱp < 8L 8 < 8l 4     ,"$$ D,/L $79 XB8E,I  PPS dZ<^0b, gj\ tps  4{@~    | \< P|x T /NOPAGE C-Kermit includes a simple LISP-like S-Expression parser operating on Tells Kermit to execute commands from the named file. Optional argumentSET TRANSFER CANCELLATION { OFF, ON [ [ ] ] } When ON, telnet subnegotiation responses are delayed until after all commands. SET TERMINAL DEBUG ON implies SET TELNET DEBUG ON.Just like GET but asks the server to delete each file that has been sent successfully. FILE OPEN (or FOPEN) -- Open a local file. WILL [ option ], WONT [option] } DEFINE \%x \%aSET DIAL INTL-PREFIX The text replaces Kermit's built-in modem dialing command. It mustSyntax: PURGE [ switches ] [ filespec ] Don't pause after each screenful. numbers only. An S-Expression is always enclosed in parentheses. The words, are automatically assigned to the macro argument variables \%1\fcapitalize(s1) s1 = string. OFF disables remote-mode packet-mode cancellation from the keyboard. authentication and encryption options are either successfully negotiatedEquivalent to SET PARITY NONE, SET COMMAND BYTE 8, SET TERMINAL BYTE 8. FILE CLOSE (or FCLOSE) -- Close an open file. This command lets you send all the Telnet protocol commands. Note that ASSIGN \%y \%aSET SERVER KEEPALIVE {ON,OFF} Your international dialing prefix, to be used with portable dialing include '%s' (percent s) as a place-holder for the telephone numbers/AFTER:date-timeTRANSACTIONS Deletes backup files; that is, files whose names end in ".~n~", where parentheses can contain (a) a number, (b) a variable, (c) a function that through \%9. Kermit command files may themselves contain TAKE commands,Returns string: s1 with its first letter converted to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase. ON enables it. The optional is the control character to use for or refused. This ensures that private data is protected. When OFF, telnetSET TERMINAL ECHO { LOCAL, REMOTE }Syntax: EDIT [ ] Starts your preferred editor on the given file, or if none given, the most recently edited file, if any. Also see SET EDITOR. FILE READ (or FREAD) -- Read data from an open file. certain commands do not require a response, and therefore can be used as DEFINE \%a goodbye Tells whether C-Kermit should send "keepalive" packets while executing directory entries that result in international calls. given in your DIAL commands. Specifies that only those files modified after the given date-time are Names and statistics about files transferred (default: transact.log in n is a number. PURGE by itself deletes all backup files in the current returns a number, or (d) an operator followed by one or more operands. up to any reasonable depth of nesting.Synonym: \fcaps(s1) cancellation; the optional is how many consecutive occurrences subnegotiation responses are sent immediately. The default is ON. Specifies which side does the echoing during terminal connection.Syntax: BROWSE [ ] Starts your preferred Web browser on the given URL, or if none given, the most recently visited URL, if any. Also see SET BROWSER. FILE WRITE (or FWRITE) -- Write data to an open file. nondestructive "probes" to see if the Telnet session is still open; ECHO \%x \%y REMOTE HOST commands, which is useful in case the command takes a long to be sent. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. current directory; see HELP SET TRANSACTION-LOG for transaction-log format directory. Switches: Interactively ask permission to delete each file. Reply Yes or OK to Operands can be any of (a) through (c) or an S-Expression. Numbers can be\ftod2secs(s1) s1 = time-of-day string, hh:mm:ss, 24-hour format. of the given control character are required for cancellation.Syntax: CSEND [ switches ] [ ] Sends from the given rather than from a file. Equivalent to SEND /COMMAND; see HELP SEND for details. FILE LIST (or FLIST) -- List open files. e.g.: time to produce any output and therefore might cause the operation to timeSET DIAL INTL-SUFFIX SET MODEM ERROR-CORRECTION { ON, OFF } options.) delete it, No not to delete it, Quit to cancel the DELETE command, and integers or floating-point. Any operand that is not a number and does not ||l @ d, (   D,"%),@ `3\ : B Returns number: Seconds since midnight. SET TELNET ECHO { LOCAL, REMOTE }SET TERMINAL ESCAPE-CHARACTER { ENABLED, DISABLED }Syntax: CRECEIVE [ switches ] Receives to the given rather than to a file. Equivalent to RECEIVE /COMMAND; see HELP RECEIVE for details. FILE STATUS (or FSTATUS) -- Show status of a channel. This prints 'goodbye hello'. out. ON by default; turn it OFF if it causes trouble with the client or International dialing suffix, if any, to be used with portable dialing Enables/disables the modem's error-correction feature, if any./BEFORE:date-time/AFTER:date-time Go to go ahead and delete all the rest of the files without asking. start with backslash (\) is treated as a Kermit macro name. Operators:Firewall Traversal in C-Kermit\fpathname(f1) f1 = filename, possibly wild. SET TRANSFER INTERRUPTION { ON, OFF } Kermit's initial echoing state for TELNET connections, LOCAL by default. Turns on/off the ability to escape back from CONNECT mode using the SETSyntax: CGET Equivalent to GET /COMMAND; see HELP GET for details. FILE REWIND (or FREWIND) -- Rewind an open file set host xyzcorp.com slows down the server too much. directory entries that result in international calls. Specifies that only those files modified before the given date-timeIf you include the APPEND keyword after the filename, the existing log file, Specifies that only those files modified after the given date-time areReturns string: Full pathname of f1. TRANSFER INTERRUPTION is normally ON, allowing for interruption of a file After the connection is made, TELNET negotiations determine the echoing. ESCAPE character. If you disable it, Kermit returns to its prompt only FILE COUNT (or FCOUNT) -- Count lines or bytes in an open file ...  SET MODEM ESCAPE-CHARACTER number are to be sent.if any, is appended to; otherwise a new file is created (except APPEND is to be purged. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats./NOASK Operator Action Example ValueThe simplist form of firewall traversal is the HTTP CONNECT command. The\fchecksum(s1) s1 = string. transfer in progress by typing certain characters while the file-transfer when the connection is closed by the other end. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION.Name of function FILE SEEK (or FSEEK) -- Seek to specified spot in an open file. telopt nopSyntax: DECREMENT variablename [ number ]SET SERVER LOGIN [ username [ password [ account ] ] ]SET DIAL PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX Numeric ASCII value of modem's escape character, e.g. 43 for '+'.the default for the connection log). Use CLOSE to stop logging. Delete files without asking permission. EVAL (.) Returns the contained value (6) 6CONNECT command was implemented to allow a public web server which usuallyReturns integer: 16-bit checksum of string s1. display is active. SET TRANSFER INTERRUPTION OFF disables interruptionSET TELNET ENVIRONMENT { variable-name [ value ] } Also see HELP SET ESCAPE. FILE FLUSH (or FFLUSH) -- Flush output buffers for an open file. telopt nop Decrement (subtract one from) the value of a variable if the current value Sets up a username and optional password which must be supplied before Use this to tell Kermit how to get an outside line when dialing from a For Hayes-compatible modems, Kermit uses three copies, e.g. "+++"./NOT-AFTER:date-time/BEFORE:date-time QUOTE (') Inhibits evaluation of following value (quote a) aresides on the boundary between the public and private networks to forward\fcrc16(s1) s1 = string. of file transfer from the keyboard in local mode. This feature lets Kermit send the values of certain environment variables if fail stop 1 Connection lost is numeric. If the number argument is given, subtract that number the server will respond to any commands other than REMOTE LOGIN. The Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Specifies that only those files modified at or before the given date-timeNote: The filename can also be a pipe, e.g.: Specifies that only those files modified before the given date-time/SIMULATE SETQ Assigns a value to a global variable (setq a 2) 2HTTP requests from clients on the private network to public web sites. ToReturns integer: 16-bit cyclic redundancy check of string s1. to the other computer if it asks for them. The variable-name can be anySET TERMINAL HEIGHT Type HELP FILE OPEN or HELP FOPEN for details about FILE OPEN; instead. account is ignored. If you enter SET SERVER LOGIN by itself, then loginSET MODEM FLOW-CONTROL {AUTO, NONE, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF} are to be sent. are to be purged. Preview files selected for deletion without actually deleting them. LET Assigns a value to a local variable (let b -1.3) -1.3allow secure web connections, the HTTP CONNECT command authenticates the\fbasename(f1) f1 = filename, possibly wild. SET TRANSFER CRC-CALCULATION { OFF, ON } of the "well-known" variables "USER", "JOB", "ACCT", "PRINTER", Tells C-Kermit how many rows (lines) are on your CONNECT-mode screen.?No such function - "%s" type HELP FILE CLOSE or HELP FCLOSE for details about FILE CLOSE, and so on. TELOPT NOP is sent twice because the failure of the connection will not is no longer required. Only one SET SERVER LOGIN command can be in effectSET DIAL PBX-EXCHANGE [ [ ... ] ] Selects the type of local flow control to be used by the modem. log transactions |lpr Implies /LIST. + Adds all operands (1 or more) (+ a b) 0.7client with a username/password and then establishes a tunnel to theReturns string: Filename f1 stripped of all device and directory information. Tells whether Kermit should accumulate a Cyclic Redundancy Check for "SYSTEMTYPE", or "DISPLAY". Some Telnet servers, if given a USER be detected until the second send is attempted. This command is meantExamples: DECR \%a, DECR \%a 7, DECR \%a \%n at a time; C-Kermit does not support multiple user/password pairs. If PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX is set, then you can use this command to tell Kermit/NOT-BEFORE:date-time log debug {| grep "^TELNET" > debug.log}/NOT-AFTER:date-time - Subtracts all operands (1 or more) (- 9 5 2 1) 1desired host.\fcommand(s1) s1 = string each file transfer. Normally ON, in which case the CRC value is available value in this way, will accept it and therefore not prompt you for userSET TERMINAL IDLE-TIMEOUT Syntax: KERMIT [command-line-options] Lets you give command-line options at the prompt or in a script. HELP OPTIONS for more info.The following variables are related to the FILE command: primarily as a debugging tool for the expert user. the leading digits of one or more local phone numbers that identify it asSET MODEM HANGUP-METHOD { MODEM-COMMAND, RS232-SIGNAL, DTR } Specifies that only those files modified at or after the given date-time Specifies that only those files modified at or before the given date-timeUse SET OPTIONS DELETE to make selected switches effective for every DELETE * Multiplies all operands (1 or more) (* a (+ b 1) 3) -1.8Returns string: Output of system command s1, if any, with final line terminator stripped. in the \v(crc16) variable after the transfer. Adds some overhead. Use name when you log in. The default values are taken from your environment; Sets the limit on idle time in CONNECT mode to the given number ofSyntax: BACK Returns to your previous directory.h( H SET SERVER TIMEOUT n being on your PBX, so it can make an internal call by deleting those digits How hangup operations should be done. MODEM-COMMAND means try to are to be sent.Braces are required if the pipeline or filename contains spaces. are to be purged.command unless you override them; use SHOW OPTIONS to see selections currently / Divides all operands (1 or more) (/ b a 2) -0.325Web servers that support the CONNECT command can be configured to allow\frawcommand(s1) s1 = string SET TRANSFER CRC OFF to disable. use this command to change or remove them. See RFC1572 for details. seconds. 0 (the default) means no limit.Syntax: WHERE Tells where your transferred files went. \v(f_max) -- Maximum number of files that can be open at onceSyntax: INCREMENT variablename [ number ] Server command wait timeout interval, how often the C-Kermit server issues from the phone number. escape back to the modem's command processor and give a modem-specificin effect. Also see HELP PURGE, HELP WILDCARD. ^ Raise given number to given power (^ 3 2) 9outbound connections for authenticated users to any TCP/IP hostname-portReturns string: Output of system command s1, if any. Syntax: PIPE [ command ] Makes a connection through the program whose command line is given. Example: pipe rlogin xyzcorp.com \v(f_error) -- Completion code of most recent FILE command or function Increment (add one to) the value of a variable if the current value is a NAK while waiting for a command packet. Specify 0 for no NAKs at all. hangup command. RS232-SIGNAL means turn off the DTR signal. DTR is a/LARGER-THAN:numberTt` H@  @  L p! (+CG MO0RU \`c8 ti@l0or wy|  0|0  (l  Ȳ| ,h<( XT hT  numeric. If the number argument is given, add that number instead. Default is 0.SET DIAL PBX-INTERNAL-PREFIX synonym for RS232-SIGNAL. Specifies that only those files longer than the given number of bytes areSyntax: SCRIPT text Specifies that only those files modified at or after the given date-timeH  ( ( 8",%)P,/2070: `BE|ItLN lSVlZt^ ,egj m` su@x|{ @$ ( $P | , ȶȹ Ⱦ t$ `L @d$  < X  -- Decrements a variable (-- a) 1with TCP-based protocols. Protocols such as Kerberos authentication thatReturns string: s1 up to the rightmost occurrence of character c1. Selects the character set used to represent textual data in Kermit Location string to send to the Telnet server if it asks. By default this Specifies the action to be taken when a CONNECT session is idle for theSyntax: ASSERT Succeeds or fails depending on ; see HELP IF for s.Syntax: ARRAY verb operands... If PBX-EXCHANGE is set, and Kermit determines from it that a call is to be sent. A limited and cryptic "login assistant", carried over from old C-Kermit are to be purged.Syntax: ABS Absolute value of 1 operand (abs (* a b 3)) 7.8use UDP/IP cannot be tunneled using HTTP CONNECT.\flop(s1,c1) s1 = string to look in. c1 = character to look for, default = ".". packets. Text characters are translated to/from the FILE CHARACTER-SET. is picked up from the LOCATION environment variable. Give this command number of seconds given by SET TERMINAL IDLE-TIMEOUT. The default actionAlways fails.The following functions are related to the FILE command:Examples: INCR \%a, INCR \%a 7, INCR \%a \%n| 8  internal, then this prefix, if any, is added to the number prior toSET MODEM KERMIT-SPOOF {ON, OFF} releases for comptability, but not recommended for use. Instead, pleaseHTTP [ ] OPEN MAX Maximum of all operands (1 or more) (max 1 2 3 4) 4Returns string: The part of s1 after the leftmost occurrence of character c1. Choices: with no text to disable this feature. is to RETURN to command mode. EXIT exits from Kermit; HANGUP hangs up theAlways succeeds.Declares arrays and performs various operations on them. Arrays haveThe REMOTE command sends file management instructions or other commands dialing. Use this if internal calls from your PBX require a special prefix. If the selected modem type supports the Kermit protocol directly,/SMALLER-THAN:number use the full script programming language described in chapters 17-19 of/LARGER-THAN:number Instructs Kermit to open a new connection for HTTP communication with MIN Minimum of all operands (1 or more) (min 1 2 3 4) 1SET TCP HTTP-PROXY [[:]]\fstripn(s1,n1) s1 = string to look in. n1 = integer, default = 0. connection, and OUTPUT sends the given text to the host without leavingCloses all open files and logs. \F_eof() -- Check if channel is at EOFthe following syntax:Xtp( to a Kermit server. There should already be a Kermit running in server use this command to turn its Kermit protocol function on or off. Specifies that only those files smaller than the given number of bytes are "Using C-Kermit". Specifies that only those files longer than the given number of bytes are the specified host on the specified port. The default port is "http". MOD Modulus of all operands (1 or more) (mod 7 4 2) 1 If a hostname or ip-address is specified, Kermit uses the givenReturns string: s1 with n1 characters removed from the right. TRANSPARENT (no translation, the default)SET TELNET NEWLINE-MODE { NVT, BINARY-MODE } { OFF, ON, RAW } CONNECT mode; if no text is given a NUL (0) character is sent.Syntax: SHIFT [ n ] Shifts \%1..9 variables n places to the left; default n = 1. \F_pos() -- Get channel read/write position (byte number)Syntax: SET PRINTER [ { |command, filename } ]mode on the other end of the currently selected line. Type REMOTE ? tot p$  $T L!8$'+< 2d5T9t  to be sent. to be purged. If are specified, they are applied to all subsequent HTTP TRUNCATE Integer part of floating-point operand (truncate 1.333) 1 proxy server when attempting outgoing TCP connections. If no hostnamer\fstripb(s1[,c1[,c2]]) s1 = original string. c1 = optional first character ASCII Determines how carriage returns are handled on TELNET connections. ThereSyntax: MANUAL [ topic ] Runs the "man" command on the given topic (default "kermit"). \F_line() -- Get channel read/write position (line number) \&a[n] Specifies the command (such as "|lpr") or filename to be used by thesee a list of available remote commands. Type HELP REMOTE x to getSyntax: SET FLOW [ switch ] valueSET MODEM MAXIMUM-SPEED Login to a remote system using the text provided. The login script actions (GET, PUT, ...) until an HTTP CLOSE command is executed. CEILING Ceiling of floating-point operand (ceiling 1.25) 2 or ip-address is specified, any previously specified Proxy server is c2 = optional final character. LATIN1 (ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1) are separate settings for NVT (ASCII) mode and binary mode. ON (defaultAnd for Telnet connections:RASG and RASSIGN are short forms of REMOTE ASSIGN. \F_handle() -- Get file handle PRINT command. If a filename is given, each PRINT command appends to thefurther information about a particular remote command 'x'. Specify the maximum interface speed for the modem./EXCEPT:pattern is intended to operate similarly to UNIX uucp "L.sys" entries./SMALLER-THAN:number A URL can be included in place of the hostname and service or port. FLOOR Floor of floating-point operand (floor 1.25) 1 removed. If no port number is specified, the "http" service is used.Returns string: s1 with the indicated enclosing characters removed. If c1 and c2 not specified, any matching brackets, braces, parentheses, or quotes are LATIN2 (ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet 2) for NVT mode) means CRLF represents CR. OFF means CR followed by NULRCD and RCWD are short forms of REMOTE CD. \F_status() -- Get channel statuswhere "a" is a letter and n is a number or a variable with a numeric value given file. If the SET PRINTER argument contains spaces, it must be Selects the type of flow control to use during file transfer, terminal Specifies that any files whose names match the pattern, which can be a A login script is a sequence of the form: Specifies that only those files smaller than the given number of bytes are ROUND Operand rounded to nearest integer (round 1.75) 2 assumed. If c1 is given but not c2, the appropriate c2 is assumed. if both c1 and c2 are given, they are used as-is. LATIN9 (ISO 8859-15 Latin Alphabet 9) represents CR. RAW (default for BINARY mode) means CR stands for itself.SET TERMINAL IDLE-ACTION { TELNET-NOP, TELNET-AYT }RCOPY is a short form of REMOTE COPY. \F_getchar() -- Read characteror an arithmetic expression. The value of an array element can be anything enclosed in braces, e.g. "set printer {| lpr -Plaser}". If the argumentAll REMOTE commands except LOGIN and LOGOUT have R-command shortcuts; connection, and script execution.SET MODEM NAME regular filename, or may contain "*" and/or "?" metacharacters, to be purged.HTTP CLOSE SQRT Square root of 1 operand (sqrt 2) 1.414..FTP is one of the few well-known Internet services that requiresAlternative format: Include a grouping mask number in place of c1 and omit c2 to specify more than one possibility at once; see \fword() for details. CYRILLIC-ISO (ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic) Sends the indicated Telnet protocol message: No Operation (NOP) orRDELETE is a short form of REMOTE RELETE. \F_getline() -- Read lineat all -- a number, a character, a string, a filename, etc. is omitted the default value is restored. SHOW PRINTER lists the currentfor example, RDIR for REMOTE DIR, RCD for REMOTE CD, etc. Descriptive name for a USER-DEFINED modem. are not to be sent. To specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer expect send [expect send] . . . Instructs Kermit to close any open HTTP connection and clear any saved EXP e (2.71828..) to the given power (exp -1) 0.367..multiple connections. As described above, FTP originally required the\fn2hex(n1) - Number to hex n1 = integer. GREEK-ISO (ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek)SET TELNET PROMPT-FOR-USERID "Are You There?" (AYT).RDIRECTORY is a short form of REMOTE DIRECTORY. \F_getblock() -- Read block printer. See HELP PRINT for further info. Switches let you associate a particular kind of flow control with each braces around the group, and inner braces around each pattern:/EXCEPT:pattern switch values. SIN Sine of angle expressed in radians (sin (/ pi 2)) 1.0server to establish the data connection to the client using a destinationReturns string: The hexadecimal representation of n1. HEBREW-ISO (ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew) Specifies a custom prompt to be used when prompting for a userid. KermitREXIT is a short form of REMOTE EXIT. \F_putchar() -- Write characterThe following ARRAY verbs are available:   D! '+l.D P5p <>pD(HTKM PR$VXY,]da$ filoh tw\z}TȇX̓<884d t <H l$P,X h    < 8 P  kind of connection: /REMOTE, /MODEM, /DIRECT-SERIAL, /TCPIP, etc; typeSET MODEM SPEAKER {ON, OFF} where 'expect' is a prompt or message to be issued by the remote site, and Specifies that any files whose names match the pattern, which can be a COS Cosine of given number (cos pi) -1.0address and port provided by the client. This doesn't work with port\fn2octal(n1) - Number to octal n1 = integer. JAPANESE-EUC (JIS X 0208 Kanji + Roman and Katakana) prompts for a userid if the command:SET TERMINAL LOCKING-SHIFT { OFF, ON }RHELP is a short form of REMOTE HELP. \F_putline() -- Write lineh  #', L.1 5l `<h>$DG$K Syntax: IF [NOT] condition commandlist "set flow ?" for a list of available switches. Then whenever you make Turns the modem's speaker on or off during dialing. /EXCEPT:{{pattern1}{pattern2}...} 'send' is the names, numbers, etc, to return. The send may also be the regular filename or may contain wildcards, are not to be purged. ToHTTP [ ] CONNECT [:] TAN Tangent of given number (tan pi) 0.0filtering firewalls.Returns string: The octal representation of n1. UCS-2 (ISO 10646 / Unicode 2-byte form) Tells Kermit whether to use Shift-In/Shift-Out (Ctrl-O and Ctrl-N) toRHOST is a short form of REMOTE HOST. \F_putblock() -- Write block[ ARRAY ] DECLARE arrayname[n] [ = initializers... ]Syntax: SET EXIT HANGUP { ON, OFF } a connection, the associated flow-control is chosen automatically. keyword EOT to send Control-D, or BREAK (or \\b) to send a break signal. specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer braces around the group Instructs the server to establish a connection with the specified host LOG Natural log (base e) of given number (log 2.7183) 1.000..\fdirectories(f1) - Directory list. f1 = directory specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign directory list to. UTF-8 (ISO 10646 / Unicode 8-bit serialized transformation format) SET LOGIN USERID {} switch between 7-bit and 8-bit characters during CONNECT. OFF by default.RKERMIT is a short form of REMOTE KERMIT. \F_errmsg() -- Error message from most recent FILE command or function Declares an array of the given size, n. The resulting array has n+1 When ON (which is the default), C-Kermit executes an implicit HANGUP andIf the condition is (is not) true, do the commandlist. The commandlist The flow-control values are NONE, KEEP, XON/XOFF, and possibly RTS/CTSSET MODEM SPEED-MATCHING {ON, OFF}/TYPE:{ALL,TEXT,BINARY} Letters in send may be prefixed by ~ to send special characters: and inner braces around each pattern: and to redirect all data transmitted between Kermit and the host for the LOG10 Log base 10 of given number (log10 1000) 3.0Later, FTP protocol added a "passive" mode, in which connections forReturns integer: The number of directories that match f1; use with \fnextfile(). RMKDIR is a short form of REMOTE MKDIR. elements, 0 through n. Array elements can be used just like any other CLOSE command on the communications device or connection when it exits.can be a single command, or a list of commands separated by commas and and some others; again, type "set flow ?" for a list. KEEP tells Kermit ON means that C-Kermit changes its serial interface speed to agree with Send only files of the given type (see SET FILE SCAN). life of the connection.the data channels are created in the reverse direction. Instead of the\frfiles(f1[,&a]) - Recursive file list. f1 = file specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign file list to. SET TRANSFER TRANSLATION { ON, OFF } has been issued prior to a Telnet authentication negotiation for anSET TERMINAL NEWLINE-MODE { OFF, ON }RPRINT is a short form of REMOTE PRINT.Type HELP for information about each one. variables. Initial values can be given for elements 1, 2, ... by When OFF, Kermit skips this sequence.enclosed in braces. The condition can be a single condition or a group of not to try to change the current flow-control method for the connection. the speed reported by the modem's CONNECT message, if any. OFF means ~b backspace, ~s space, ~q '?', ~n linefeed, ~r return, ~c don't /EXCEPT:{{pattern1}{pattern2}...}Predicate operators return 0 if false, 1 if true, and if it is the outermostserver establishing a connection to the client, the client makes a secondReturns integer: The number of files whose names match f1 in the current or given directory tree; use with \fnextfile(). Enables and disables file-transfer character-set translation. It's authentication type that requires the transmission of a name, such as Tells whether to send CRLF (Carriage Return and Line Feed) when you typeRPWD is a short form of REMOTE PWD. including = followed by one or more values separated by spaces. If youconditions separated by AND (&&) or OR (||) and enclosed in parentheses. Kermit should not change its interface speed./LISTFILE:filename append a return, and ~o[o[o]] for octal of a character. As with someHTTP [ ] GET [ ]operator, sets SUCCESS or FAILURE accordingly:connection with the server as the destination. This works just fine as\frdirectories(f1) - Recursive directory list. f1 = directory specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign directory list to. enabled by default. Secure Remote Password. CR (press the Return or Enter key) in CONNECT mode.QUERY and RQUERY are short forms of REMOTE QUERY.t#'X+-`1P d ; C`GJLMO UX|\` fPiL nq|  omit the size, the array is sized according to the number of initializers;Syntax: SET EXIT ON-DISCONNECT { ON, OFF }If parentheses are used they must be surrounded by spaces. Examples: If you omit the switch and simply supply a value, this value becomes the Specifies the name of a file that contains the list of names of files UUCP systems, sent strings are followed by ~r unless they end with ~c./DOTFILES Retrieves the named file on the currently open HTTP connection. Thelong as the client is behind the firewall and the server is in publicReturns integer: The number of directories that match f1 in the current or given directory tree. Use with \fnextfile(). RRENAME is a short form of REMOTE RENAME.Syntax: FILE OPEN [ switches ] if none are given the array is destroyed and undeclared if it already When ON, C-Kermit EXITs automatically when a network connection current flow control type, overriding any default value that might haveSET MODEM VOLUME {LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH} that are to be sent. The filenames should be listed one name per line Include (purge) files whose names begin with ".". default local filename is the same as the remote filename, but with any < Operands in strictly descending order (< 6 5 4 3 2 1) 1address space. If the server is behind a firewall then the traditional\fdirname(f) - Directory part of a filename. f = a file specification. SET TRANSFER DISPLAY { BRIEF, CRT, FULLSCREEN, NONE, SERIAL }SET TELNET REMOTE-ECHO { ON, OFF }SET TERMINAL PRINT { ON, OFF }RRMDIR is a short form of REMOTE RMDIR. Opens the file indicated by in the mode indicated by the existed. The ARRAY keyword is optional. Synonym: [ ARRAY ] DCL. is terminated either by the host or by issuing a HANGUP command. IF EXIST oofa.txt been chosen in your most recent SET LINE, SET PORT, or SET HOST, or other Selects the desired modem speaker volume for when the speaker is ON. in this file (but a name can contain wildcards). Only the last 7 characters in each expect are matched. A null expect, path stripped. If you want the file to be displayed on the screen instead <= Operands in descending order (<= 6 6 5 4 3 2) 1active mode must be used. If both the client and server are behind theirReturns directory name: The full name of the directory that the file is in, or if the file is a directory, its full name. Choose the desired format for the progress report to be displayed on Applies only to incoming connections created with: Enables and disables host-initiated transparent printing in CONNECT mode.RSET is a short form of REMOTE SET. switches, if any, or if no switches are included, in read-only mode, and IF ( EXIST oofa.txt || = \v(nday) 3 ) connection-establishment command. e.g. ~0 or two adjacent dashes, causes a short delay. If you expect/NODOTFILES of stored on disk, include the /TOSCREEN switch and omit the local != Operands are not equal (!= 1 1 1.0) 0own port filtering firewalls then data channels cannot be established.\frandom(n) - Random number. n = a positive integer. your screen during file transfers when Kermit is in local mode. SET HOST * /TELNETRSPACE is a short form of REMOTE SPACE. assigns a channel number for the file to the given variable.[ ARRAY ] UNDECLARE arraynameSyntax: SET EXIT STATUS number IF ( EXIST oofa.txt || = \v(nday) 3 ) { , , ... }SET MODEM COMMAND commands are used to override built-in modem commands forAlso see HELP RECEIVE, HELP GET, HELP SERVER, HELP REMOTE. that a sequence might not arrive, as with uucp, conditional sequences Skip (don't purge) files whose names begin with ".". filename. If you give a URL instead of a remote filename, this commands = (==) All operands are equal (= 3 3 3 3) 1Returns integer: A random number between 0 and n-1. FULLSCREEN requires your terminal type be set correctly; the others This command determines whether Kermit will actually echo charactersSET TERMINAL TRIGGER RTYPE is a short form of REMOTE TYPE. Synonym: FOPEN. Switches: Destroys and undeclares the given array. Synonym: ARRAY DESTROY. Set C-Kermit's program return code to the given number, which can be a Type SHOW FLOW-CONTROL to see the current defaults for each connection typeeach modem type, or to fill in commands for the USER-DEFINED modem type. may be expressed in the form: opens the connection, GETs the file, and closes the connection; the same > Operands in strictly ascending order (> 1 2 3 4 5 6) 1In Kermit's FTP client, passive mode is controlled with the command:\fsplit(s1,&a,s2,s3,n2,n3) - Assign string words to an array. s1 = source string &a = array designator s2 = optional break set. are independent of terminal type. received from the remote when it has negotiated to do so. The default Specifies a string that, when detected during any subsequent CONNECTRWHO is a short form of REMOTE WHO. constant, variable, function result, or arithmetic expression.The conditions are: as well as the current connection type and flow-control setting. SHOWOmitting the optional [ text ] restores the built-in modem-specific command,9<ADLHL DP VY] dgjX 8p sduw }ȅ\  8 ؠ4t  P4 t$ 8 l\  D@   D T l /RECURSIVE is true for the remaining HTTP commands for which you can specify a >= Operands in ascending order (> 1 1 2 3 4 5) 1 s3 = optional include set. is ON. Remote echoing may be turned off when it is necessary to read session, is to cause automatic return to command mode. Give this commandSyntax: EXEC [ [ [ ... ] ] C-Kermit overlays itself with the given system command and starts it with the given arguments. Upon any error, control returns to C-Kermit.ARRAY SHOW [ arrayname ] COMMUNICATIONS also shows the current flow-control setting.if any:Syntax: RECEIVE (or R) [ switches... ] [ as-name ] -send-expect[-send-expect[...]] Descends through the current or specified directory tree. remote filename, directory name, or path. AND (&&) Operands are all true (and 1 1 1 1 0) 0 SET FTP PASSIVE-MODE { ON, OFF } n2 = optional grouping mask. SET TRANSFER LOCKING-SHIFT { OFF, ON, FORCED } a password with the INPUT command. without a string to cancel the current trigger. See HELP CONNECT forSyntax: TRACE { /ON, /OFF } { ASSIGNMENTS, COMMAND-LEVEL, ALL } Turns tracing of the given object on or off. Open the file for reading. Displays the contents of the given array. A range specifier can beSyntax: SET EXIT WARNING { ON, OFF, ALWAYS } SUCCESS - The previous command succeeded Wait for a file to arrive from the other Kermit, which must be given a OR (||) At least one operand is true (or 1 1 1 1 0) 1 n3 = optional separator flag. Tell whether locking-shift protocol should be used during file transfer additional information. This command is not configured in this version of Kermit. included to display a segment of the array, e.g. "array show \&a[1:24]." When EXIT WARNING is ON, issue a warning message and ask for confirmation OK - Synonym for SUCCESSD KM RPVYp]adgiloru zX},8\  xL p D< ,PD|TlD    0!&T* 8037:> 0FI(M  U4YH](b ] HEAD [ ] XOR Logical Exclusive OR (xor 3 1) 0The default is ON, meaning to use passive mode. s2, s3, n2, n3 are as in \fword(). to achieve 8-bit transparency on a 7-bit connection. ON means to requestSET TELNET TERMINAL-TYPE nameSorry, help not available for "%s" /WRITE If the arrayname is omitted, all declared arrays are listed, but their before EXITing if a connection to another computer might still be open. FAILURE - The previous command failedSyntax: SET FILE parameter value Modem commands to turn autoanswer on and off. files are stored under that name, otherwise it will be stored under Retain the 'n' most recent (highest-numbered) backup files for each file. Like GET except without actually getting the file; instead it gets only NOT (!) Reverses truth value of operand (not 3) 0 All arguments are optional; if \&a[] already exists, it is recycled; if array not specified, the count is returned but no array is created. its use if PARITY is not NONE and to use it if the other Kermit agrees, The terminal type to send to the remote TELNET host. If none is given,SET TERMINAL WIDTH Open the file for writing. If /READ was not also specified, this creates contents is not shown. Synonym: SHOW ARRAY. When EXIT WARNING is ALWAYS, confirmation is always requested. When OFF ERROR - Synonym for FAILURE the name it arrives with. If the filespec denotes a directory, thePLDN`P VZ(^$bdgjmDppsux {~4ԋ0D$ḽ x  By default, none are kept. If /KEEP is given without a number, 1 is used. the headers, storing them into the given file (if a local filename isLN ] INDEX [ ] | Bitwise OR (| 1 2 3 4) 7 existing file. Items: [date-time], if given, is free-format date and/or time. Automatic (the default) means Kermit should automatically go into binary session can continue. This is especially true with options that requiretX0\_cPf@ ,lxnhqxtvhy ~ P܉ ܐ4dh  T  Ŀ ,p h  /APPEND than the whole array, e.g. "array clear \%a[22:38]"Example: PAUSE 3 or PAUSE 14:52:30 KERBANG - A Kerbang script is running How file contents are to be treated during file transfer in the absence Modem commands to turn error correction on and off./AS-NAME:text /PAGE Retrieves the file listing for the given server directory. # Bitwise Exclusive OR (# 3 1) 2 KEYMAP Saves the current key settings. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. file-transfer mode and use literal filenames if the other Kermit says it subnegotiations such as Authentication, Encryption, and Kermit; forSET HOST [ switches ] hostname-or-address [ service ] [ protocol-switch ] If the file does not exist, create a new file and open it for writing. Do nothing for the specified number of seconds or until the given time of ALARM - SET ALARM time has passed of any other indication. TYPE can be TEXT for conversion of record format Specifies "text" as the name to store the incoming file under. Pause at the end of each screenful even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING OFF./NOLIST NOTE: This command is not supported by most Web servers, and even when ~ Reverses all bits (~ 3) -4 COMMAND HISTORY Saves the current command recall (history) bufferReturns string: Standard-format date and time: yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss (numeric) has a compatible file system, e.g. UNIX-to-UNIX, but not UNIX-to-DOS. proper support of these options Kermit must wait for the negotiations to Establishes a connection to the specified network host on the currently If the file exists, open it for writing, but with the write pointerARRAY SET arrayname value day in 24-hour hh:mm:ss notation. If the time of day is earlier than the ASKTIMEOUT - The most recent ASK, ASKQ, GETC, or GETOK timed out and character set, which is usually needed when transferring text filesSET MODEM COMMAND HANGUP [ text ] You can also specify the as-name as a filename on the command line. Synonym: /MORE The PURGE command should operate silently (default). the server understand it, there is no stardard response format. If n1 is given: n1 = 1: yyyy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss (mmm = English 3-letter month abbreviation) n1 = 2: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss (ditto) Also, when sending files, Kermit should switch between binary and text complete. Of course, Kermit has no way of knowing whether a reply is selected network type. For TCP/IP connections, the default service isc4  iH nqx vy h@    dH \ܢT Hh4 lп4   positioned at the end. Sets all elements of the array to the given value. You may specify a current time, it is assumed to be tomorrow. If no argument given, one EMULATION - Succeeds if executed while in CONNECT mode between unlike platforms (such as UNIX and Windows), or BINARY for no Command that tells the modem to hang up the connection. /NOPAGE Synonyms: /NOLOG, /QUIET.Operators that work on truth values:xeDh8kxmpp ,vx{ ` H@Dp,@ p\ \fdoy([date-time]) - Day of Year. mode automatically per file based on the SET FILE BINARY-PATTERNS and SET delayed or not coming at all, and so will wait a minute or more for TELNET; specify a different TCP port number or service name to choose aSyntax: SET TRANSMIT parameter value range to set a segment of the array, e.g. "array set \%a[2:9] 0" second is used. The pause can be interrupted by typing any character on conversion if TRANSFER MODE is MANUAL, which is not the default. Use/BINARY Don't pause at the end of each screen even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING ON.HTTP [ ] POST [ /MIME-TYPE: ] Syntax: SCREEN { CLEAR, CLEOL, MOVE row column } Converts date and/or time to day-of-year (DOY) format. FILE TEXT-PATTERNS. required replies before continuing the session. If you know that Kermit's different service. The first set of switches can be:/BINARY the keyboard unless SLEEP CANCELLATION is OFF. If interrupted, PAUSE MS-KERMIT - Program is MS-DOS Kermit BINARY with TRANSFER MODE MANUAL for executable programs or binary data orSET MODEM COMMAND IGNORE-DIALTONE [ text ] Skips text-mode conversions unless the incoming file arrives with binary /HEAD:n/HEADING [ ] IF Conditional evaluation (if (1) 2 3) 2 Performs screen-formatting actions. Correct operation of these commands If no date/time given, returns current date. Telnet partner will not be sending the required replies, you can set thisControls the behavior of the TRANSMIT command (see HELP TRANSMIT): This option is ignored in UNIX.ARRAY RESIZE arrayname number fails, otherwise it succeeds. Synonym: SLEEP. C-KERMIT - Program is C-Kermit whenever you wish to duplicate the original contents of the file, byte for Command that tells the modem not to wait for dialtone before dialing. attribute Only type the first 'n' lines of the file. Print heading and summary information. Used to send a response as if it were sent from a form. The data to be depends on proper terminal setup on both ends of the connection -- mainly [date-time], if given, is free-format date and/or time. SET TRANSFER PIPES { ON, OFF } option of OFF to avoid the long timeouts. Or you can instruct Kermit to /NETWORK-TYPE:name Changes the size of the given array, which must already exist, to the K-95 - Program is Kermit 95 byte. In most modern Kermit programs, the file sender informs the receiver /TAIL:n posted must be read from a file.Operators can also be names of Kermit macros that return either numeric that the host terminal type is set to agree with the kind of terminal or HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. Enables/Disables automatic sending from / reception to command pipes when REFUSE specific options with the SET TELOPT command. Makes the connection on the given type of network. Equivalent to SETSET TRANSMIT ECHO { ON, OFF }Switches can be combined in an way that makes sense and is supported by the number given. If the number is smaller than the current size, the extradrt8wHz  GUI - Program runs in a GUI window of the file type automatically. However, when sending files from C-KermitSET MODEM COMMAND INIT-STRING [ text ]/COMMAND Only type the last 'n' lines of the file./NOHEADINGvalues or no value at all. the emulation you are viewing C-Kermit through.Returns numeric string: DOY: yyyyddd, where ddd is 1-based day number in year. the incoming filename starts with '!'. Also see CSEND, CRECEIVE. NETWORK TYPE name prior to SET HOST, except that the selected network Whether to echo text to your screen as it is being transmitted.underlying operating system. elements are discarded; if it is larger, new empty elements are added.Syntax: MSLEEP [ number ] to an ancient or non-Columbia Kermit implementation, you might need to set The 'text' is a replacement for C-Kermit's built-in initialization command Receives the file into the standard input of a command, rather than saving /MATCH:pattern Don't print heading and summary information.HTTP [ ] PUT [ /MIME-TYPE: ] \fdialconvert(phone-number) - Convert phone number. Type SHOW TELNET to see the current values of these parameters. type is used only for this connection. Type "set host /net:?" to seeExample: MSLEEP 500 AVAILABLE CRYPTO - Encryption is available the corresponding file type at the receiver as well. for the modem. it on disk. The /AS-NAME or the "filename" on the RECEIVE command line Only type lines that match the given pattern. HELP WILDCARDS for info [ ]Built-in constants are:SCREEN CLEAR Converts the given phone number for dialing according SET TRANSFER PROTOCOL { KERMIT, XMODEM, ... } a list. /NETWORK-TYPE:COMMAND means to make the connection through theSET TRANSMIT EOF texty|$ ARRAY COPY array1 array2 Do nothing for the specified number of milliseconds; if no number given, AVAILABLE KERBEROS4 - Kerberos 4 authentication is available is interpreted as the name of a command. info about patterns. /HEAD and /TAIL apply after /MATCH. Uploads the given local file to server file. If the remote filename is Moves the cursor to home position and clears the entire screen. to the prevailing dialing rules -- country code, area code, etc. Synonym for SET PROTOCOL (q.v.).l|~ $  ЕLD  given system command, such as "rlogin" or "cu". Text to send after end of file is reached, e.g. \4 for Ctrl-DSyntax: FILE CLOSE Copys array1 to array2. If array2 has not been declared, it is created 100 milliseconds. AVAILABLE KERBEROS5 - Kerberos 5 authentication is available When TRANSFER MODE is AUTOMATIC (as it is by default), various automaticSET MODEM COMMAND PREDIAL-INIT [ text ] /PREFIX:string When /LIST is in effect, pause at the end of each screenful, even if omitted, the local name is used, but with any path stripped. t True (1) Synonyms: CLS, CLEAR SCREEN.Returns string: The dial string that would be used if the same phone number had been given to the DIAL command. Syntax: SET MACRO parameter value Closes the file on the given channel if it was open. automatically. Range specifiers may be given on one or both arrays. AVAILABLE NTLM - NTLM authentication is available methods (depending on the platform) are used to determine whether a file A second INIT-STRING that is to be sent to the modem just prior to dialing./EXCEPT:pattern Print the given string at the beginning of each line. COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING is OFF. nil False (empty)\fdoy2date([doy[ time]]) - Day of Year to Date. SET TRANSFER SLOW-START { OFF, ON } Controls the behavior of macros. /CONNECTSET TRANSMIT FILL number Also see HELP FILE OPEN. Synonym: FCLOSE. AVAILABLE SRP - SRP authentication is available is transferred in text or binary mode; these methods (which might include Specifies that any files whose names match the pattern, which can be a /NUMBERHTTP [ ] DELETE pi The value of Pi (3.1415926...)SCREEN CLEOL Converts yyyymmm to yyyymmdd ON (the default) tells Kermit, when sending files, to gradually build up Enter CONNECT (terminal) mode automatically if the connection is successful. ASCII value of a character to insert into blank lines, 0 for none.ARRAY LINK array1 arra2| x$  AVAILABLE SSL - SSL/TLS authentication is available content scan (see SET FILE SCAN below), filename pattern matching (SET FILESET MODEM COMMAND HARDWARE-FLOW [ text ] regular filename, or may contain "*" and/or "?" metacharacters, Add line numbers (conflicts with /PREFIX)/NOPAGE Instructs the server to delete the specified filename. Clears from the current cursor position to the end of the line. If time included, it is converted to 24-hour format. the packet length to the maximum negotiated length. OFF means startSET MACRO ECHO { ON, OFF } Applies only to text mode. 0 by default.\Dp   Makes array1 a link to array2.Syntax: !, @, RUN, PUSH, or SPAWN, optionally followed by a command. MATCH string pattern - Succeeds if string matches pattern PATTERNS), client/server "kindred-spirit" recognition, or source file Modem command to enable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) in the modem. are to be refused. To specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer /WIDTH:number Don't pause, even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING is ON.If SET SEXPRESSION ECHO-RESULT is AUTO (the default), the value of theReturns standard date or date-time string yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss sending the maximum length right away. Tells whether commands executed from a macro definition should be /SERVERSyntax: FILE FLUSH Gives the command to the local operating system's command processor, and FLOAT number - Succeeds if floating-point number record format) supersede the FILE TYPE setting but can, themselves, be braces around the group, and inner braces around each pattern: Truncate each line at the given column number before printing.where are:S-Expression is printed if the S-Expression is given at top level; if ON,SCREEN MOVE row column\fmjd([[date][ time]]) - Modified Julian Date (MJD). displayed on the screen. OFF by default; use ON for debugging. Enter server mode automatically if the connection is successful.SET TRANSMIT LINEFEED { ON, OFF } Flushes output buffers on the given channel if it was open, forcing[ ARRAY ] SORT [ switches ] array-name [ array2 ] displays the results on the screen. If the command is omitted, enters the COMMAND word - Succeeds if word is built-in command superseded by including a /BINARY or /TEXT switch in the SEND, GET, orSET MODEM COMMAND SOFTWARE-FLOW [ text ] /COUNT/AGENT:it is printed at any level; if OFF it is not printed. At all levels, the Moves the cursor to the indicated row and column. The row and column Converts date and/or time to MJD, the number of days since 17 Nov 1858. Synonym: SET XFER. Use SHOW TRANSFER (XFER) to see SET TRANSFER values. Transmit Linefeed as well as Carriage Return (CR) at the end of each line. all material previously written to be committed to disk. Synonym: FFLUSH. Sorts the given array lexically according to the switches. Element 0 of system's command line interpreter or shell; exit from it (the command for DEFINED variablename or macroname - The named variable or macro is defined RECEIVE command. Modem command to enable local software flow control (Xon/Xoff) in modem. /EXCEPT:{{pattern1}{pattern2}...} Count lines (and matches) and print the count(s) but not the lines. Interactively ask permission to delete each backup file. Identifies the client to the server; "C-Kermit" or "Kermit-95"variable \v(sexpression) is set to the most recent S-Expression, and numbers are 1-based so on a 24x80 screen, the home position is 1 1 and HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. SET MACRO ERROR { ON, OFF } /USERID:[] Normally, only CR is sent. Also available as \F_flush(). the array is excluded from sorting by default. The ARRAY keyword is this is usually EXIT or QUIT or LOGOUT) to return to Kermit. DECLARED arrayname - The named array is declared /CHARACTER-SET:name by default.\v(svalue) is set to its value. You can use the \fsexpresssion() function the lower right corner is 24 80. If a row or column number is given thatReturns: integer. @l`  Tells whether a macro should be automatically terminated upon a command This switch is equivalent to SET LOGIN USERID or SET TELNET optional. If a second array name is given, that array is sorted according NUMERIC variable or constant - The variable or constant is numeric When TRANSFER MODE is MANUAL, the automatic methods are skipped for sendingSET MODEM COMMAND SPEAKER { ON, OFF } [ text ]/FILENAMES:{CONVERTED,LITERAL} Translates from the named character set./NOASKto evaluate an S-Expression anywhere in a Kermit command. too large for what Kermit or the operating system thinks is your screen\fmjd2date(mjd) - Modified Julian Date (MJD) to Date. Syntax: SET BELL { OFF, ON } error. This setting is local to the current macro, and inherited by ENVIRONMENT USER . If a string is given, it sent to host duringSET TRANSMIT LOCKING-SHIFT { ON, OFF }ԜxT  to the first one. Switches:4\ Բ(@  (D x Lh  EXIST filename - The named file exists files; the FILE TYPE setting is used instead, which can be superseded on Modem command to turn the modem's speaker on or off. Overrides the global SET FILE NAMES setting for this transfer only. /TRANSLATE-TO:name Purge backup files without asking permission./HEADER: size, the appropriate number is substituted. Converts MJD to standard-format date. ON (the default) enables ringing of the terminal bell (beep) except where subordinate macros. Telnet negotiations; if this switch is given but the string is omitted, Whether to use SO/SI for transmitting 8-bit data when PARITY is not NONE.Syntax: FILE LISTSyntax: TRANSMIT [ switches ] filename ABSOLUTE filename - The filename is absolute, not relative a per-command basis with a /TEXT or /BINARY switch. Translates to the named character set (default = current file charset). Used for specifying any optional headers. A list of headers is providedDԤxԶ 0tT $D h$ P ld,$'+.148d<H@4D Returns: yyyymmdd. it is disabled in certain circumstances, e.g. by SET TRANSFER BELL. OFF no user ID is sent to the host. If this switch is not given, your Lists the channel number, name, modes, and position of each file opened /CASE:{ON,OFF} Sends the contents of a file, without any error checking or correction, DIRECTORY string - The string is the name of a directorySET MODEM COMMAND NO-FLOW-CONTROL [ text ]/FILTER:command /TRANSPARENT/SIMULATE using braces for grouping:Syntax: GREP [ options ] pattern filespecAlso see:\fday([[date][ time]]) - Day of Week. disables ringing of the bell in all circumstances, overriding any specificd d  current USERID value, \v(userid), is sent. When a userid is sent to theSET TRANSMIT PAUSE number with FILE OPEN. Synonym: FLIST. If ON, alphabetic case matters; if OFF it is ignored. If this switch is to the computer on the other end of your SET LINE or SET HOST connection READABLE filename - Succeeds if the file is readableSET FILE BYTESIZE { 7, 8 } Modem command to disable local flow control in the modem. Causes the incoming file to passed through the given command (standard Inhibits character-set translation. Inhibits the actual deletion of files; use to preview which files would Searches through the given file or files for the given character string SHOW VARIABLE TERMINAL, SHOW VARIABLE COLS, SHOW VAR ROWS, SHOW COMMAND.Returns day of week of given date as Mon, Tue, etc. SET xxx BELL selections.Syntax: SET PROMPT [ text ] host it is a request to login as the specified user. How many milliseconds to pause after transmitting each line (text mode), omitted, the current SET CASE setting applies. (or if C-Kermit is in remote mode, displays it on the screen). The WRITEABLE filename - Succeeds if the file is writeable Normally 8. If 7, Kermit truncates the 8th bit of all file bytes. input/output filter) before being written to disk. /OUTPUT:name actually be deleted. Implies /LIST. /HEADER:{{:}{:}...} or pattern. In the normal case, all lines containing any text that matchesHELP DATE for info about date-time formats. or each character (binary mode).Шd0  T4 H< 4t @, PT  filename is the name of a single file (no wildcards) to be sent or, if NEWER file1 file2 - The 1st file is newer than the 2nd oneSET MODEM COMMAND PULSE [ text ] Sends results to the given file. If this switch is omitted, the the pattern are printed. Pattern syntax is as described in HELP PATTERNS8Hd <̼ؾH , 4 P   ` |  \fnday([[date][ time]]) - Numeric Day of Week.  ȴp L @ 0 l`Pl  |\@  0 |@ Prompt text for this program, normally 'C-Kermit>'. May contain backslashThe protocol-switches can be:Syntax: FILE READ [ switches ] [ ] /KEY:number the /PIPE switch is included, the name of a command whose output is to be OPEN { READ-FILE,SESSION-LOG,...} - The given file or log is openSET FILE CHARACTER-SET name Modem command to select pulse dialing./MOVE-TO:directory-name results appear on your screen. This switch overrides any express orUse SET OPTIONS PURGE [ switches ] to change defaults; use SHOW OPTIONS to For a listing of valid value and formats see RFC 1945: except that '*' is implied at the beginning unless the pattern starts with\fword(s1,n1,s2,s3,n2,n3) - Extract word from string.Returns numeric day of week of given date, 0=Sun, 1=Mon, ..., 6=Sat. Syntax: SET CD { PATH , MESSAGE { ON, OFF, FILE } }codes for special effects. Surround by { } to preserve leading or trailingSET TRANSMIT PROMPT number Reads data from the file on the given channel number into the , Position (1-based column number) at which comparisons begin, 1 by default. sent. OPEN CONNECTION - A connection is open Tells the encoding of the local file, ASCII by default. Specifies that each file that arrives should be moved to the specified implied /PAGE switch.display customized defaults. Also see HELP DELETE, HELP WILDCARD. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0". A maximum of eight headers '^' and also at the end unless the pattern ends with '$'. Therefore, s1 = source stringHELP DATE for info about date-time formats. spaces. If text omitted, prompt reverts to C-Kermit>. Prompt can include /NO-TELNET-INIT ASCII value of character to look for from host before sending next line if one was given; if no variable was given, the result is printed on KBHIT - A key has been pressed The names ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE, NORWEGIAN, etc, refer to 7-bit ISO-646SET MODEM COMMAND TONE [ text ] directory after, and only if, it has been received successfully. may be specified. "grep something *.txt" lists all lines in all *.txt files that contain n1 = word number (1-based)\ftime([[date][ time]]) - Time. SET CD PATH variables like \v(dir) or \v(time) to show current directory or time. Do not send initial Telnet negotiations even if this is a Telnet port. when TRANSMITting in text mode; normally 10 (Linefeed). 0 means none; the screen. The variable should be a macro name rather than a \%x /NUMERIC The file is sent according to your current FILE TYPE setting (BINARY or national character sets. LATIN1 is the 8-bit ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1 Modem command to select tone dialing.You can use SET OPTIONS TYPE to set the defaults for /PAGE or /NOPAGE and|t @TT4hH `  the word "something", but "grep ^something *.txt" lists only the lines s2 = optional break set.Returns time portion of given date and/or time in hh:mm:ss format. Overrides normal CDPATH environment variable, which tells the CD command don't wait for a prompt. variable or array element if you want backslash characters in the file to Specifies a numeric rather than lexical sort. TEXT), which you can override with a /BINARY or /TEXT switch without VERSION - equivalent to "if >= \v(version) ..." for Western European languages./PATHNAMES:{OFF,ABSOLUTE,RELATIVE,AUTO}/WIDTH. Use SHOW OPTIONS to see current TYPE options.Syntax: CLOSE [ item ]/TOSCREEN that START with "something". The command succeeds if any of the given s3 = optional include set.If no argument given, returns current time. where to look for directories to CD to if you don't specify them fully.xd\HD<  /RAW-SOCKET be taken literally. Synonym: FREAD. Switches: changing the global setting. In text mode, it is sent a line at a time, COUNT - subtract one from COUNT, execute the command if the result is NEXT is the 8-bit character set of the NeXT workstation.SET MODEM COMMAND VOLUME { LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH } [ text ] Overrides the global SET RECEIVE PATHNAMES setting for this transfer. Close the indicated item. The default item is CONNECTION, which is the Display server responses on the screen. files contained any lines that match the pattern, otherwise it fails. n2 = optional grouping mask.HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. The format is:Syntax: SET WILDCARD-EXPANSION { KERMIT [ switch ], SHELL } This is a connection to a raw TCP socket.SET TRANSMIT TIMEOUT number /RANGE:low[:high] with carriage return at the end of each line (as if you were typing it at greater than zero (see SET COUNT) The CPnnn sets are for PCs. MACINTOSH-LATIN is for the Macintosh. Modem command to set the modem's speaker volume. X  $tH@$$  current SET LINE or SET HOST connection. The other items are: Synonym: FIND. n3 = optional separator flag:\fntime([[date][ time]]) - Numeric Time. KERMIT (the default) means C-Kermit expands filename wildcards in SEND and Number of seconds to wait for each character to echo when TRANSMIT ECHO The range of elements, low through high, to be sorted. If this switch your keyboard), and C-Kermit waits for a linefeed to echo before sending LATIN2 is ISO 8859-2 for Eastern European languages that are written with/PIPES:{ON,OFF}Syntax: CLEAR [ item-name ]/USER: 0 = collapse adjacent separatorsReturns time portion of given date and/or time as seconds since midnight. set cd path :directory:directory:... similar commands itself, and in incoming GET commands. Optional switches /TELNET is ON or TRANSMIT PROMPT is not 0. If 0 is specified, this means wait Specifies that a line of text is to be read. A line is defined according is not given, elements 1 through the dimensioned size are sorted. If the next line; use /NOWAIT to eliminate the feedback requirement. In EQUAL s1 s2 - s1 and s2 (character strings or variables) are equal Roman letters. Mazovia is a PC code page used in Poland.  $| h  X$d 4! '*- 3\7$;?CHFdIHM$ UtY]lbeix lqtx{~ |ؑ|4 ԣd p8 xH T `D0 DX ,p$ X  h X4!T$ +.147  >A Excludes backup files (like oofa.txt.~3~) from the search. Default break set is all characters except ASCII letters and digits.\fn2time(seconds) - Numeric Time to Time. at the beginning, e.g.: want files whose names begin with "." included. SET WILDCARD SHELLExamples:Synonym: SET XMIT. SHOW TRANSMIT displays current settings. The line terminator (if any) is removed before assigning the text to the elements 0 through n). You can use a range specifier in the array name Normally the transmitted material is echoed to your screen. Use SET page used in BulgariaDIAL to display all of the SET DIAL values. ALARM Clears any pending alarm (see SET ALARM). PACKET-LOG (opened with LOG PACKETS) In case a page requires a password for access. /DOTFILES ASCII (C0) control characters are always treated as break characters.Returns the given number of seconds in hh:mm:ss format. means that Kermit asks your preferred shell to expand wildcards (this SET HOST kermit.columbia.edu variable. If no switches are included with the FILE READ command, /LINE instead of the /RANGE switch. TRANSMIT ECHO OFF or the /NOECHO switch to suppress echoing. Note that = n1 n2 - n1 and n2 (numbers or variables containing numbers) are equal HEBREW-ISO is ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew. CP862 is the Hebrew PC code page./PROTOCOL:name APC-STATUS Clears Application Program Command status. DEBUG-LOG (opened with LOG DEBUG) Includes files whose names start with dot (.) in the search. Default include set is null.\fpermissions(file) - Permissions of File. set cd path :/usr/olga:/usr/ivan/public:/tmp should not be necessary in C-Kermit 7.0 and later). HELP WILDCARD for SET HOST /CONNECT kermit.columbia.edu@ 4d  is assumed. TRANSMIT /NOECHO /NOWAIT /BINARY is a special case, that more or less < n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically less than n2 HEBREW-7 is like ASCII with the lowercase letters replaced by Hebrew.SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE Use the given protocol to receive the incoming file(s). BINARY-PATTERNS Clears the file binary-patterns list. READ-FILE (opened with OPEN READ)/ARRAY: /NODOTFILESReturns permissions of given file as they would be shown by "ls -l". further information. SET HOST * 1649Syntax: SET BACKGROUND { OFF, ON } /REVERSE blasts the file out at full speed. <= n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically less than or equal to n2 GREEK-ISO is ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek. CP869 is the Greek PC code page. Tells Kermit the telephonic country-code of the country you are dialing DEVICE Clears the current port or network input buffer. WRITE-FILE (opened with OPEN WRITE or OPEN APPEND) Tells Kermit to store the response headers in the given array, one line Excludes files whose names start with dot (.) from the search. If grouping mask given and nonzero, words can be grouped by quotes or@0  |<, \farraylook(pattern,&a) - Lookup pattern in array. pattern = String or pattern SET CD MESSAGE { ON, OFF } SET HOST /SERVER * 1649/SIZE:number Sort in reverse order. If this switch is not given, the array is sorted > n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically greater than n2 ELOT-927 is like ASCII with the lowercase letters replaced by Greek. from, so it can tell whether a portable-format phone number from your/QUIET DEVICE-AND-INPUT Clears both the device and the INPUT buffer. per element. The array need not be declared in advance. Example: /RECURSIVE brackets selected by the sum of the following:Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. &a = array designator, can include range specifier. Default is OFF. When ON, this tells Kermit to look for a file with aD  SET HOST SET BACKGROUND OFF forces prompts and messages to appear on your screen Specifies that the given number of bytes (characters) is to be read. in ascending order. Character sets are translated according to your current FILE and TERMINAL >= n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically greater than or equal to n2 JAPANESE-EUC, JIS7-KANJI, DEC-KANJI, and SHIFT-JIS-KANJI are Japanese dialing directory will result in a national or an international call. When sending in local mode, this suppresses the file-transfer display. DIAL-STATUS Clears the \v(dialstatus) variable.Type HELP LOG and HELP OPEN for further info. Searches through files in subdirectories too. Type INTRO for a brief introduction to C-Kermit.Returns number: The index of the first matching array element or -1 if none. certain name in any directory that you CD to, and if it finds one, toSyntax: SET WINDOW-SIZE number SET HOST madlab.sprl.umich.edu 3000 even though Kermit thinks it is running in the background. This gives a semblance of "record i/o" for files that do not necessarily CHARACTER-SET settings when TRANSMIT is in text mode. Include /TRANSPARENT Kanji character sets. Examples: 1 for USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, etc; 7 for Russia, 39 for Italy, INPUT Clears the INPUT-command buffer and the \v(input) variable. http /array:c get kermit/index.html /TYPE:TEXT 1 = doublequotes: "a b c" Type LICENSE to see the C-Kermit license.More info: HELP PATTERN for pattern syntax. HELP ARRAY for arrays. display it on your screen when you give the CD command. The filename, Specifies number of slots for sliding windows, i.e. the number of packets SET HOST xyzcorp.com 2000 /RAW-SOCKET contain lines. The resulting block of characters is assigned to theVarious functions are available for array operations; see HELP FUNCTION for to disable character-set translation in text mode (/TRANSPARENT implies (number by itself) - fails if the number is 0, succeeds otherwise UCS-2 is the 2-byte form of the Universal Character Set. 351 for Portugal, 47 for Norway, 44 for the UK, 972 for Israel, 81 for/RECURSIVE KEYBOARD-BUFFER Clears the command terminal keyboard input buffer.`\<<  show array c Search only text files (requires FILE SCAN ON). 2 = braces: {a b c} Type HELP followed by a command name for help about a specific command.\ftablelook(keyword,&a,[c]) - Lookup keyword in keyword table. pattern = String or list of names, is given in the SET CD MESSAGE FILE command. that can be transmitted before waiting for acknowledgement. The default SET HOST /CONNECT /COMMAND rlogin xyzcorp.com   @  variable without any editing.details. These include \fdimension(), \farraylook(), \ffiles(), \fsplit(), /TEXT). UTF-8 is the serialized form of the Universal Character Set. Japan, ... Equivalent to /PATHNAMES:RELATIVE. SEND-LIST Clears the current SEND list (see ADD).Syntax: LEARN [ /ON /OFF /CLOSE ] [ filename ] Dimension = 9 /TYPE:BINARY 4 = apostrophes: 'a b c' Type MANUAL to access the C-Kermit manual page. keyword = keyword to look up (can be abbreviated). is one, the maximum is 32. Increased window size might result in reducedSyntax: SET BUFFERS n1 [ n2 ]and many more. TRUE - always succeeds Type SET FILE CHAR ? for a complete list of file character sets. TEXT-PATTERNS Clears the file text-patterns list. Records a login script. If you give a filename, the file is opened for 1. Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 23:12:22 GMT Search only binary files (requires FILE SCAN ON). 8 = parentheses: (a b c) Type NEWS for news about new features. &a = array designator, can include range specifier. SET CD MESSAGE FILE name maximum packet length. Use sliding windows for improved efficiency onThe TELNET command is equivalent to SET NETWORK TYPE TCP/IP,/CHARACTER There can be no guarantee that the other computer will receive the file FALSE - always fails If you have not already set your DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX, then this/RENAME-TO:string subsequent recording. If you don't give any switches, /ON is assumed. 2. Server: Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) 16 = square brackets: [a b c] Type SUPPORT to learn how to get technical support. This array must be in alphabetical order. connections with long delays. A full duplex connection is required, asSET HOST name [ port ] /TELNET, IF SUCCESS CONNECT Changes the overall amount of memory allocated for SEND and RECEIVE packet Equivalent to /SIZE:1. If FILE READ /CHAR succeeds but the is\` L( < tL ht !,& -/  correctly and completely. Before you start the TRANSMIT command, youSET FILE DEFAULT 7BIT-CHARACTER-SET command sets default values for them: 011 and 1, respectively, for country Specifies that each file that arrives should be renamed as specifiedT 40Tl Hh#\'8+- $4 ;? FI HR8V< (^beljlm hudy|| L̄D  /ON enables recording to the current file (if any); /OFF disables 3. Last-Modified: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 22:35:58 GMTPattern-matching options: 32 = angle brackets: Press ? (question mark) at the prompt, or anywhere within a command, c = Optional field delimiter, colon(:) by default. SET CD MESSAGE FILE {{name1}{name2}...{name8}} well as a cooperating Kermit on the other end. buffers, respectively. Bigger numbers let you have longer packets and empty, this indicates a NUL byte was read.Syntax: COPY [ switches ] file1 file2 must put the other computer in data collection mode, for example byThe IF command may be followed on the next line by an ELSE command. Example: When automatically switching among different kinds of files while sending code 1; 00 and 0, respectively, for all other country codes. If these are after, and only if, it has been received successfully. The string shouldSyntax: DATE [ date-time [ timezone ] ] [ delta-time ] recording. /CLOSE closes the current file (if any). After LEARN /CLOSE 4. ETag: "bc049-f72-37d441ce" /NOCASE for a menu (context-sensitive help, menu on demand).Returns number: 1 or greater, index of array element that uniquely matches given keyword; Specify up to 8 filenames to look for when when CDing to a new directoryAlso see SET NETWORK, TELNET, SET TELNET. more window slots. If n2 is omitted, the same value as n1 is used. Copies the source file (file1) to the destination file (file2). If file2 starting a text editor. TRANSMIT may be interrupted by Ctrl-C. Synonym: this tells the character set to be used for 7-bit text files. not your true international and long-distance dialing prefixes, then you normally contain variables like \v(filename) or \v(filenum). Prints a date-time in standard format: yyyymmdd_hh:mm:ss. or exit from Kermit, your script is available for execution by the TAKE 5. Accept-Ranges: bytes Ignores case of letters (ASCII only) when comparing. Nesting is possible with {}()[]<> but not with quotes or apostrophes.or -2 if keyword was ambiguous, or -1 if keyword empty or not found. and CD MESSAGE is ON. The first one found, if any, in the new directoryh  Synonym: FREAD. is a directory, file1 can contain wildcards to denote a group of files to XMIT. See HELP SET TRANSMIT for further information. IF < \%x 10 ECHO It's less should follow this command by DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX to let Kermit Various date-time formats are accepted: command. 6. Content-Length: 3954 /NOMATCH Type HELP OPTIONS for help with command-line options.Also see: HELP FUNC ARRAYLOOK for a similar function. HELP ARRAY for arrays. is displayed. The default list is:Syntax: SET REPEAT { COUNTS { ON, OFF }, PREFIX } ,$  D p T H%`), 2 $: A  HKxP$T8  NOTE: This command is not needed in this version of Kermit, which isAlso available as \F_getchar(), \F_getline(), \F_getblock(). be copied to the given directory. Switches: ELSE echo It's not lessSET FILE DEFAULT 8BIT-CHARACTER-SET know what they really are. 7. Connection: close Searches for lines that do NOT match the pattern.Returns string:\fabsolute(n1) n1 = integer. SET REPEAT COUNTS turns the repeat-count compression mechanism ON and OFF.Syntax: SET NETWORK { TYPE network-type, DIRECTORY [ file(s)... ] } already configured for maximum-size packet buffers.XH ` 0x  !\&  This tells the character set to be used for 8-bit text files when Forces text-mode conversions unless the incoming file has the binary . The date, if given, must precede the time.4x $,$# +  8. Content-Type: text/html Word number n, if there is one, otherwise an empty string.DOCUMENTATION: "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone,Returns integer: The absolute (unsigned) value of n1. {{./.readme}{README.TXT}{READ.ME}} The default is ON. SET REPEAT PREFIX sets the repeat-count prefix,  PH  /LISTSyntax: TRANSLATE file1 cs1 cs2 [ file2 ]It can also include an ELSE part on the same line if braces are used: switching automatically among different kinds of files.SET DIAL AREA-CODE [ ] attribute . The year must be four digits or else a 2-digit format dd mmm yy,Syntax: MINPUT n [ string1 [ string2 [ ... ] ] ]Display options:2nd Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann 1997, ISBN 1-55558-164-1,\f_eof(n1) n1 = channel number. character to the given code. The default is 126 (tilde).Select the type of network to be used with SET HOST connections:4 (P(h P %) l/(3\6  > B`E  LPlTXd\L ddhdloxs z(~ |xX8 Т <p Ա Syntax: FILE REWIND Print the filenames and status while copying. Synonyms: /LOG, /VERBOSE Translates file1 from the character set cs1 into the character set cs2 Tells Kermit the area or city code that you are dialing from, so it can in which case if (yy < 50) yyyy = yy + 2000; else yyyy = yy + 1900.Example: MINPUT 5 Login: {Username: } {NO CARRIER} BUSY RINGAs you can see, the header lines are like MIME e-mail header lines: /COUNT:variable-namep  x,<$( plus supplements at http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit.html.Returns number: 1 if channel n1 at end of file, 0 otherwise. Synonym: SET SERVER CD-MESSAGE FILE.Syntax: SET COMMAND parameter value If the channel is open, moves the read/write pointer to the beginning of and stores the result in file2. The character sets can be any of IF < \%x 10 { ECHO It's less } ELSE { ECHO It's not less }SET FILE COLLISION option tell whether a portable-format phone number from the dialing directory is/TRANSPARENT . If the year comes first, the second field is the month. For use in script programs. Waits up to n seconds for any one of theidentifier, colon, value. The /ARRAY switch is the only method available For each file, prints only the filename and a count of matching linesSyntax: PROMPT [ text ]\f_pos(n1) n1 = channel number. $\ l % x, /26 =A 0. Synonym: FREWIND. /NOLIST C-Kermit's file character sets. If file2 is omitted, the translation Tells what to do when a file arrives that has the same name as local or long distance. Be careful not to include your long-distance Inhibits character-set translation of incoming text files for the duration . The day, month, and year may be separated by spaces, /, -, or underscore. strings to arrive on the communication device. If no strings are given,to a script to process the server responses for a POST or PUT command. and assigns the total match count to the variable, if one is given. Enters interactive command level from within a script in such a way thatx<$H(+`. 858<@DG LO8SDW@ Returns number: Read/write pointer of channel n1 as byte number. Type SHOW CD to view current CD settings. Also see HELP SET SERVER.Syntax: SET RECEIVE parameter value SET NETWORK TYPE TCP/IP ; Internet: Telnet, Rlogin, etc.SET COMMAND AUTODOWNLOAD { ON, OFF } Also available as \F_rewind(). Copy silently (default). Synonyms: /NOLOG, /QUIET is displayed on the screen. An appropriate intermediate character-setAlso see HELP WILDCARD (for IF MATCH pattern syntax). an existing file. The options are: dialing prefix as part of your area code; for example, the area code for of the RECEIVE command without affecting subsequent commands. . The date and time may be separated by spaces or underscore. the command waits for any character at all to arrive. Strings are /NAMEONLY the script can be continued with an END or RETURN command. STOP, EXIT,Welcome to C-Kermit 8.0.200. Major new features include:\f_line(n1) n1 = channel number. Specifies parameters for inbound packets: Enables/Disables automatic recognition of Kermit packets while in is chosen automatically, if necessary. Synonym: XLATE. Example: BACKUP (default) - Rename the old file to a new, unique name and store central London is 171, not 0171. . The month may be numeric (1 = January) or spelled out or abbreviated in separated by spaces; use { braces } for grouping. If any of the strings Prints the name of each file that contains at least one matching line, SHOW STACK, TRACE, and Ctrl-C all have their normal effects. The PROMPT . A new built-in FTP clientReturns number: Read/write pointer of channel n1 as line number. If only one network type is listed above, that is the default network for command mode. ON by default.p %),/  /SWAP-BYTEShl!&*- p36: B  the incoming file under the name it was sent with.Also see HELP SEND, HELP GET, HELP SERVER, HELP REMOTE. English. is encountered within the timeout interval, the command succeeds and thep#' -T1448< CG  one name per line, rather than showing each matching line. command allows variables to be examined or changed, or any other commands . A new HTTP 1.1 client\f_handle(n1) n1 = channel number. Syntax: SET CASE { ON, OFF } Tells whether alphabetic case is significant in string comparisons done by INPUT, IF, and other commands. This setting is local to the current macro or command file, and inherited by subordinates.SET RECEIVE CHARACTER-SET { AUTOMATIC, MANUAL }SET HOST commands. Also see SET HOST, TELNET.Syntax: FILE SEEK [ switches ] { [{+,-}], EOF } Swap bytes while copying. TRANSLATE lasagna.lat latin1 italian lasagna.nrcSyntax: EVALUATE variable expression OVERWRITE - Overwrite (replace) the existing file.SET DIAL CONFIRMATION {ON, OFF} . The time may be in 24-hour format or 12-hour format. \v(minput) variable is set to the number of the string that was matched:ASSOCIATE FILE-CHARACTER-SET /NOLIST to be given, in any number, prior to returning to the script, allowing . Telnet Com Port Option for dialing from Telnet modem serversReturns number: File %s of open file on channel n1. Syntax: SET INCOMPLETE { DISCARD, KEEP } Whether to discard or keep incompletely received files, default is KEEP. Whether to automatically switch to an appropriate file-character set basedSET COMMAND BYTESIZE { 7, 8 } Switches are /BYTE, /LINE, /RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE. Evaluates the expression and assigns its value to the given variable. APPEND - Append the incoming file to the end of the existing file. Kermit does various transformations on a telephone number retrieved from . If the hour is 12 or less, AM is assumed unless AM or PM is included. 1, 2, 3, etc. If none of the strings arrives, the command times out, Tells C-Kermit that whenever the given file-character set is selected, and Doesn't print anything (but sets SUCCESS or FAILURE appropriately). Kermit to serve as its own debugger; adding the PROMPT command to a script . File scanning for automatic text/binary determinationdescriptorSyntax: SET COUNT number Example: SET COUNT 5 Set up a loop counter, for use with IF COUNT. Local to current macro or command file, inherited by subordinate macros and command files. on the transfer character-set announcer, if any, of an incoming text file.SET NETWORK DIRECTORY [ file [ file [ ... ] ] ] Informs Kermit of the bytesize of the communication path between itself Moves the file pointer for this file to the given position in the /FROMB64 Multiple files can be translated if file2 is a directory or device name, The expression can contain numbers and/or numeric-valued variables or DISCARD - Refuse and/or discard the incoming file. the dialing directory prior to dialing (use LOOKUP to see them).Syntax: RESEND filespec [name] Resend the file or files, whose previous transfer was interrupted. Picks up from where previous transfer left off, IF the receiver was told to SET FILE INCOMPLETE KEEP. Only works for binary-mode transfers. Requires the other Kermit to have RESEND capability. . If the date is omitted but a time is given, the current date is supplied. fails, and \v(minput) is set to 0. SEND CHARACTER-SET (q.v.) is AUTOMATIC, the given transfer character-set /LINENUMBERS is like setting a breakpoint. If the optional text is included, it is . Learned scripts\f_status(n1) n1 = channel number. Syntax: SET DEFAULT directory Change directory. Equivalent to CD command. AUTOMATIC by default. Also see HELP ASSOCIATE. Specifies the name(s) of zero or more network directory files, similar to and your keyboard and screen. 8 is assumed. SET COMMAND BYTE 7 only if file. Subsequent FILE READs or WRITEs will take place at that position. Convert from Base64 encoding while copying. rather than a filename, or if file2 is omitted. functions, combined with mathematical operators and parentheses in RENAME - Give the incoming file a unique name. In case the result might be wrong, you can use SET DIAL CONFIRM ON to have . If the time is given but date omitted, 00:00:00 is supplied. is selected automatically. Precedes each file line by its line number within the file. used as the new prompt for this level, e.g. "prompt Breakpoint_1>". . LISP-like S-Expressions and natural floating-point arithmeticReturns number: Sum of open modes of channel n1: 1 = read; 2 = write; 4 = append, or: 0 if not open. Syntax: SET DELAY number Number of seconds to wait before sending first packet after SEND command. dialing directories (HELP DIAL for details). The general format of a 8-bit characters cannot pass. If neither the /RELATIVE nor /ABSOLUTE switch is given, an unsigned traditional notation. Operators include +-/*(), etc. Example: UPDATE - Accept the incoming file only if newer than the existing file. Kermit ask you if it is OK to dial the number, and if not, to let you typeSyntax: REGET filespec Ask a server to RESEND a file to C-Kermit. . If both the date and time are omitted, the current date and time areAlso see: INPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT. /PAGE . Lots of script programming improvements\f_getchar(n1) n1 = channel number. Syntax: SET SUSPEND { OFF, ON } Disables SUSPEND command, suspend signals, and Z during CONNECT.SET RECEIVE CONTROL-PREFIX number network directory entry is: is absolute; a signed number is relative. EOF means to move to /TOB640 6:> EHLQUX]T dil@qLt  { ̀ 4   EVALUATE \%n (1+1) * (\%a / 3). in a replacement. supplied.ASSOCIATE XFER-CHARACTER-SET Pauses after each screenful.158<@PD4GJO(  . Performance improvements and bug fixes Reads a character from channel n1 and returns it. Syntax: SET SCRIPT ECHO { OFF, ON } Disables/Enables echoing of SCRIPT command operation. ASCII value of prefix character used for quoting control characters inSET COMMAND HEIGHT the end of the file. Synonym: FSEEK. Also available as \F_seek(). Convert to Base64 encoding while copying.Syntax: WAIT { number-of-seconds, hh:mm:ss } [ ]SET FILE DESTINATION { DISK, PRINTER, SCREEN, NOWHERE }Syntax: PSEND filespec position [name] Just like SEND, except sends the file starting at the given byte position.d47;?CF  MTR0  ZH ,cfjmqu | d$  Tells C-Kermit that whenever the given transfer-character set is selected, /NOPAGESyntax: INPUT { number-of-seconds, time-of-day } [ text ]\f_getline(n1) n1 = channel number. Syntax: SET DUPLEX { FULL, HALF } During CONNECT: FULL means remote host echoes, HALF means Kermit does its own echoing. packets that Kermit receives, normally 35 (number sign). Don't change name network-type address [ network-specific-info ] [ ; comment ] Informs Kermit of the number of rows in your command screen for the NOTE: Prior to C-Kermit 7.0, the syntax was "EVALUATE expression" DISK (default): Store incoming files on disk.SET DIAL CONNECT { AUTO, ON, OFF }7t;d?PCFI  The following shortcuts can also be used in place of dates:Syntax: CONNECT (or C, or CQ) [ switches ] either by command or by an announcer attached to an incoming text file, Doesn't pause after each screenful.Example: INPUT 5 Login: or INPUT 23:59:59 RINGDocumentation: Reads a line from channel n1 and returns it. Syntax: SET LOCAL-ECHO { OFF, ON } During CONNECT: OFF means remote host echoes, ON means Kermit does its own echoing. Synonym for SET DUPLEX { FULL, HALF }. this unless something is wrong with the other Kermit program. purposes of More?-prompting.D:(>PBE d:p>BElH`LPQ, X\P dHip Examples: (no variable), and the result was printed. Use SET EVAL { OLD, NEW } PRINTER: Send incoming files to SET PRINTER device. Whether to CONNECT (enter terminal mode) automatically after successfullySyntax: MSEND [ switches... ] filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] Connect to a remote computer via the serial communications device given in and SEND CHARACTER-SET is AUTOMATIC, the specified file character-set is /OUTPUT:name Waits up to the given number of seconds, or until the given time of day 1. "Using C-Kermit", second edition (1997), current with C-Kermit 6.0.\f_getblock(n1,n2) n1 = channel number, n2 = size Syntax: SET LANGUAGE name Selects language-specific translation rules for text-mode file transfers. Used with SET FILE CHARACTER-SET and SET TRANSFER CHARACTER-SET when one of these is ASCII. For TCP/IP, the format is:Syntax: FILE STATUS Syntax: RENAME [ switches ] name1 name2 wait 5 cd cts to choose the old or new behavior, which is NEW by default. SCREEN: Display incoming files on screen (local mode only). dialing. ON means to do this; OFF means not to. AUTO (the default) means Sends the files specified by the filespecs. One or more filespecs may be TODAY the most recent SET LINE command, or to the network host named in the most to be selected automatically. Synonym: ASSOCIATE TRANSFER-CHARACTER-SET. Sends results to the given file. If this switch is omitted, the for the given text to arrive on the connection. If no text is given, 2. http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit70.html Reads a block of n2 characters from channel n1 and returns it. Syntax: SET LINE (or SET PORT) [ switches ] [ devicename ] Selects a serial-port device to use for making connections. SET RECEIVE END-OF-PACKET numberSET COMMAND WIDTH If the channel is open, this command shows the name of the file, the Renames the source file (name1) to the target name2. If name2 is a wait 23:59:59 cd NOWHERE: Do not put incoming files anywhere (use for calibration). do it if the DIAL command was given interactively, but don't do it if the listed, separated by spaces. Any or all filespecs may contain wildcards Today's date, optionally followed by a time; 00:00:00 if no time given. recent SET HOST command. Type the escape character followed by C to get results appear on your screen. This switch overrides any express or INPUT waits for any character. For use in script programs with IF FAILURE which documents the new features of C-Kermit 7.0.\f_putchar(n1,c) n1 = channel number, c = character Typical device name for this platform: %s. ASCII value of control character that terminates incoming packets, name tcp/ip ip-hostname-or-address [ socket ] [ ; comment ] Informs Kermit of the number of characters across your screen for switches it was opened with, and the current read/write position. directory, name1 is allowed to contain wildcards, and the file(s) matchingAlse see: HELP FUNCTION EVAL. DIAL command was issued from a macro or command file. If you specify ON and they may be in different directories. Alternative names cannot be back to the C-Kermit prompt, or followed by ? for a list of CONNECT-modeUse SHOW ASSOCIATIONS to list the current character-set associations, and implied /PAGE switch. and IF SUCCESS. Also see MINPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT. See HELP PAUSE for 3. http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit80.html Writes a character to channel n1. Returns number: 1 if successful, otherwise a negative error code. normally 13 (carriage return). purposes of screen formatting. Synonym: FSTATUS name1 are moved to directory name2, subject to rules of the underlying Waits up to the given number of seconds or the given time of day for theSET FILE DISPLAY option or AUTO, you may follow this by one of the keywords VERBOSE or QUIET, to given. Switches include /BINARY /DELETE /MAIL /PROTOCOL /QUIET /RECOVER YESTERDAY escape commands.SHOW CHARACTER-SETS to list the current settings. details on time-of-day format. The text, if given, can be a \pattern() which documents the new features of C-Kermit 8.0.\f_putline(n1,s1) n1 = channel number, s1 = string The default device name is %s (i.e. none). You can have multiple network directories and you can have multiple entries operating system regarding renaming across disk boundaries, etc. If name2 specified item or event, which can be FILE, the name(s) of one or moreLQDUYD  Selects the format of the file transfer display for local-mode file indicate whether the verbose 4-line 'Connecting...' message is to be /TEXT /TYPE; see HELP SEND for descriptions. Yesterday's date, optionally followed by a time (default 00:00:00).NRVpZ^\ fjPn@rvy@}4,,Ԕx<hDx8,  xX  invocation, in which case it is treated as a pattern rather than Writes the string s1 to channel n1 and adds a line terminator. Returns number: If you do not give a SET LINE command or if you give a SET LINE command SET RECEIVE IGNORE-CHARACTER numberwith the same name. SET HOST and TELNET commands look up theSET COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING { ON, OFF } QT`X|\a`  is not a directory, name1 may not include wildcards, and the file whose modem signals, or nothing. If nothing is specified, WAIT acts like SLEEP.Syntax: EXIT (or QUIT) [ number [ text ] ] transfer. The choices are: displayed if DIAL succeeds and Kermit goes into CONNECT mode.Include the /QUIETLY switch to suppress the informational message thatRV$Zp^X dfh nqu |~\܉  ,@ P l ,H PX  \H |x  ,0  4  @"$ ,/1P5L8 >B GL Syntax: DIRECTORY [ switches ] [ filespec ] a literal string (HELP PATTERNS for details).All of these will be combined into a Third Edition of "Using C-Kermit". How many characters written if successful; Otherwise a negative error code. with no device name, or if you specify %s as the device name, ASCII value of character to be discarded when receiving packets, such asgiven in the directory and, if found, fill in the additional items ON (the default) enables More?-prompting when Kermit needs to displaySyntax: FILE COUNT [ { /BYTES, /LINES, /LIST, /NOLIST } ] name is name1 is renamed to name2. Switches: If one or more modem signal names are given, Kermit waits for the specified Exits from the Kermit program, closing all open files and devices.VY]bd 8j$m 4u y0|  TOMORROWtells you how to escape back, etc. CQ is a synonym for CONNECT /QUIETLY.A "pattern" is notation used in a search string when searching through Lists files. The filespec may be a filename, possibly containing wildcardIf the release date shown by the VERSION command is long past, be sure to\f_putblock(n1,s1) n1 = channel number, s1 = string Kermit will be in "remote mode", suitable for use on the far end of a line folding characters.from the entry, and then try all matching entries until one succeeds. text that does not fit vertically on your screen. OFF allows the text to If the channel is open, this command prints the nubmer of bytes (default) modem signals to appear on the serial communication device. If a number is given it becomes Kermit's exit status code. If text is BRIEF A line per file, showing size, mode, status, and throughput.SET DIAL CONVERT-DIRECTORY {ASK, ON, OFF}ADD SEND-LIST filespec [ [ ] ] Tomorrows's date, optionally followed by a time (default 00:00:00).text. C-Kermit uses three kinds of patterns: floating patterns, anchored characters, or a directory name. If no filespec is given, all files inZ^ to \v(f_count). Synonym: FCOUNTdit  This format can be used on any video display terminal. ASK you whether to convert it, or convert it automatically (ON), or leave by itself to send the files from it. headers, either a USA timezone name, e.g. EST or a signed four-digit/TRIGGER:string during CONNECT mode. The text may contain backslash codes, variables,Welcome to UNIX C-Kermit communications software for: Returns the associated error message string. computer. SET LINE alone resets Kermit to remote mode. successfully is moved to the given directory immediately after reception This allows a specific IP Address on a multihomed host to be usedSET COMMAND RECALL-BUFFER-SIZE number /NOLISTSignals:Syntax: XIF condition { commandlist } [ ELSE { commandlist } ] FULLSCREEN A fully formatted 24x80 screen showing lots of information. it alone (OFF). Old-style directories can still be used without timezone offset, {+,-}hhmm, e.g., -0500; it is used to convert date-time, One or more strings to look for that will cause automatic return toIn a pattern, certain characters are special: /BRIEF List filenames only. etc, plus the following special codes: . Error-free and efficient file transfer\faaconvert(name,&a[,&b]) name = name of associative array, &a and &b = names of regular arrays. To use a modem to dial out, first SET MODEM TYPE (e.g., to USR), then is complete. Omit the directory name to remove any previously set move-to instead of allowing the TCP/IP stack to choose. This may be necessary How big you want Kermit's command recall buffer to be. By default, itloswz   dxX pPD  X ` @  Rename silently (default). Synonyms: /NOLOG, /QUIET cd = Carrier Detect; Obsolete. Same as IF (see HELP IF). This requires a terminal or terminal emulator. conversion, but the parity and speed fields are ignored.ADD BINARY-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] a local time in that timezone, to GMT which is then converted to the command mode. To specify one string, just put it right after the /VERBOSE + Also list permissions, size, and date. . Terminal connection Converts the given associative array into two regular arrays, &a and &b, containing the indices and values, respectively: SET LINE xxx, then SET SPEED, then give a DIAL command. directory. when using authentication or listening for an incoming connection. holds 10 commands. You can make it any size you like, subject to memoryFILE WRITE [ switches ] dsr = Dataset Ready; NONE No file transfer display at all. Adds the pattern(s), if any, to the SET FILE BINARY-PATTERNS list. local time at the host. If no timezone is given, the date-time is local. colon, e.g. "/TRIGGER:Goodbye". If the string contains any spaces, you* Matches any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, "k*t" /FILES Show files but not directories. \N - Send a NUL (ASCII 0) character (you can't use \0 for this). . Script programmingReturns number: How many elements were converted. For direct null-modem connections, use SET MODEM TYPE NONE, SET LINE xxx, Specify no to remove the preference. constraints of the computer. A size of 0 disables command recall. Writes the given text to the file on the given channel number. The tx t~ ؃  Ğ\ L     x Pl 0\   HT \  x#`'+- 3 t:=@`ElI0Mh x  cts = Clear To Send;dt8xd{~ SET DIAL DIRECTORY [ filename [ filename [ filename [ ... ] ] ] ] must enclose it in braces, e.g. "/TRIGGER:{READY TO SEND...}". To matches all strings that start with "k" and end with "t" including /DIRECTORIES Show directories but not files. \B - Send a BREAK signal. . International character set conversion\fpattern(s) s = string Returns string: s with any variables, etc, evaluated in the normal manner. then SET FLOW, SET SPEED, and CONNECT. SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH number Whenever you give this command, previous command history is lost. can be literal text or a variable, or any combination. If the text mightCommand-line options are given after the program name in the system ri = Ring Indicate.Syntax: FOR variablename initial-value final-value increment { commandlist }SET FILE DOWNLOAD-DIRECTORY [ ] The name(s) of your dialing directory file(s). If you do not supply anyADD TEXT-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] Delta times are given as {+,-}[number date-units][hh[:mm[:ss]]] specify more than one trigger, use the following format: "kt", "kit", "knight", or "kermit". /ALL + Show both files and directories. \L - Send a Long BREAK signal. . Numeric and alphanumeric paging For use with INPUT, MINPUT, and REINPUT to declare that a search target is a pattern rather than a literal string. Optional switches: /CONNECT - Enter CONNECT mode automatically if SET LINE succeeds. Maximum length packet the other Kermit should send.SET TCP KEEPALIVE { ON, OFF } contain leading or trailing spaces, it must be enclosed in braces if youcommand that you use to start Kermit. Example: FOR loop. Execute the comma-separated commands in the commandlist the The directory into which all received files should be placed. By default, filenames, the dialing directory feature is disabled and all numbers are Adds the pattern(s), if any, to the SET FILE TEXT-PATTERNS list. A date in the future/past relative to the date-time; date-units may be /ARRAY:&a Store file list in specified array (e.g. \%a[]).\fhex2n(s) s = hexadecimal number Returns decimal equivalent. /SERVER - Enter server mode automatically if SET LINE succeeds. Setting this ON might help to detect broken connections more quickly.SET COMMAND QUOTING { ON, OFF } want to preserve them. Synonym: FWRITE. Switches:If you want Kermit to wait for a file event, then the syntax is: number of times given by the initial value, final value and increment. received files go into your current directory. dialed literally as given in the DIAL command. If you supply more than Use SHOW PATTERNS to see the lists. See HELP SET FILE for further info. DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS: +3days, -7weeks, +3:00, +1month 8:00. /TRIGGER:{{string1}{string2}...{stringn}}? Matches any single character. For example, "k????t" matches all strings /PAGE Pause after each screenful.Also see SET OUTPUT.Supporting:\fhex2ip(s) s = 8-digit hexadecimal number Returns the equivalent decimal dotted IP address. SET RECEIVE PADDING number (default is ON.) Whether to treat backslash and question mark as special characters (ON), kermit -i -s oofa.exe Example: FOR \%i 10 1 -1 { pause 1, echo \%i } one directory, all of them are searched. that are exactly 6 characters long and start with "k" and end with /NOPAGE Don't pause after each screenful. . Serial connections, direct or dialed.\fip2hex(s) s = decimal dotted IP address Returns the equivalent 8-digit hexadecimal number. Also see HELP SET MODEM, HELP SET DIAL, HELP SET SPEED, HELP SET FLOW. Number of prepacket padding characters to ask for (normally 0). or as ordinary data characters (OFF) in commands. ON by default. WAIT %sWould Receive: => %.51s..scanfile oddzero => %saskmore cmdgetc [simulated]scanfile even/odd Percent Done:askmore EOFBytes So Far: [simulated]scanfile odd/even : WOULD BE TRANSFERRED (New file) askmore c: WOULD BE TRANSFERRED (Remote file older) scanfile pctzero *.java: WOULD BE TRANSFERRED Network Host: %s (%s): SKIPPED (%s) scanfile runmax *.lisp: SKIPPED ^%c... ` PKKL` p` LLLLL(MTMMM(NtNCommunication Device: %s (remote host is %s)askmorescanfile BIN runmax00 / 00Sending: invalid answer*.jpeg*.perlRemote file not older%02ld / %02dReceiving: Y or space-bar for yes, N for no, G to show the rest scanfile BIN (nnUTF8) runmaxIdentical modification times*.tiffscanfile UTF8 (nnUTF8 + runmax == 0)STREAMING [skipped]*.so.*Name collision%d of %dscanfile UCS2 noBOM BE (even/oddzero)*.classException Listfxdinit xdisplaDot file [skipped]scanfile UCS2 noBOM LE (even/oddzero)Backup filefxdinit fxd_inited: ERROR: %s Recovery not neededscanfile c1/c0 Access deniedscreenc SCR_PT Z pktnumError: *read.meNot a regular file: MESSAGE: %s scanfile pct 8bit *READ.MESimulatedscreenc SCR_PT Z oldpctfxdinit malloc trmbuftrap caught SIGINTSimulated - Remote file olderFAILEDMessage: {*.Z,*.gz,*.zip,*.ZIP}Simulated - No remote filescreenc SCR_PT Z pctfxdinit malloc trmbuf: REFUSED trap caught signalscanfile 8-bit BIN compressedscanfile small UCS2 doubtfulfxdinit trmbufSending: trap: SIGINT caught during CONNECTReceiving: scanfile 7-bit BIN (c0coniso)fxdinit before getenv(TERM)Damaged Packetscanfile 7-bit ISO2022 TEXT (no c0noniso)*.htmlUser interruption or connection lostfxdinit after getenv(TERM)Refused: scanfile 7-bit TEXT (no c0controls)*.mpegTimeout %d sec_apc_commands[wk]ermitfxdinit before tgetent()Refused: ^C trap() cursesscanfile 8-bit TEXT (no c0noniso)krbmitscreenc SCR_ST c: INCOMPLETE fxdinit tgetentscanfile 8-bit BIN (c0noniso)screenc SCR_ST successfxdinit TERM null - no tgetent [incomplete]Warning: terminal type unknown: "%s" *** screen() called with bad status ***screenc SCR_ST cxseenSCREEN command will use ANSI sequences. ^C... scanfile result Fullscreen file transfer display disabled. SUMMARY: %ld file%strap about to longjmpDelete OKTransfer OK*.classFile discarded, %ld byte%s*.javaTransfer interruptedFile skipped (%s)ck_termset notermcapFile skipped, %0.3f sec, %ld cpsck_termset xfileselect NOLINKS zgetfsread.meRefused, %sfileselect NOLINKS zgfs_linkck_termset calling tgetstr ERROR: %s fileselectmakefileRefusedIncomplete WARNING: %s stptrap() caught signal*** screen() called with bad status ***ck_termset tgetstr cl suspend disabled fileselect fdateSUCCESS. Files: %ld, Bytes: %ld, %ld CPSfileselect sack_termset tgetstr cefileselect sb Elapsed Time: %sfileselect snascreenc endwin A*** screen() called with bad object ***Job control not supported fileselect snbck_termset tgetstr cmstptrap back from suspendfileselect filesizeFAILURE: %sProtocol Error:fileselect minsiz skippingscreenc endwin Bstptrap W_CONNECTfileselect maxsiz skipping* .voc*.~[0-9]*~stptrap W_COMMAND pflagfileselect skipping backup*.mpeg*** screen() called with bad function code ***fileselect xlist empty[%d;%dHfileselect xlistTransaction Log Closedstptrap defaultfileselect skippingfileselect selectingdoclean calling dologendck_cls 2doclean exithangup?T-Log string too long%s %ld %sdoclean ttchk()*.perldoclean ttyfd?String too longsetflow autoflowupdpct old?String too longsetflow localupdpct newdoclean hanging up and closing[%s] %ld?String too longsetflow networkClosing %s...%s: %ld*.class?String too longsetflow cxtype%s%s%s*.htmlsetflow TN_COMPORT flowon_close?String too long%s%s%s: %ldsetflow flowdoclean hangup/close skippedsetflow modem flow?Invalid format for tlog() - %ld(unknown)on_exitdoclean DeleteStartupFileautoexitchkdoclean zdeletLABELED00000000*.javaBINARY UNDEFINEDModem signals unavailable in this version of Kermit MACBINARYNo modem control for this device Modem signals unavailable read.meBINARY Carrier Detect (CD): %s / partialmakefile / resend / resend Dataset Ready (DSR): %s lookup cache size (no translation)doxlog 4lookup calls .... Clear To Send (CTS): %s lookup cache hits (no translation)doxlog 5 Ring Indicator (RI): %s (%s => %s)lookup start hitsFAILED (%s => %s)lookup loop iterationsdoxlog buf 1 Data Terminal Ready (DTR): %s DOXLOG fpxfsecsCMSTATSdoexit exitstat%s"%0.3fsec %ldcps" Request To Send (RTS): %s %s"%s"doexit codedoxlog 5doxlog zsoutldoexit xitstaspar: datadoexit about to doclean spsiz read.me(j ^^pj __D_j p_x_k _%s As-name string (alternative filename) (action option)Speed for serial deviceNumeric Bits per second %s CONNECT before transferring files Argument: %s Create debug.log file (a second -d adds timestamps) -%c %s%s Maximum length for incoming file-transfer packets (action option)Length in bytesSend Finish command to a Kermit server Argument: (none) GET file(s) from a Kermit serverTo prevent this message from scrolling, use '%s -h | more'. Remote file specificationFor a list of extended options use '%s --help'. Print this message (pipe thru 'more' to prevent scrolling)Transfer files in binary modeMake a TCP connectionTCP host name/address and optional service name or numberRECEIVE file(s) to standard outputMake connection on serial communications deviceC-KermitSerial device namehttp personalityModem type for use with -l deviceModem name as in SET MODEM TYPE commandCONNECT after transferring files?Internal Error: HTTP command line processing ParityError: HTTP command line processingOne of the following: even, odd, mark, none, spaceQuiet (suppress most messages)RECEIVE file(s)SEND file(s)Connected to %s [%s] One or more file specificationsConnected to %s XON Turnaround character for half-duplex connectionsWindow sizeNumber, 1 to 32index.htmlIncoming files Write over existing filesBe a Kermit SERVERAlternative initialization file?HTTP Connection failed. File specificationForce foreground behaviorcmdlin http xargvdebug.logInvalid argument bundlingInvalid argument bundlingMissing argumentMissing argumentcmdlin http GET%s %s Usage: %s host [ options... ] No http host given [%s] No http host givenNo local path for http PUTNo local path for http PUTNo remote path for http actionNo remote path for http actiondoarg entry?HTTP Connection failed. doarg argConnected to %s [%s] Connected to %s Extended option errorExtended option errorindex.htmlNo commands given for -CNo commands given for -Cinvalid argument bundling?Memory allocation error invalid argument bundlingmissing delay valuemissing delay valuetext/HTMLbad delay valuecmdline http resultbad delay valueftp personalityconflicting actionsconflicting actionsconflicting actionscmdlin ftp xargvconflicting actionscmdlin ftp hostcmdlin ftp portcmdlin nnetdirconflicting actionscmdlin lunet nhcountconflicting actionsconflicting actionscmdlin lunet nh_p[0]conflicting actionscmdlin lunet nh_p2[0]conflicting actionscmdlin lunet nh_px[0][0]conflicting actionstcp/ipinvalid argument bundling after -scmdlin calling xx_ftpinvalid argument bundling after -sTrying %s... doarg pipesendcmdlin xargvcmdlin args 1cmdlin doargNo files for -sNo files for -scmdlin args 2-s: too many -'s-s: too many -'scmdlin telnet hostinvalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -scmdlin nnetdirinvalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -sdoarg s nfilscmdlin lunet nhcountdoarg s zcmdlin lunet nh_p[0]cmdlin lunet nh_p2[0]sending from terminal not allowedcmdlin lunet nh_px[0][0]sending from terminal not allowedtcp/ipdoarg s stdinfcmdlin lunet substitutionconflicting actionscmdlin telnet host2conflicting actionsinvalid argument bundling after -ginvalid argument bundling after -gcan't open host connectionmissing filename for -gcan't open host connectionmissing filename for -ginvalid argument bundling after -ainvalid argument bundling after -aon_openmissing name in -amissing name in -adoarg ainvalid argument bundling after -ycmdlin cfilef set to 0invalid argument bundling after -ymissing filename in -ycmdlin xargvmissing filename in -yinvalid argument bundling after -l or -jcmdlin args 1invalid argument bundling after -l or -jcommunication line device name missingcmdlin doargcommunication line device name missing/dev/ttycmdlin args 2invalid command-line option, type "can't open device -h" for helpcan't open devicecmdlin whatdoarg speedcmdlin actioncmdlin stdoufon_openlocal action=%c ?Fatal network directory lookup error - cmdlin fatal 1No actions or connections allowed with -A:telnetNo actions or connections allowed with -A%d entr%s found for "%s"%s cmdlin fatal 2-l or -j or -X required-l or -j or -X requiredcmdlin fatal 3%3d. %s %-12s => %s -a without -s, -r, or -gError - network type "%s" not supported -a without -s, -r, or -gcan't open host connectioncan't open host connectionl l l l yl on_opencmdlin fatal 4invalid argument bundlinginvalid argument bundlingcan't change to '-a' directorymissing bpscan't change to '-a' directorymissing bpstelnetcmdlin fatal 5unsupported transmission rateunsupported transmission ratewrite access to -a file deniedinvalid argument bundling after -mwrite access to -a file deniedinvalid argument bundling after -mmodem type missingcmdlin fatal 6modem type missingunknown modem typeunredirected -k can only be used in local mode{l D||(}}p~~m `m unknown modem typeunredirected -k can only be used in local mode [filename] [-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..] [ = text ] ] cmdlin returns actioninvalid argument bundling after -e -x is an option requiring an argument, -y an option with no argument. invalid argument bundling after -ecmdlin returns action If the first command-line argument is the name of a file, interactive- missing length mode commands are executed from the file. The '=' argument tells Kermit missing length not to parse the remainder of the command line, but to make the words Unsupported packet length~0Tm  m H 0(|(m  following '=' available as \%1, \%2, ... \%9. The command file (if any) Unsupported packet lengthbannerfile is executed before the command-line options. invalid argument bundlingcdfileinvalid argument bundlingcdmessageIf no action command is included, or -S is, then after the command line is missing or bad window sizeexecuted, Kermit issues its prompt and waits for you to type commands. missing or bad window sizeUnsupported packet lengthhelpfilè<D(`0pXm Unsupported packet lengthnointerrupts [option-list] host[:port] [port] noperms The option-list consists of zero, one, or more of: xferfile -8 Negotiate Telnet Binary in both directions xferlog -a Require use of Telnet authentication -d Turn on debug mode -E No escape character $m (m ,m 0m 4m 8m doarg entryFile to display upon startup or IKSD logindoarg arg--cdfile:File to display when server changes directoryExtended options not configured--cdmessage:{on,off}Extended options not configuredWhether to display CD message filedebug.log--helpinvalid argument bundlingPrint this help text about extended optionsinvalid argument bundling--helpfile:missing usernameFile containing custom info for HELP commandmissing username--xferfile: [IKSD only]username too longName of ftpd-like logfile.ftp xx_ftp hostusername too long--xferlog:{on,off} [IKSD only]ftp xx_ftp uidbufinvalid argument bundlingWhether to keep an ftpd-like logfile.ftp_lognameinvalid argument bundling--userfile: [IKSD only]missing realmForbidden user file.missing realm--nointerruptsinvalid argument bundlingDisable keyboard interrupts.invalid argument bundling--nopermsftp xx_ftp actionmissing cert=, key=, crlfile=, crldir=, or cipher=Disable file-transfer Permissions attribute.missing cert=, key=, crlfile=, crldir=, or cipher=invalid command-line option, type "telnet -h" for help100% transparent CONNECT mode for "in-the-middle" operation،\``@aaabhbbck Connection is 8-bit clean -h This message. Make a connection to an FTP server -d Debug to debug.log. _file[%s](%d)Text to be echoed?Unexpected function code: %d ?Sorry, No MAIL with FTP terminaltake %stransaction-logApplication Program Command textxsend entry fncnvtransferdoxconn doconect returnstransmit?Sorry, browsing not allowed unknown-char-setUser Interface 8.0.247, 10 Nov 2001BROWSERFilename, or switch4n |\n ?Sorry, RLOGIN is not configured in this copy of C-Kermit. ?Browser not defined - use SET BROWSER to define wildcard-expansionpromptdoxconn ttchk returnsbinarywindow-sizeFilename, or switchFile(s) to sendn n %c_%s%c\doxconn doconect triggerval<n  o  h  @@Ht*|o  Й+LК<< T  \ p  p  L  q  !Hq  /afterFile to transmit?Too long Command/arrayldocmd XXGTA/as-namen n Ē/redirect?Unexpected function code: %d Commanddocmd cxPattern/before/binarymove-todocmd XXGTA maclvlpattern, or first few characters of a previous command?Too many patterns - %d is the maximum ?This switch does not take an argument /calibratecXo d?This switch requires an argument docmd dogta returns?Sorry, command recall can't be used now. xsend cmfdb/commanddirectory?Sorry, system command access is disabled /deleterassignCommand, or switchdocmd dogta maclvl?This switch does not take arguments /dotfiles?Only a single file may be transmitted ?This switch requires an argument /except o  o  A0o o `o ?Sorry, a command to send from is required ?Sorry - "%s" not found xsend switch/filtercommand/binary/filenames/command?Sorry, REMOVE SEND-LIST not implemented yet. ?Sorry, system command access is disabled /followlinkstcp/iprdelete/noecho?Sorry, ADD SEND-LIST does not work with external protocols ?Sorry, no SEND /COMMAND or CSEND when SEND FILTER selected /imagerdirectory/nowaitFilename or switchFile specification to addCommand, or switch/larger-thanFile(s) to send/listfileX  0 (p XܚDhp receive?A file specification is required address/transparent?No connection - use EXIT to quit. /move-todontroute?Sorry, BYE only works with Kermit protocol transfer character-set nameWARNING - \v(filespec) buffer overflow /nobackupfileshttp-proxyredial?A Kermit Server is not available to process this command Pattern/nodotfileskeepaliveredirecttype cmfdbwith file character-set/nofollowlinkslingertype of file transfer?Pattern required /not-aftertype cmresult.fcodefile character-set name/not-beforenodelayreinput As-name template containing replacement variables such as \v(filename)?Pattern too long - 256 max /pathnamesreverse-dns-lookuptype cmresult.nresultwith transfer character-setName to send it with/printrecvbufText of comment linedevice and/or directory for source file after sending/protocolsendbufremote?Filename required ?As-name for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) new name for source file after sending/quietremove?This switch does not take an argument Sorry, can't allocate space for as-name/recoverrenameNumber of linesSorry, can't allocate space for name/recursive|p p p p p p \0q Pq hq xq q q q q q  r r  @r \r \ r r r r r r replayCarriage return to confirm the command, or manual topicSorry, can't allocate file list node?Destination required/rename-toColumn at which to truncate"CONNECTION", or log or file to closekermit?New name required/since?This switch requires an argument connectionp p p q (q @q \q /smaller-thanassignresendpattern?You must say which file or log MANUALSize in bytes/starting-at?Sorry, access to system commands is disabled. connect?This switch requires an argument ?Connection was not open deleteretrieveprefix for each lineFile date-time/subjectreturnp  q /subdirectoriesdelete?Too long - 63 max ?Date-time required directory?This switch requires an argument dodial returnse-mail address/transparentcharacter-set namerkermit?address required rlogin?This switch requires an argument Print options,ĤLԩ *d8r Tr P+8PHH l Ю 0Ts  !xs  character-seth@q r /afterFile for result linesServer function to enable/agentxsend /as-name getval/beforekermitrmkdirServer function to disable/array/binaryrobustFilenameC-Kermit/headerName to send under/delete?Name of server function required text/HTML/password/exceptrquery?Name of an existing file required OPEN, CLOSE, GET, HEAD, PUT, INDEX, or POST, or switch/toscreen?name required /filenames?A single file please 0-based position/followlinkslogoutrrenametype scanfile?Please specify remote, local, or both /imagerrmdirtype scanfile flagCommand/larger-thanOptional return valuetr File-transfer protocolrspacetype fileorder/mime-type?This switch does not take an argument ?name of protocol required /move-torenameUser agentxsend /filter getval/nofollowlinksText to be outputHeader line/not-afterFilter program to send through/not-beforeOUTPUT 1User ID?The HTTP command may not be used from the IKS /pathnamesOUTPUT 2/print %s, for%s Numeric: %ld?No connection ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. /protocolscreenOUTPUT 3Password/quietscript THIS IS A TEST VERSION, NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE. OUTPUT sizeabsolute/recover$s |<ds search Patches: %s ?This switch requires an argument /rename-toconnectionsuser nameOUTPUT 4Array name (a single letter will do)converted/sinceserverxsend /filenames/smaller-thandebugging?Sorry, WHO command disabled File to print?Array name required /starting-atpacketssexpressionCK_WHO?Array name required number of Kbytes to send/subjectsession ?A file specification is required ?Bad array name - "%s" transactions to file or log?Wildcards not allowed /transparent?Bad array name - "%s" s s s 8@ 4t  `t lt t t Name of file containing list of filenames?Write to what? Local print command options, or carriage returnLocal filename Or switchls t H8xt t t t t l,?Filename required  t append-file?Wildcards not allowed /quietlydebug-logs At *$t Dt Pt .ht `At At t XXY xT@Upu ?u |@qu _u u su 7u 5v 6v 77hv |v k tv Qv v v (v  w ,w ALw \dw \w ~w w w w B* x ~Lv `v Ixv '@v Av Av Av Aa av w J$w ,Dw %`w NAw WRITELN ERRORLocal filenamedeclareArray name (a single letter will do)/triggerWRITE ERRORdestroyequatepacket-logexit status code?This switch does not take an argument ?Bad array: %s ,screenOptional EXIT messagetext/HTMLresize?No such array: %s /briefsession-logstatisticsMIME type/verbosesys$outputstatusWRITELN SCREENtext/HTMLWRITE SCREEN?Unexpected switch value - %d succeedSorry, E-PACKET only works with Kermit protocol URL or remote filenameundeclarexsend cmresult fcodeSUPPORTSorry, FINISH only works with Kermit protocol ?%s what?   u dz >z z hz *+@l{  <;T{ x@{ 9 C8*{ F{ 2{ { | 4P| ? 5l6!4 h( D4}  7l} B|} 11 :T}  }  ~   ~  hA 30L~ A~  ~ decrement?Sorry, CRECEIVE works only with Kermit protocol Trace object?Sorry, \&@[] is read-only definedeletecautiousSorry, REMOTE commands only work with Kermit protocol doxsend cmarg2argumentsblock-checkrobustRemote Kermit server commandSorry, /MAIL and /PRINT are conflicting options browserdirectoryscreen actionArray namearraysbuffersdisable?You must specify a command for the remote server TRACE %s /PRINTassociationscarrier-watchRow (1-based)?Array name required attributes?Bad array reference - "%s" Sorry, %s available only with Kermit protocol browsere-packetColumn (1-based)?Partial arrays can not be destroyed ?Sorry, \&@[] is read-only /PRINTcharacter-sets?Row and Column must be 1 or greater Add to which list??Failed - destroy "\&%c[]" xsend print/mail wildeightbitRemove from which list?Optional messagescreen calling ck_cls()clear-channelenablePrompt cmdlvldoxsend mail address or printer optionscommunicationsclearchannelFile to partially sendArray name?E-mail address required commandclose-on-disconnectArray operation?Command stack overflow: %d ?%s too long connectionevaluate?A file specification is required [%d] +P: "(prompt)" ?Array name required E-mail addressz %z ,z ,z ,,, { &01/L{ !p{ ',{ { . | P#8| control-prefixingcommandPSEND line(Recursive command prompt; use END or RETURN to return...) Print option string?Sorry, not implemented yet - "%s" ?Sorry, wildcards not permitted in this command xsend mailingbinaryconsole?Sorry, this command needs 32-bit integers ?Bad array reference - "%s" xsend address:control-characterextended-optionsstarting position (byte number)?Array %s is not declared xsend printingdefault?Sorry, \&@[] is read-only xsend optionsScript file name, or switchName to send it withCALIBRATIONcom-port-controldouble/ignorecomport-controleditorfclose?Sorry, no PSEND while SEND FILTER selected doxsend cmarg2 calibrateescapedefaultfcountSorry, PSEND works only with Kermit protocol SET HOST /NETWORK:TCPencryptfflushPSEND filename TELNET /TELNETArray name not currently in usexsend can't openforward-xextended-optionsdestinationPSEND as-name IF FAIL STOP 1 Connection failed ?Failure to open %s kermitfeaturesSorry, you can only send one file at a time with XMODEM protocol ?Array name required xsend openedSorry, SERVER only works with Kermit protocol Name of existing arraylogoutflow-controloption?Filename required but not given disconnectfinish?This switch does not take an argument keymap?Array name required new-environmentfunctionsduplexfirewall?You must specify an option to save ?Bad array reference - "%s" pragma-heartbeatglobalseditor?Array already exists: \&%c[] pragma-logonhistory?More fields required docmd entry, cx?Sorry, whole arrays only: %s pragma-sspiignore/doubleescape-characterLEARN file open errorParameter?Bad array reference - "%s" evaluate?Sorry, whole arrays only: %s ?Read access denied - "%s" send-locationforwardLEARN file open ok?You must specify a parameter to set ?Array is not declared: \&%c[] doxsend line=sf-ack-bugdD| Recording to %s... ?Links to links not allowed: \&%c[] xsend /COMMAND pipesendstart-tlsf-ack-pathbinary-patterns WARNING: If you type your password during script recording, it will appear in the file. Be sure to edit it or take other appropriate precautions. ?More fields required languagesfrewindsend-list; Scriptfile: Command to overlay C-Kermit or switch?Invalid switch combination xdisplay-locationtext-patterns ; Directory: ?Access to system disabled doxsend cmarg2 wildmacrosfstatus ; Recorded: ?Connections disabled ?As-name for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) Command to overlay C-Kermitxsend cmarg2 before strippingt| | networkfunction8xsend filenameoptionsftp-clientfwritefile-character-setLEARN learningxsend as-nameoutputflow-controltransfer-character-setexec cmfdbitem to clearparametersfunctionxfer-character-setRest of commanddevice-and-inputxsend pv[SND_STA].ivalpatternsget-put-remote?Command required printerhandshakeSorry, "%s" not configured in this version of Kermit. Argument?/STARTING-AT may not be used with multiple files. prefixing?GOTO: Label name required: "%s" "%s" xsend /STARTINGIP host name or numberprotocolSystem command to execute?Sorry, PING command disabled scripts ?No macros defined Executing CLEAR APCsend-listRUN zshcmd codexsend displayserversexpressionincompleteEXEC cmd?Bad array range - [%d:%d] hangupEXEC argxsend /DELETEstatusstreamingEXEC failsVariable namelanguage?Macro name required xsend fncnvdoend maclvl 1Local command to run, ?Variable name required telnetlocal-echowith its standard input/output redirected to optional argumentsxsend fnspathteloptthe communications connectionInteger arithmetic expressionterminalincrementxsend fncnvnetwork?REDIRECT disabled braced list of commandsxsend /FILTERoutput?SET LINE or SET HOST required first END poppingoptions?REDIRECT requires a command to redirect ?A Kermit Server is not available to process this command. transferintroductionon_unknown_command?Start a RECEIVE command to complement this command. transmitparitykermitTELNET commanddoend maclvl 2triggerparametersdoxsend sndsrcvariablesTELNET optionversionsprinterON_UNKNOWN_COMMANDprefixingLICENSEConfirm for current disk, or specify a disk device or directoryEND maclvl 3promptlineoutff%02x%02x protocolUNKMAC loop exit maclvlEND mrval[maclvl]?Sorry, SPACE command disabled XXTELOPEND mrval[maclvl+1]~ ~ 8q8flag?Not a command or macro name: "%s" qnx-port-lock?Not a command or macro name. TELNET optionlogoutCarriage return, or option ..tmp:%03d_array_x_remotelookup/brief    4 D X p   P      0   ` x m  m  m  m  receiveexit status code?LABEL: Label name required: "%s" TELNET SENT reliablemanualrepeatMessage to printUNKNOWNassignretry-limitminputSwitchscriptContinuation of S-ExpressionS-Expression ("help sexp" for details)ff%02x ?Sorry, access to system is disabled serialdeleteserver?Take files nested too deeply directorysession-logmpause\v(home)?SEXP too long - %d max doxconn cmfdbenablesexpressionsexp contdEDITORCommands from file?Editor not defined - use SET EDITOR to define ?No switches match - "%s" finish?Unbalanced S-Expression: "%s" ?This switch does not take arguments startup-filemsleep?A file name is required File to edit?This switch requires an argument stop-bits?Wildcards not allowed in command file name doxconn switchstreamingTAKE filesexp splitCan't create "%s" suspendnolocal?Can't execute a directory - "%s" ?A single file please String (enclose in braces if it contains spaces)nopushTAKE args?Sorry, editing not allowed Optional argumentssexp result?String required rename?Unexpected switch value - %d retrievetelnetoptionsTAKE filenamedoxconn cmresult.fcodeteloptoutputTAKE new len?Invalid S-Expression: "%s" temp-directorypatterns INPUT DeviceSpeed %ld Terminal echo: %sCONNECT Command for UNIX:select(), 8.0.127, 10 Nov 2001remote} IF FAIL STOP 1 INPUT timeout Terminal bytesize: %d PAUSE 1 OUTPUT Command bytesize: %d Parity: %s Autodownload: %s Session log: (none) Elapsed time: %s----------------------------------------------------Error resuming CONNECT session Sorry, you can't CONNECT to an FTP server Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first Sorry, you must SET SPEED first Sorry, network type not supported Sorry, CONNECT input buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT output buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT keyboard buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT temporary buffer can't be allocated CONNECT conect entry ttyfdCONNECT conect entry ibcCONNECT conect entry obcCONNECT conect entry kbcCONNECT conect triggerCONNECT conect entry ttchkCONNECT le_inbuf()ttyfd < 0CONNECT ttnprotoCONNECT openingSorry, can't open CONNECT open failureConnecting via command "%s"Connecting to host %sConnecting to %s, speed %ld. The escape character is Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s) Type the escape character followed by C to get back, or followed by ? to see other options. . ESCAPE CHARACTER IS DISABLED timestamped-textbinarySession Log: %s, %s Debugging Display...) Sorry, can't condition console terminal CONNECT cmaskCONNECT cmdmskCONNECT speed before ttvtCONNECT ttvtSorry, can't reopen Sorry, Can't condition communication line CONNECT ttvt ok, escapeCONNECT carrier-watchCONNECT ttgmdmCONNECT ttgmdm CD test fails?Carrier required but not detected. *********************************** Hint: To CONNECT to a serial device that is not presenting the Carrier Detect signal, first tell C-Kermit to: SET CARRIER-WATCH OFF *********************************** CONNECT ttgmdm ok---------------------------------------------------- CONNECT escseqCONNECT top of loopCONNECT ttpeekCONNECT select() timeoutCONNECT select() errnoCONNECT SELECT scrnoutCONNECT SELECT ttyfdCONNECT SELECT kbinCONNECT SELECT ttyfdCONNECT gotkbdCONNECT kbcCONNECT kmptrCONNECT kmptr non NULLCONNECT macro empty, continuingCONNECT char from macroCONNECT macro keyCONNECT got escapeOUTXBUF Can't send character Communications disconnect CONNECT i/o error 1CONNECT NULCONNECT got IAC Communications disconnect CONNECT i/o error 2 Connection closed by peerCONNECT i/o error 3 Connection closed due to telnet policyCONNECT i/o error 4 Remote Logout CONNECT Remote LogoutCONNECT autodownload kset proto %s, %s, set proto %sPRINTER ON NOPRINTERserverreceiveCONNECT ksbufCONNECT autodownloadPRINTER DEFAULTPRINTER ONCONNECT APC completeINXBUFPRINTER OPEN(Back at %s)PRINTER OFF NOPRINTERlocal UNIX systemPRINTER OFFCONNECT exit apcactiveCONNECT exit justonePRINTER CLOSE---------------------------------------------------- chkaes entry inesc<p$L8l\ ? or H for this messagechkaes c 0 (zero) to send the NUL (0) character B to send a BREAK signal (0.275sec)ESCBUF 1 B to send a network BREAK B to send a Telnet BREAKESCBUF 2 L to send a Long BREAK (1.5sec)ESCBUF STRING I to send a network interrupt packetCONNECT APC begin I to send a Telnet Interrupt request A to send Telnet Are-You-There?ESCBUF PRINT 1 U to hangup and close the connectionESCBUF PRINT 2 Q to hangup and quit Kermit S for status ! to push to local shell Z to suspend \ backslash code:ESCBUF PRINT 3 \nnn decimal character codeESCBUF PRINT 4 \Onnn octal character codeESCBUF PRINT 5 \Xhh hexadecimal character code;CONNECT APC terminated terminate with Carriage Return. Type the escape character again to send the escape character itself,chkaes exit inesc or press the space-bar to resume the CONNECT session. ---------------------------------------------------- Press:CONNECT CKCPUTC obc C to return to the C-Kermit promptPress a key>----------------------------------------------------CONNECT doesckbget kbc Hanging up CONNECT kbget errno---------------------------------------------------- Pipe: " Pty: "mdmhup ttchkLACKS PERMISSIONATD%s AT&Q5\N3S48=7 ATS0=0 NOT A DATALINEATQ0H0 AT&Q0\N1 mdmhup networkINVALID DATA LINE NUMBERAT\Q3 AT%C3S46=138 ATD%s mdmhup mymdmtypINVALID GROUP NAMEAT\Q1 AT%C0S46=136  8 <\ l"d ă ܃ $PL+D%l%<&&&'()(0\0`   ̅    H x OATQ0E1Y0X4\K1\V2S25=50 ATQ0H0 AT\Q0 ATS0=1 Telebit T1600, T3000, QBlazer, WorldBlazer, etc.AT&K3 Dial Command, 8.0.152, 10 Nov 2001mdmhup mdmtypDOES NOT ANSWERAT\N7 ATS0=0 ATB1+FCLASS=0 AT&K4 ONLINE!AT\N1 AT&K0 mdmhup no MDMINFOnline!AT%C1 T"  #؃ $ D d &L+&'() 0T0811282   @ p   Ԇ  }OATD%s AT&Q5S36=7S48=7 K_DIAL_DIRECTORYAT%C0 Lucent Venus chipsetAAAAATQ0X2S12=50S50=0S61=0S63=0 ATQ0H0 AT&Q0 ATS0=1 $ԃ   @ `  & ܄   @ \ |  ȅ    < l   І   AT\G1\Q3 ATS46=2 mdmhup hup_strDEAD PHONEATS0=0 l$  #< (&|   'L+)0H0,111,2\2T338 h   Ȇ    < }ODigital DF-200AT\G1\Q1\X0 ATS46=0 mdmhup escbufINITIATINGK_COUNTRYCODEAT\J0 Any ITU-T V.25ter/V.250 conformant modemAT\G0 ATS0=1 mdmhup esc_timeK_LD_PREFIXAT\J1 ATQ0V1N1X4Y0&C1&D2%E2\K5+FCLASS=0S37=0 ATD%s AT\J0\N3"H3 ATS0=0 mdmhup pause 1 OKCALL FAILEDK_INTL_PREFIXATQ0H0 AT\N1 NO CONNECTK_TF_PREFIXATS58=2S68=2 AT%C1 K_DIAL_METHODx&  #؄ ) < X 1L+1$2T2 3330445P55 4 P p    }OATQ0E1V1X4&C1&D2 ATS58=3S68=3 AT%C0 mdmhup ttslow net okNO DIALTONEBest Data Fax ModemATD%s ATS58=0S68=0 ATS0=1 mdmhup ttslow okCOMMAND ERROR d %s ATQ0H0 ATS180=3 ATS0=0 '  #, L l   @2L+3 4 \     `5D6( L h   ԇ   8 ` Omdmhup pause 1 OKIN USEAT&K3 ATS180=0 Hayes Smartmodem 2400 and compatiblesCONNECTK_TF_AREACODEATD%s AT&K4S32=17S33=19 ATS190=1 mdmhup ttslow okPROGRAM ERROR - No response handler for modem type %d (aG4Uu8"d6&BP:[h84dtDq<myȅ,d0<|Ih2>\oVb84hX84x?M$ZrD7C@R]$jvȂ%p9$FS}_dlxx#fK!A5Oh\hܐATQ0E1N1W0X4Y0 ATQ0H0 AT&K0 ATS190=0 mdmhup calling response function_dodial alarm off00= 1D@1?1:2;H2D3333<445H55X69, x7t808 959d9H8:t::|; <p<<`=6=.= X 1| 1>  14?1d?14  T  x    Ċ  AB CDD|EE GCtG`HCHFH(PI7I2tJ2J= ،   DX>HYY@Y3 Z@l " "đ "x[E["X]8P 't '^'^.l_ _) ` Aaa=bHb=bbcc#(dG@dC $̔ $@f$xfIfJhgK % AT+IFC=2,2 AT&Q5 ATS0=1 3com-usr-megahertz-56kAT+IFC=1,1 AT&Q0 ATS0=0 @1  #؅ 2 0 X 3L+45 5X5067l74888Ї   0 T l   Ĉ }Omdmhup hangup responsedial partialacer-v90AT+IFC=0,0 AT%C1 Practical Peripherals V.22bis or higher with V.42 and V.42bisatlas-newcom-33600ifxCATD%s AT+ES=3,0,2;+EB=1,0,30 AT%C0 mdmhup no ok_fndial succeededatt-1900-stu-iiiATQ0H0 AT+ES=0 ATS0=1 att-1910-stu-iiiAT&K3 AT+DS=3,0 ATS0=0 ATD%s att-7300AT&K4 AT+DS=0,0 \3( P #| 4   (6L+7T78889$9:l:::;  ܈   8 l }OATQ0X4N1Y0S37=0 ATQ0H0 WARNING: Carrier seems to have dropped... att-dataportATS0=1 Multitech MT1432 or MT2834 Series %sall complete: %s. att-dtdmAT&Q6\N3 ATS0=0 Partial c19961011att-isnAT&Q0\N1 att-keepintouchAT%C3 ATD%s %sall complete: "%s". att-switched-netAT%C0 5܆   $ H d   ̇   , P h    ؈   4 h   ԉ  ATQ0E1X4&E8&Q0 ATQ0H0 Partial catt7300ATS0=1 (dummy)AT&K3 attdtdmATS0=0 AT&K4 %sall complete. K_AREACODEattisnAT\N3 AT&K0 ATS0=1 Partial cK_PBX_OCPattmodemAT\N0 6@ \ #| 8ȇ   d:L+::;D<<<h====  ̉   D `   }OATD%s AT&Q5S36=7S48=7 ATS0=0 K_PBX_ICPbestdata<7X x  ć   ( H d    Ԉ   0 d   ȉ   @ \   Ԋ Conexant family of modemsATQ0H0 AT&Q0S36=0S48=128 K_PBX_XCHGeneralDataComm 212A/EDAT&E4&E7&E8&E11&E13 ATS46=2 ccitt-v25bis8  #  $ D ` ;L+<< Ј   , `  >?  < X |  Њ   =OAT&E5&E6&E8&E11&E13 ATS46=0 longjmp returns to dial routineckudial dialfailcardinalGeneric high-speed AT command setAT&E3&E7&E8&E10&E12 ATS0=1 cermetekATQ0V1X4&C1&D2%E1+FCLASS=0 AT&E1 ATS0=0 %s Failure: compaqAT&E0 concordAT&E15 Sorry, DIAL memory buffer can't be allocated ANSWERconexant@:@ \ #| 0< ̈  =L+=\   ĉ   8 l@@ ̊ ܊   0 L `  %%OAT&E14 ckdial entry partialdial display is oncourierAT&T Secure Data STU III Model 1900ATD%s ATS0=1 dataportATQ0H0 ATS0=0 ckdial entry numberdf03-acAT&K3 AT$BA0 ; Ȉ   ( H t     ( L t   ؊   , < \ x   Ћ Invalid modem type %d - internal error. df100-seriesATD%s AT&K4S32=17S33=19 AT$BA1 UnknownSorry, handler for this modem type not yet filled in. Timed out while trying to initialize modem. df200-seriesATQ0E1X4 ATQ0H0 AT&K0 dial number%s interval expired. digitel-dt22AT&Q5 DIAL lbuf malloc okDIAL TIMEOUTdirectAT&Q0 p= @ #p >    @L+L@t@@@ABB@DD4Et   ȋ    4 L }OANSWER timeoutfujitsuAT%C3 AT&T / Paradyne DataPort V.32 or higherTimeout. gateway-telepathATD%s AT%C0 DIAL rbuf malloc okgdc-212a/edATQ0H0 ATS0=1 ATS0=0 timeout>؉  #$ 0@p   AL+BB8DD$EEEF@GG  , D d   Č  }OATQ0E1X6&Q0Y0\K5S78=0 DIAL fbuf malloc okInterrupted. gendatacommATS0=1 SupraFAXModem 144 or 288ATS0=0 Sorry, can't open %sinterruptedgenericSorry, can't open devicedialfail()generic-high-speed@h  # A  ( DL+EEEF8GG|HHItI` |     4 T  }OATD%s Generic Rockwell V.32 modemATQ0E1N1W0X4Y0\K5S82=128 ATQ0H0 Sorry, can't reopen %sATS0=1 AT\Q3 Sorry, can't reopen deviceATS0=0 AT\Q1\X0 /dev/nullAT\Q0 Sorry, Can't condition communication line Call not completed.B  #8 Dp   0GL+GtHHHlIIJKHKK 0 L x  č   4 }OATQ0X4Y0%E2\K5+FCLASS=0N1S37=0 ATD%s AT\N7 Try 'set line %s' again Call did not come in.hayes-1200B 4 2X l ,  ċ ܋   ( @ \ x     , H t     0 X PCTel chipsetATQ0H0 AT\N0 ckdial sets partial=1:hayes-2400Penril modemAT&K3 AT%C1 HDDAT&K0 _dodial S7 mdmstatAtlas / Newcom 33600ixfC Data/Fax ModemATD%s AT&Q5 dial hayesnv lbufATQ0H0 AT&Q0 @nȗ  (  ( D d qL+  Ԙ   0 \      4 D h   Ě  Odial hayesnv gotAT&K3 AT%C3 Digitel DT-22 CCITT dialerdial hayesnv numericNUMBER TOO LONG!ATD%s AT&K4S32=17S33=19 AT%C0 dial hayesnv suffix dialingATZ0&FQ0V1 ATQ0H0 AT&K0 ATS0=1 Dialing: %s... AT\Q3 AT&Q5 ATS0=0 Local phone is ringing! _dodial waitctAT\Q1 AT&Q0 p< \ #x q И  HsL+s,tdtLu\vvvwx(xlx|x   0 H h  }O No Carrier. AT\Q0 AT%C1+DCS=1,1 Zoltrix V.32bis and V.34 modems with Rockwell ACI chipset Modem Command Error. ATD%s AT\N3 AT%C0 Dial Locked. ATQ0H0 AT\N0 ATS0=1 No Dialtone. dial awaiting response, mymdmtypAT&K3 AT%C1 ATS0=0 CRN%s Busy. dologdial uidbuf emptyAT&K4 AT%C0 rȘ  # sX   TvL+vv|wwxdxtxTyyy, D `   ܛ  4 l }OATQ0E1F0W1X4Y0\K5S82=128S95=41 Dial Locked. AT&K0 ATS0=1 US Robotics Courier, Sportster, or compatible No Answer. AT"H3 ATS0=0 Ringing... AT"H0 AT\N3 Answered by voice. AT%C1 AT\N1 sP x # 0v  0 wL+x\x Lyxyyz<{{{ ؛  , d     =OATD%s 4 `   ę   8 H l   Ț   Wait... _dodial modem responseAT%C0 IBM Mwave AdapterATQ0X4&A3&N0&Y3S14=0 ATQ0H0 CONNECT 1200/75 - Not supported by C-Kermit UnknownATS0=1 AT&K3 Ringing... WARNING - no carrier ATS0=0 AT&K4S32=17S33=19 Dialing... %s %s T=DIAL H=%s D=%s N=%s O=%s ATN0\J0 tu  #( wdd    Ԛ   ,{{{|Л  $ \      $ 8 OAT&K0 No Prompttone. ATN1\J1 Microcom MNP modems in SX command modexv , w x  @yܚ  ( @ \   ԛ  ( `      ( < ` ATQ0X4Y0&M0&Q0&N1&S0\K3\T0%E2S28=0 ATD%s AT\N3 dologdial cxlogbufCermetek Info-Mate 212 AATQ0H0 AT\N1 RELIABLELOGDIAL BUFFER OVERFLOWAT&H1&R2&I0 ATS46=138%C3 w\ x # 0yК   ${L+{{{|},}T | X~~~ 0 X t   ̝ }OAT&H2&R1&I2 ATS46=136%C0 COMPRESSEDAB: Timed outFujitsu Fax/Modem AdapterSE0;S1P4;SBRK5 BbPpTtATD%s AT&H0&R1&I0 ATS0=1 XYR ATQ0H0 AT&M4&B1 ATS0=0 CB: Local DCE Busydialtime caught SIGALRMAT\Q3 AT&M0 AT\N0 AT&K1 AT&Q0 CONNECT ET: Busy\y  #< `{  ̛ |L+$}@}|}L~~~~$8 ĝ    \ }OATQ0E1X4\K5\N3 D '%s' AT\Q0 AT&K0 Motorola Codex 326X SeriesAT\N7 ATS0=1 Can't change speed to %ld NS: Number not storedAT\N0 ATS0=0 zP p #    D L}L+,~ Ԝ   , L p ԁL ܝ   ( L h   OzH{{ ě   H t 4~~؜  Speed changed to %ld dialint caught SIGINTAT%C1"H3 Hayes Smartmodem 1200 and compatiblesUnknownCONNECT FAST/KERMNT: No answerATD%s BAOFF;SMAUT AT%C0"H0 TrailBlazerFAST/KERM ATZQ0E1V1X4Y0*DE22*MM0&C1&M0 ATQ0H0 BAON;SMDIR ATS0=1 TrailBlazer-PlusRT: Ring toneddinc entry nAT&K3\Q3 COMP1 ATS0=0 RINGINGAT&K4\Q1 COMP0 | < #p ~ М  L+0؀́Dtt0l|  Ğ    D }ODIALINGPV: Parameter value errorAT&K0\Q0 Motorola FasTalk II or LifestyleCONNECTATD%s AT\N3 PS: Parameter syntax errorATQ0H0 AT\N0 NO CARRIERAT*MF1*FL3 ATD%s NO DIALTONEMS: Message syntax errorAT*MF1*FL1 `~Ȝ  # H l  <L+lh(d<xԆ < d   ̟  }OATQ0E1X4\K5\V1 ATQ0H0 QblazerNO DIAL TONEAT*MF0*FL0 ATS0=1 US Robotics / Megahertz CC/XJ-CC1560 X2WorldBlazerCU: Command unknownttslowAT*EC0*SM3*SC0 ATS0=0 NO ANSWERAT*SM0 AT\J0 FC: Forbidden callAT*DC1 AT\J1 @ d #|  ؝  L+L,lx̆h` |  ğ   0 T x }OATD%s NO PROMPT TONEAT*DC0 Gateway 2000 Telepath II 28.8ATQ0X4&A3&B2&N0 ATQ0H0 REMOTE ACCESS FAILEDINC: Incoming callAT*AA5S0=1 AT\Q3 AT*AA5S0=0   #Н \  D DL+$dpĆ`P   $ H l   Ġ }OAT\Q1 WAIT - CONNECTINGDLC: Delayed callAT*SC1 ELSA MicroLink 14.4, 28.8, 33.6 or 56K ԝ   $ H d x   ܞ   8 \ x     , P t   Ƞ AT\Q0 ATS0=1 WAIT-CONNECTINGdial waitfor gotAT*SC0 Digital DF03-ACATQ0X4&N0&Y1#CLS=0S13=0S15=0S19=0 ATD%s AT\N6 ATS0=0 DELAYEDNot connectedATQ0H0 AT\N1 BLACKLISTEDNot ConnectedAT&H1&I0 AT%C1 COMPRESSIONNo dial tone < #`   ؞ L+ X|H0$l     < d }OATQ0X4\K5 AT&H2&I2 AT%C0 PROTOCOLNo Dial ToneMegahertz AT&T V.34ATD%s AT&H0&I0 ATS0=1 DIAL LOCKEDNo answerdidwegetATQ0H0 AT&M4 ATS0=0 No AnswerATX3*BD2 AT&H1&R2 AT&M0 AT\J0 AnsweredATD%s AT&H2&I2S22=17S23=19 AT&K1 AT\J1 ConnectedP О # 4 X t L+(d`@4 \ |   ܡ  }OATQ0X4N1\K5 ATQ0H AT&H0&I0&R1 AT&K0 ANSWEREDMultitech MT5634ZPXAT\Q3 AT&M4&B1 ATS0=1 dreset resetting alarm and signal handlersAT\Q1\X0 AT&M0 ATS0=0   #H    ܟ L+\tLЋ |T t   С   @ ` }OCARRIERDISCONNECTAT\Q0 AT&K1 AT&B1 Hayes Ultra/Optima/Accura 96/144/288NO ANSWERATD%s AT\N3 AT&K0 AT&B0 DIGITAL LINEWRONG ADDRESSATQ0E1X4&Q0 ATQ0H AT\N0 ATS0=1 ANSWEREDdreset alarm and signal handlers resetAT&K3 AT%C3 ATS0=0 CALLID DATEAT&K4 AT%C0 X ԟ # Љ8 d  DL+ȋt X4  8 X   Ģ   }OATQ0X4N1Y0S37=0S82=128 CHECK OPTIONSAT&K0 ATS0=1 BOCA 14.4 FaxmodemCALLID TIMEDISCONNECTEDATD%s AT\N3 ATS0=0 DENIEDATQ0H0 AT\N0 CALLID NAME WARNING - speed change to %ld failed. AT&K3 AT%C1"H3 ATD%s Speed changed to %ld. AT&K4 AT%C0"H0 ,\ | < dԠ   PL+H h̐$    , T \   KOATQ0E1F1N1W1\K5S37=11S82=128S95=47X4 ATQ0H0 CALLID NMBRdial df03 gotAT&K0 ATS0=1 Telebit TrailBlazer, T1000, T1500, T2000, T2500AT&K3 AT\N3 ATS0=0 AT&K4 CALLID MESGAT\N1 AT\J0 AT&K0 AT%C1 AT\J1 h̠  # P p  xL+`$|( P T   Ȃ   4 }OATD%s AT&Q5S36=7S48=7 AT%C0 Cardinal MVP288X SeriesAAAAATQ0X1&S1S12=50S50=0S54=3 ATQ0H0 AT&Q0 dialhup mdmhupATS0=1 AT&K3 ATS46=2 AttachedATS0=0 H D #h  ȡ  L+ԑܒpܓ,x     ( P |  }Od$ L l   ̡   4 T |   ܢ  $ L P |  Ă   0 X  AT&K4 ATS46=0 Modem hangup OK AT\J0 ELSA MicroLink 56K V.250Digital DF-100AT&K0 ATS0=1 WARNING - modem hangup failed DisconnectedAT\J1 ATQ0X4W1Y0%E2\K5+FCLASS=0+MS=11,1 ATD%s AT\N3S36=7S48=7 ATS0=0 Hangup OK ATQ0H0 AT\N1 Hangup skipped No answerATS58=2S68=2 ATS46=138 Hangup errorNo dial tone\  # pP x  L+hԓD L ,!$ L t   ̃   8 }OATQ0X4 ATS58=3S68=3S69=0 ATS46=136 Hangup skipped Speed:)Diamond SupraSonic 288V+ATD%s ATS58=0S68=0 ATS0=1 ON LINEATQ0H0 ATS66=1S95=2 ATS0=0 t H (d   Ԣ  4 ` p   Ђ   D `   ȃ   ( L p  NO CONNECTAT&K3 ATS95=0 Any CCITT / ITU-T V.25bis conformant modemmdmhup dialmhuATD%s AT&K4S32=17S33=19 ATS110=1S96=1 p  # P  @ L+D $!T!!L""p#d$$ 0 X t   Ԅ }OATQ0E1N1W0X4Y0 ATQ0H0 AT&K0 ATS110=0S96=0 mdmhup localNO RINGMotorola SM56 V.90 chipsetAT+IFC=2,2 AT&Q5S36=7S48=7\N3 ATS0=1 ON LINEAT+IFC=1,1 AT&Q0S48=128\N1 ATS0=0 ̢  # |\ l  L+  D!\!$""H#,$$ %$ H h   Ȅ   ( }Omdmhup dialstaFAILED CALLAT+IFC=0,0 ATS46=138%C1 Hayes AccuraCALLINGATD%s AT+ES=3,0 ATS46=136%C0 mdmhup mdmsetCOMPLETEATQ0V1X4&C1&D2*MM16 ATQ0H0 AT+ES=1,0 ATS0=1 FAILEDAT&K3 AT+DS=3,0,2048,32 ATS0=0 CRN%s mdmhup dialescABANDONDEDAT&K4 AT+DS=0,0 d  # t  4!@ "L+"<#$$$L%|%L&&&Ą    D d   ԅ }OATQ0X4N1Y0S37=0 NOT AVAILABLEATS0=1 Intel High-Speed FaxmodemScript Command, 8.0.031, 20 Apr 2000recvseqexpecting sequencegot it (null sequence)received sequence: returning with got-it codesending sequence {BREAK}Sorry, can't open Executing SCRIPT to host %s. Executing SCRIPT through %s, speed %ld. SCRIPT string: Sorry, Can't condition communication line Script successful. Script successful.Sorry, script failed Script failedtcpsrv_open bzero okNetwork support, 8.0.255, 8 Dec 2001Failure: Server reports %s nettol TCPIPLIB not definedtcpsrv_open calling socketConnection:TCP socket errortcpsrv_open socket errortcpsrv_open calling setsockoptHTTP/1.1tcpsrv_open setsockoptPassword: netflui non-TCPIPLIBINDEX %s Binding socket to port %d ... HTTP/1.1Host: tcpsrv_open bind errnoUser-agent: to bind to socket (errno = %d) getlocalipaddr setting buf totcpsrv_open bind OKAuthorization: Basic Listening ... getlocalipaddrscalling gethostbyname()tcpsrv_open listen errnogetlocalipaddrsgethostbyname() returnedtcpsrv_open listen OKgetlocalipaddrs setting buf toFailure: Server reports %s getlocalipaddrs: gethostbyname() failed Waiting to Accept a TCP/IP connection on port %d ... Connection:tcpsrv_open BSDSELECTContent-Length:Transfer-Encoding:chunkedTELNET SENT tcpsrv_open accept errnoConnection:UNKNOWNtcpsrv_open no_delaytcpsrv_open keepalivetcpsrv_open lingertelnetHTTP/1.1Password: getsocknamePUT %s %s HTTP/1.1tcpsrv_open accept errnoDate: tcpsrv_open serviceHost: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT Reverse DNS Lookup... User-agent: Authorization: Basic tcpsrv_open gethostbyaddr != NULL?Array declaration failure Content-type: Content-length: %d %s connected on port %s Failed. Failure: Server reports %s %s connected on port %d Connection:tcpsrv_open accept errnoContent-Length:Transfer-Encoding:chunkedConnection:http_open hostnamehttp_open svcnameHTTP/1.1?Invalid service: %s Password: http_openDELETE %s %s HTTP/1.1netopen name has colonDate: Can't find port for service %s Host: netopen can't get service for proxyckgetpeer failureUser-agent: http_open bzero okAuthorization: Basic http_open INADDR_NONE definedckgetpeerhttp_open INADDRX not definedhttp_open inet_addrckgetfqhn() DNS Lookup... http_open gethostbyname != NULLFailure: Server reports %s ckgetfqhn() gethostbyname != NULLConnection:Content-Length:host->h_addrhost->h_addrTransfer-Encoding:chunked (caddr_t)&r_addr.sin_addr (caddr_t)&r_addr.sin_addrConnection: r_addr.sin_addr.s_addrhost->h_lengthckgetfqhn() gethostbyaddr != NULLhost->h_lengthhttp_open gethostbyname == NULL: Not INADDRXckgetfqhn()HTTP/1.1http_open uuPassword: Can't get address for %s kermitPOST %s %s http_open can't get addresstelnetHTTP/1.1Date: http_open trying Trying %s... Host: TCP socket errorhttp_open socket errorUser-agent: http_open binding socket tokermitTCP ck_linger can't get SO_LINGERAuthorization: Basic http_open bind errnotelnetTCP ck_linger error: SO_LINGERContent-type: http_open h_addr_listTCP ck_linger SO_LINGER Trying %s... netopen nettexpected lenContent-length: %d TCP ck_linger SO_LINGERhttp_open connect errnonetopen namecopylinger_opt.l_onoffnetopen name has colonTCP linger SO_LINGERFailednetopen namecopy after strippinglinger_opt.l_lingerC-Kermitnetopen p after strippinggetsocknameTCP ck_linger can't set SO_LINGER Reverse DNS Lookup... TCP ck_linger new SO_LINGERFailure: Server reports %s http_open gethostbyname != NULLConnection:TCP ck_linger SO_LINGER unchangednetopen namecopy found @Content-Length:http_open host->h_name is NULLTransfer-Encoding:netopen namecopy usernamechunkednetopen namecopy passwordTCP sendbuf can't get SO_SNDBUFhttp_open host->h_name is emptynetopen x pTCP sendbuf error: SO_SNDBUFConnection:netopen x qnetopen found portTCP sendbuf SO_SNDBUFnetopen portexpected len %s connected on port %s netopen tempserviceTCP sendbuf SO_SNDBUFHTTP/1.1Failed. netopen temphostProxy-Connection: Keep-Alive netopen temppathTCP sendbuf SO_SNDBUF retrievedPassword: http_closeTCP sendbuf can't set SO_SNDBUFCONNECT %s %s kermitTCP sendbuf old SO_SNDBUFHTTP/1.1netopen tempserviceDate: netopen temphostTCP sendbuf new SO_SNDBUFhttp_tol socket is closednetopen temppathUser-agent: netopen URL result: hostTCP sendbuf SO_SNDBUF unchangedhttp_tol TCPIPLIB ttnetnetopen URL result: serviceProxy-authorization: Basic netopen URL result: pathtelnetExtension: Security/Remote-Passphrase http_tol BSDSELECTnetopen hostTCP recvbuf can't get SO_RCVBUFProxy-Connection: Keep-Alive netopen service requestedTCP recvbuf error: SO_RCVBUFCan't find port for service %s http_tol select failednetopen can't get serviceTCP recvbuf SO_RCVBUFexpected lenhttp_tolnetopen service okTCP recvbuf SO_RCVBUFFailure: Server reports %s !FD_ISSETTCP recvbuf SO_RCVBUF retrievedhttp_tol socket_write errornetopen name has colonTCP recvbuf can't set SO_RCVBUFhttp_tol socket_writeTCP recvbuf old SO_RCVBUFhttp_tol tried more than 25 timesCan't find port for service %s TCP recvbuf new SO_RCVBUFhttp_tol retrynetopen can't get service for proxyhttp_tol socket_writeTCP recvbuf SO_RCVBUF unchangednetopen bzero okhttp_inc socket is closednetopen INADDR_NONE definedhttp_inc BSDSELECTTCP keepalivenetopen INADDRX not definedhttp_incTCP keepalivetimeoutnetopen inet_addrnettypehttp_inc DNS Lookup... TCP keepaliveselectnetopen gethostbyname != NULLhttp_incTCP keepalive can't get SO_KEEPALIVEsocket_errnoTCP keepalive error: SO_KEEPALIVEhttp_incselecthost->h_addrTCP keepalive SO_KEEPALIVEexpected lenhttp_inc socket_write error (caddr_t)&r_addr.sin_addrTCP keepalive SO_KEEPALIVEkeepalive_opthttp_inc select() timed out r_addr.sin_addr.s_addrTCP keepalive can't clear SO_KEEPALIVETCP keepalive new SO_KEEPALIVEhost->h_lengthttbufr socket_readnetopen gethostbyname == NULL: Not INADDRXTCP keepalive SO_KEEPALIVE unchangedttbufr socket_errnonetopen uuCan't get address for %s TCP dontroute can't get SO_DONTROUTEnetopen can't get addressTCP dontroute error: SO_DONTROUTEnetopen tryingTCP dontroute SO_DONTROUTEhttp_get httpfd Trying %s... expected lenTCP socket errorTCP dontroute SO_DONTROUTEhttp_agentnetopen socket errordontroute_opthttp_userTCP dontroute can't clear SO_DONTROUTEhttp_localnetopen binding socket toTCP dontroute new SO_DONTROUTEhttp_remotenetopen bind errnoTCP dontroute SO_DONTROUTE unchangedHTTP/1.1Password: netopen h_addr_list Trying %s... TCP no_delay can't get TCP_NODELAYnetopen connect errnoTCP no_delay error: TCP_NODELAYGET %s %s FailedTCP no_delay TCP_NODELAYHTTP/1.1C-Kermitexpected lenHost: TCP no_delay TCP_NODELAYgetsocknamenodelay_optUser-agent: Reverse DNS Lookup... TCP no_delay can't clear TCP_NODELAYnetopen gethostbyname != NULLTCP no_delay new TCP_NODELAYAuthorization: Basic TCP no_delay TCP_NODELAY unchangednetopen host->h_name is NULLnetopen host->h_name is emptyFailure: Server reports %s Last-Modified %s connected on port %s Connection:Failed. Content-Length:netopen serviceTransfer-Encoding:tcpsrv_open nettchunkednetopen namenetclostcpsrv_open namecopykermitLast-Modifiedtcpsrv_open service requestedConnection:netclose setting tn_init = 0kermitHTTP/1.1Cannot find port for service: %s Password: tcpsrv_open can't get servicenettout caught timeouttcpsrv_open checking previous connectionHEAD %s %s HTTP/1.1tcpsrv_open previous tcpsrv_portHost: User-agent: tcpsrv_open closing previous connectionAuthorization: Basic netinc socket is closedtcpsrv_open tcpsrfdtnc_set_rts_state%cUSERtn_ini U REQUESTtnc_tn_sbLINES=UNKNOWNlinestateCOLUMNS=tn_ini U REQUIRE ComPort Linestate Data ReadyUNKNOWNtnc_get_rts_state ComPort Linestate Overrun ErrorPeer refuses TELNET DO Telnet support, 8.0.240, 17 Nov 2001 ComPort Linestate Parity ErrorUNKNOWNTELNET SENT SB ComPort Linestate Framing Error negotiations - terminating connectionUNKNOWN ComPort Linestate Break Detect Errortn_start SET-CONTROL ComPort Linestate Holding Register EmptysstelnetRTS-REQUEST ComPort Linestate Shift Register Emptytn_dooptn_ini() CK_NAWS !NOLOCAL IAC SE ComPort Linestate Timeout Errortnc_tn_sbtn_dooptn_ini tt_rows 1comport get rts statemodemstateservertnc_get_rts_state ComPort Modemstate CTS State Changetn_dooptn_ini tt_cols 1 ComPort Modemstate DSR State Changeautodl ComPort Modemstate Trailing Edge Ring Detector Ontn_dooptn_ini tt_rows 2tnc_set_ls_mask ComPort Modemstate Trailing Edge Ring Detector Offinautodl ComPort Modemstate RLSD State Changetn_dooptn_ini tt_cols 2TELNET SENT SB ComPort Modemstate CTS Signal OncmdadlUNKNOWN ComPort Modemstate CTS Signal Offtn_doop arming SIGWINCHtn_ini about to send WILL TTYPE if requested SET-LINESTATE-MASK ComPort Modemstate DSR Signal On IAC SE ComPort Modemstate DSR Signal Offtn_ini tn_sopt WILL TTYPE failed ComPort Modemstate Ring Indicator OnPeer refuses TELNET WILL tnc_set_ls_mask ComPort Modemstate Ring Indicator OffUNKNOWNtn_ini sent WILL TTYPE ok ComPort Modemstate RLSD Signal On negotiations - terminating connection ComPort Modemstate RLSD Signal Offtn_ini tn_sopt DO TTYPE failedtnc_tn_sbtnc_get_ls_maskflow suspendunknown telnet subnegotiationtn_ini sent DO TTYPE oktnc_tn_sbtelnet option not negotiatedflow resumeTELNET DO pre-encrypttnc_tn_sbUNKNOWNend of telnet negotiationstnc_get_lslinestate mask(implied by receipt of SB - protocol error ignored)tnc_tn_sbtnc_get_lsmodemstate maskTELNET WILL tn_ini ttnprototnc_tn_sbUNKNOWN (implied by receipt of SB - protocol error ignored)tn_ini tn_inittnc_set_ms_maskTELNET SENT SB tn_ini telnet negotiations ignoredTELNET SENT SB UNKNOWNtn_initUNKNOWN SIGNATURE IAC SEtn_ini - waiting to see if telnet negotiations were sent SET-MODEMSTATE-MASK tn_ini skipping telnet negotiations IAC SEcomport signature requesttnc_get_signaturetn_ini telnet negotiations ignored     , 8 @ D X d x      Ȫ Ԫ  tnc_set_ms_masktn_inittnc_send_signaturetn_ini switching from XXX to TelnetTELNET SENT SB TELNET SB XDISPLOC ISUNKNOWNtn_doop NAWS SBtn_ini duplextnc_get_gs_mask SIGNATURE IAC SEtn_doop NAWS SBtn_ini done, tn_initheightLINES=tnc_get_msCOLUMNS=tn_doop NEW-ENV SB ISSIGWINCH caughttnc_get_ms_masktnc_set_baud%s%02x tn_doop NEW-ENV SB INFOTELNET SENT SB UNKNOWNtnc_send_purge_data SET-BAUD-RATE TELNET Send-LocationTELNET SENT SB IAC SEUNKNOWNtn_doop bad call?Telnet waiting for response to WILL %s PURGE-DATA comport set baud rateUNKNOWN IAC SEtnc_set_baudtn_outsttn_rnenv varnameunanswered WILL  P 4$ , @  @L84\P(@  <p4h< \P4tnc_send_purge_datatn_rnenv value?Telnet waiting for response to DO %s BINARYtnc_get_baudUNKNOWNtn_debugtn_outstTELNET SENT SB unanswered DOSUPPRESS-GO-AHEADtnc_flow_suspendedUNKNOWNtn_snenv sb[]?Telnet waiting for response to WONT %s SET-BAUD-RATE tn_snenv uidbufUNKNOWNSTATUS IAC SEtn_snenv localuidbufTELNET SENT SB KERMIT SOP tn_outstTIMING-MARKtn_snenv tn_env_sysunanswered WONTtnc_suspend_flowcomport get baud ratetn_snenv tn_env_disp IAC SE?Telnet waiting for response to DONT %s tnc_get_baudtn_snenv dispUNKNOWNTELNET SENT SB tn_outstNAOCRDUNKNOWNunanswered DONTNAOHTS FLOWCONTROL-SUSPEND IAC SEREQ-START?Telnet waiting for response to SB %s NAOHTDtnc_set_datasizePRINTERREQ-STOPUNKNOWNNAOFFDtnc_suspend_flowSYSTEMTYPERESP-STARTtn_outstNAOVTSTELNET SENT SB DISPLAYRESP-STOPunanswered SBNAOVTDUNKNOWNSFUTLNTVERTELNET SENT SB kermit ?Telnet waiting for SB %s negotiation NAOLFD SET-DATASIZE IAC SEUNKNOWNEXTEND-ASCIItnc_resume_flow IAC SESFUTLNTMODEtn_outstLOGOUTconsoleU kermit in progressBYTE-MACROTELNET SENT SB comport set datasizeLOCATION?Telnet waiting for SB %s negotiation DATA-ENTRY-TERMINALUNKNOWNtnc_set_datasizeSFUTLNTVEREntering tn_sb()UNKNOWNSUPDUP FLOWCONTROL-RESUME IAC SESFUTLNTVERtn_outstSUPDUP-OUTPUTComPort SB in progressSEND-LOCATIONtnc_resume_flowtnc_get_datasizeSFUTLNTMODETELNET Subnegotiation error - used DONT instead of SE!TERMINAL-TYPESFUTLNTMODEEND-OF-RECORDTELNET SENT SB consoleTELNET Subnegotiation error - used DONT instead of SE!TACACS-UIDUNKNOWNLOCATIONtn_sb end of while loopOUTPUT-MARKINGtnsetflow SET-DATASIZE LOCATIONTTYLOC IAC SETELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SENDTELNET Subnegotiation prematurely broken3270-REGIMEtnsetflowX.3-PADcomport get datasizeTELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SENDTELNET Subnegotiation prematurely brokentnc_get_datasizeTELNET Subnegotiation error - malloc failedTSPEEDUNKNOWNTELNET Subnegotiation error - malloc failedSCREENLINEMODEtnsettings begintn_wait waiting forXDISPLOCtnc_set_paritytn_waitOLD-ENVIRONtnsettings beginSIGNATUREtimeoutAUTHENTICATIONTELNET SENT SB ENCRYPTIONtnsettingsUNKNOWNFB64_IVNEW-ENVIRONMENT SET-PARITY PRINTERFB64_IV_OKTN3270E IAC SESYSTEMTYPEFB64_IV_BADDISPLAYFB64_CHALLENGE Negotiations.CHARSETtngmdmcomport set parityFB64_RESPONSEremote-serial-porttnc_set_parityUNKNOWNCOM-PORT-CONTROLtngmdmUNKNOWN ?Connection closed by peer. suppress-local-echoUNKNOWNSTART-TLStngmdmtnc_get_parityNTLM_AUTHKERMITtn_wait tn_doopsend-urlTELNET SENT SB PRINTERFORWARD-XUNKNOWNPRINTERNTLM_CHALLENGE?Telnet Option negotiation error. stderrtnsndb SET-PARITY SYSTEMTYPEREJECTpragma-logon IAC SESYSTEMTYPENTLM_RESPONSE?Connection closed by peer. sspi-logonDISPLAYACCEPTpragma-heartbeattnsndbcomport get parityDISPLAYNTLM_ACCEPTibm-saktnc_get_paritySFUTLNTVERCHALLENGEunknownRESPONSE ?Telnet Protocol Timeout - connection closed SFUTLNTVERREJECTNTLM_REJECT4htnc_set_stopsizeSFUTLNTMODERESPONSEREFUSEDconsoleFORWARD************************* ACCEPTEDTELNET SENT SB SFUTLNTMODEFORWARDThe Telnet %s is not sending required responses. REQUESTEDUNKNOWNconsoleFORWARD_ACCEPTclientREQUIRED SET-STOPSIZE LOCATIONFORWARD_ACCEPTserver̬ Ԭ ܬ      $ 0 8 @ H P T h l |      ԭ     $ 0 @  IAC SELOCATIONFORWARD_REJECT You can continue to wait or you can cancel with Ctrl-C. SFUTLNTVERFORWARD_REJECTIn case the Telnet server never responds as required, comport set stopsizeSFUTLNTVERTLS_VERIFYyou can try connecting to this host with TELNET /NOWAIT. tnc_set_stopsizeUse SET HINTS OFF to suppress further hints. SFUTLNTVERPARAMS************************* tnc_get_stopsizeSFUTLNTMODE (OK) SFUTLNTMODETELNET SENT SB consoleSET-BAUDRATEUNKNOWNSFUTLNTMODE SET-STOPSIZE consoleUNKNOWN IAC SELOCATIONtn_pushLOCATIONUNKNOWNcomport set stopsizeLOCATIONtnc_get_stopsizeTELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SENDUNKNOWNTELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SENDTELNET negotiation loop tnc_set_oflowtn_sttypUNKNOWNUNKNOWNtn_sttyp no term overrideTELNET SENT SB UNKNOWNUNKNOWNSUPPORT SET-CONTROL UNKNOWNFOLLOWSTELNET SENT IAC SETELNET SENT SB UNKNOWNcomport set outbound flow controlUNKNOWNRESTART-ANYtnc_set_oflowREQ-STARTUNKNOWN IAC SESET-DATASIZEtnc_get_oflowtn_sxdisplocUNKNOWNTELNET SENT SB TELNET SENT SB UNKNOWNUnable to Send TELNET SB - data too longL l p |     H Į UNKNOWNUNKNOWNNTLM_AUTH SET-CONTROL KERBEROS_V4 IAC SE IAC SENTLM_CHALLENGETELNET SENT SB KERBEROS_V5REJECTUNKNOWNcomport get outbound flow controlNTLM_RESPONSE FOLLOWS IAC SEtnc_get_oflowACCEPTTELNET SENT SB TELNET SENT SB NTLM_ACCEPTUNKNOWNUNKNOWNCHALLENGE SEND IAC SERESPONSEIANA_8tnc_set_iflow IAC SENTLM_REJECTTELNET SENT SB IANA_9RESPONSEUNKNOWNTELNET SENT SB FORWARDUNKNOWNTELNET SENT SB NAWS FORWARD IAC SEKEA_SJ SET-CONTROL FORWARD_ACCEPTTELNET SENT SB KEA_SJ_INTEG IAC SE IAC SEFORWARD_ACCEPTUNKNOWNFORWARD_REJECTcomport set inbound flow controlFORWARD_REJECTGSSAPI-KRB5tnc_set_iflowTLS_VERIFY TDt@dLH XT``CLIENT_TO_SERVER|ONE_WAYPARAMSUNKNOWNSERVER_TO_CLIENT|ONE_WAYtnc_get_iflowCLIENT_TO_SERVER|MUTUALFB64_IVSERVER_TO_CLIENT|MUTUALTELNET SENT SB FB64_IV_OKCLIENT_TO_SERVER|ONE_WAY|ENCRYPT_USING_TELOPTUNKNOWNFB64_IV_BAD USERVAR SERVER_TO_CLIENT|ONE_WAY|ENCRYPT_USING_TELOPT SET-CONTROL FB64_CHALLENGECLIENT_TO_SERVER|MUTUAL|ENCRYPT_USING_TELOPT IAC SEFB64_RESPONSE VALUE SERVER_TO_CLIENT|MUTUAL|ENCRYPT_USING_TELOPTCLIENT_TO_SERVER|ONE_WAY|CRED_FWDcomport get inbound flow controlRESTART-XONSERVER_TO_CLIENT|ONE_WAY|CRED_FWDtnc_get_iflowREQ-STOPCLIENT_TO_SERVER|MUTUAL|CRED_FWDSET-PARITY IAC 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Log in to the FTP server. To be used when connected but not yetCommand renamed destination file to Syntax: SET FTP FILENAMES { AUTO, CONVERTED, LITERAL } logged in, e.g. when SET FTP AUTOLOGIN is OFF or autologin failed.?Memory allocation failure - MGET list failed to rename destination file to ftp mkdir "%s"... What to do with filenames: convert them, take and use them If you omit the password, and one is required by the server, you are ftp site "%s"... Remote filename; or switchftp recvrequest out2screen literally; or choose what to do automatically based on the prompted for it. If you omit the account, no account is sent. OS type of the server. The default is AUTO. Synonym: FTP LOGIN.Remote filenameFTP Client, 8.0.140, 8 Dec 2001 Syntax: SET FTP PASSIVE-MODE { ON, OFF } Remote directoryftp recvrequest skipping Whether to use passive mode, which helps to get through D  l 4  d    ftp size "%s"... SITE UMASKftp getfile chkmodtime firewalls. ON by default. Syntax: [ FTP ] GET [ options ] filename [ as-name ] ftp rmdir "%s"... ftp recvrequest recover Syntax: SET FTP PERMISSIONS { AUTO, ON, OFF } Download a single file. Asks the FTP server to send the given file. ftp system... Whether to try to send file permissions when uploading. The optional as-name is the name to store it under when it arrives;RMD command not recognized, trying XMKD Temporary file %s: %s OFF by default. AUTO means only if client and server if omitted, the file is stored with the name it arrived with, asUmask to set or nothing to queryPASS dummy have the same OS type. modified according to the FTP FILENAMES setting or /FILENAMES: switchftp get cmfdb Password: ftp reply Syntax: SET FTP PROGRESS-MESSAGES { ON, OFF } value. Aside from the file list and as-name, syntax and options are ftp umask "%s"... Whether Kermit should print locally-generated feedback the same as for FTP MGET, which is used for downloading multiple files. ftp query umask... ?This switch does not take arguments Account: messages for each non-file-transfer command.FTP protocol commandftp get switchRemote filenameftp recvrequest recover E ON by default. H  T 0 Login failed. ftp recvrequest cmd Syntax: SET FTP SEND-PORT-COMMANDS { ON, OFF } Syntax: FTP MKDIR directory?This switch requires an argument New name for remote fileftp recvrequest remote Whether Kermit should send a new PORT command for each Asks the FTP server to create a directory with the given name,ftp get /as-name getval task. which must be in the syntax of the server's file system. Synonyms:remote filename ftp rename "%s" (to) "%s"... Syntax: SET FTP SERVER-CHARACTER-SET name REMOTE MKDIR, RMKDIR.Name to store it underftp recvrequest zxcmd The name of the character set used for text files on the server. Enter a name of '?' for a menu. l    0  FTP command?name required Syntax: SET FTP TYPE { TEXT, BINARY, TENEX } Syntax: FTP MODTIME filename?Sorry, system command access is disabled ftp reset... ftp recvrequest zopeno Establishes the default transfer mode. Asks the FTP server to send the modification time of the given file,Options for this command?Sorry, no PUT /COMMAND when SEND FILTER selected (none)local(2): %s: %s TENEX is used for uploading 8-bit binary files to 36-bit to be displayed on the screen. The date-time format is all numeric:Command, or switch?%s: file not found - "%s" malloc platforms such as TENEX and TOPS-20 and for downloading yyyymmddhhmmssxxx... (where xxx... is 0 or more digits indicatingCommand nameftp get rcvbufsiz them again. fractions of seconds).Warningprivateftp get type Syntax: SET FTP GET-FILETYPE-SWITCHING { ON, OFF } ?Warning access denied - "%s" ftp help "%s"... confidentialftp recvrequest ftp_dpl Tells whether GET and MGET should automatically switch       h           D    $    l    8    D  X  ,  X  l (     D         l     h    ,  x < $ @ | D   4   T     , 4 P  ,   (  t h  h  ?Too many files match (error) the appropriate file type, TEXT, BINARY, or TENEX, by Syntax: [ FTP ] MPUT [ switches ] filespec [ filespec [ filespec ... ] ]privatePattern?No files selected ftp recvrequest errno matching the name of each incoming file with its list of Uploads files. Sends the given file or files to the FTP server.?getnextfile() - unknown failure FILE TEXT-PATTERNS and FILE BINARY-PATTERNS. ON by Also see FTP PUT. Optional switches are:(not set)?Pattern required local(3): %s: %s default. SHOW PATTERNS displays the current pattern (unknown)ftp get /filter getval%s: short write list. HELP SET FILE to see how to change it. /AFTER:date-timeprivateftp recvrequest (data) Syntax: SET FTP UNIQUE-SERVER-NAMES { ON, OFF } Uploads only those files newer than the given date-time.Filter program to send throughFilename, or switchconfidentialinitxlate Tells whether to ask the server to create unique names HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. Synonym: /SINCE.Remote filespec(error)ftp recvrequest ASCII for any uploaded file that has the same name as an /ARRAY:array-designatorpipeout existing file. Default is OFF. Tells Kermit to upload the contents of the given array, rather thanFTP connection: %s ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. Syntax: SET FTP VERBOSE-MODE { ON, OFF } a file.(none)Directory of files %s at %s: ftp recvrequest ASCII Whether to display all responses from the FTP server. /AS-NAME:textFTP server type: %s automaticDirectory of files at %s: scrnout OFF by default. Name under which to send files.(unknown)ftp get /filenamesdoftpdirftp remote_filesputfil Syntax: SET FTP DATES { ON, OFF } Pattern required for for multiple files.Logged in as: %s Whether to set date of incoming files from the file date /BEFORE:date-time(unknown)Size in bytes on the server. OFF by default. Note: there is no way to Upload only those files older than the given date-time.Not logged in ftp remote_files tempdirWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode set the date on files uploaded to the server. /BINARY SET FTP values: Name of file containing list of filenamesFile might not have transferred correctly. Sorry, help not available for "set ftp %s" Force binary mode. Synonym: /IMAGE. ftp auto-login: %s ftp vdir fileftp cx log activeCK_TMP /COMMAND?Filename required TMPDIRftp recvrequest CANCEL Specifies that the filespec is a command whose standard output is ftp auto-authentication: %s ?Wildcards not allowed BBB ftp put cmfdbftp cx log buf to be sent. /DELETEbinaryDevice and/or directory for incoming file after receptionftp put fcodePWD command not recognized, trying XPWD Specifies that each source file is to be deleted after, and only if,New name for incoming file after reception    it is successfully uploaded. ftp type: %s New name for source file on server after reception?This switch does not take arguments ftp: socket /DOTFILES ftp get-filetype-switching: %s Include files whose names begin with period (.). ftp dates: %s ?This switch requires an argument kermitftp remote_files pPassive mode refused /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT} ftp error-action: %s ?Destination requiredftp put switchftp doftpcwd P ckXXXXXX%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d When uploading a group of files, what to do upon failure to?New name requiredftp cx log dialogproceedftp remote_files tempPassive mode address scan failure transfer a file: quit or proceed to the next one.proceedCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD C-Kermit /EXCEPT:pattern ftp filenames: %s File date-time0    Ե  #     0  !8 < P  d        ض "p "   $ 8 x L X ` t   $    ķ  $  Exception list: don't upload any files that match this pattern.ftp cx log openaccount See HELP WILDCARD for pattern syntax.convertedLocal filename?Date-time required appendPASS XXXX /FILENAMES:{AUTOMATIC,CONVERTED,LITERAL}literalftp put /as-name getvalftp doftpcdup Whether to convert outbound filenames to common syntax. ftp debug %s ?Sorry, "%s" works only with [M]PUT ftp cx log writeftp remote_files open fail /FILTER:command ftp passive-mode: %s Remote filenameName to send under?Can't find list of remote files, oops Pass outbound files through the given command. ftp permissions: %s CDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP initconn A /FOLLOWINKS?Too many items in MGET list ?name required ftp cx log close(Temporary file %s NOT deleted) initconn B Send files that are pointed to by symbolic links. ftp verbose-mode: %s Name to store it underftpcmd buf1 /NOFOLLOWINKS ftp send-port-commands: %s ftp put /as-name 1PASS XXXX Skip over symbolic links (default). ftp unique-server-names: %s ?Unexpected function code: %d Array name (a single letter will do)deleteftp: %s: ftpcmd buf1 /LARGER-THAN:number ftp collision: %s ftp get asnambufdirectoryUnknown host ftpcmd lcs Only upload files that are larger than the given number of bytes. ftp character-set-translation: %s GET /COMMAND before strippingfeatures /LISTFILE:filenameGET /COMMAND after stripping?Bad array: %s ftp syncdir local (new)initconn socketftpcmd rcs Obtain the list of files to upload from the given file. ftp server-character-set: %s ?Sorry, a command to write to is required ?No such array: %s ftp syncdir putpath (old) /LOCAL-CHARACTER-SET:name file character-set: %s ?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME ?Sorry, system command access is disabled T=FTP N=ftp: socket When uploading in text mode and character-set conversion is?Can't create "%s" ?Sorry, no PUT /COMMAND when SEND FILTER selected ftp syncdir bufNo control connection for command desired, this specifies the source-file character set.serialCommand, or switchWOULD CREATE DIRECTORY %s mdelete /MOVE-TO:directoryfullscreen?New name required for /RENAME WOULD CREATE DIRECTORYftp cx log begin Each source file that is uploaded is to be moved to the given local?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) CREATED DIRECTORY %s initconn HADDRLIST directory when, and only if, the transfer is successful.FTP rcv_renamePatternCREATED DIRECTORY modtime?FTP command too long: %s + arg /NOBACKUPFILES transfer display: %s ?Filename required but not given ftp syncdir no changeD  ?No FTP control connection ftpcmd buf2 Don't upload any files whose names end with .~~.kermit?You can't give both /LISTFILE and a remote filename ?Pattern required ftp syncdir new pathactive x   d ,  D initconn connect failed /NODOTFILES?As-name for MGET must contain variables such as \v(filename) ftp syncdir A ppassiverename Don't upload any files whose names begin with period (.).?Sorry, GET /RECOVER requires binary mode ftp syncdir A soptionsoverwriteftp: connect to address %s: /NOT-AFTER:date-time?Switch conflict: /FILTER and /COMMAND ftp put /filter getvalftp syncdir B pbackup Upload only files that are not newer than the given date-time get-put-remote: %s ftp get /FILTERftp syncdir B sappendCouldn't read PROT buffer length: %d/%sTrying %s... lostpeer /NOT-BEFORE:date-time?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and /RECOVER Filter program to send throughftp syncdir updiscardpremature EOFftp: socket Upload only files that are not older than the given date-timeAvailable security methods: (none) ?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and Update ftp syncdir down segmentsecure_getbyte lengthftp: connect /PERMISSIONSftp get can't open listfileWOULD CREATE DIRECTORY %s update Ask the server to set the permissions of each file it receives?Failure to open listfile - "%s" ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. WOULD CREATE DIRECTORYrenamesecure_getbyte ntohl(length)ftp: connect according to the source file's permissions.  t T   CREATED DIRECTORY %s /QUIETSyntax: FTP subcommand [ operands ]ftp get listfile EOFautomaticCREATED DIRECTORY MuDPkcHzmftp: connect Suppress the file-transfer display. Makes an FTP connection, or sends a command to the FTP server.?Empty listfile - "%s" ftp put /filenamesLength (%d) of PROT buffer > PBSZ=%uinitconn connect ok /RECOVER To see a list of available FTP subcommands, type "ftp ?".ftp get listfile first?Invalid argument bundlingCouldn't read %u byte PROT buffer: %s Resume an upload that was previously interrupted from the point of and then use HELP FTP xxx to get help about subcommand xxx.?Required argument missingpremature EOF failure. Synonym: /RESTART. Also see HELP SET FTP, HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE, and HELP FIREWALL.Size in bytesftp year C-Kermit's FTP client command-line personality. Usage: statusftp: socket?Already connected to %s, use FTP CLOSE first. /RECURSIVEftp GET ftp_nmlftp month %s [ options ] host [ port ] [-pg files ] system Send files from the given directory and all the directories beneath   p ط ftp day Options: ftp: setsockopt (reuse address) it. Synonym: /SUBDIRECTORIES.Syntax: FTP ACCOUNT textName of file containing list of filenamesftp hour -h = help (this message) secure_getc recv errno /RENAME-TO:text Sends an account designator to an FTP server that needs one.?%s: %s ftp min -m mode = "passive" (default) or "active" secure_getc returns EOFftp: bind Each source file that is uploaded is to be renamed on the local Most FTP servers do not use accounts; some use them for otherftp get file?Filename required ftp sec -u name = username for autologin (or -M) local computer as indicated when and only if, the transfer completes other purposes, such as disk-access passwords.ftp mget remote_files A?Wildcards not allowed -P password = password for autologin (RISKY) vdirectoryftp secure_getc recvftp: getsockname successfully. -A = autologin anonymously /SERVER-CHARACTER-SET:name   device and/or directory for source file after sending -D directory = cd after autologin ftp secure_getc recvftp: listen?Bad port name - "%s" When uploading in text mode and character-set conversion is desired,Syntax: FTP APPEND filnameftp get listfile EOFnew name for source file after sending -b = force binary mode    ` 0 < T  this specifies the character set to which the file should be Equivalent to [ FTP ] PUT /APPEND. See HELP FTP PUT.File not foundnew name for destination file after sending -a = force text ("ascii") mode (or -T) /account converted for storage on the server.ftp get file not found:mkutime tm_mon -d = debug (double to add timestamps) /active?Bad port name - "%s" /SERVER-RENAME:text  ` H ftp mget remote_files B -n = no autologin /anonymousftp secure_read interrupted Each file that is uploaded is to be renamed as indicated on theSyntax: [ FTP ] BYE?Destination requiredmkutime tm_year -v = verbose (default) /passive?Can't FTP connect to %s:%s server after, and only if, if arrives successfully. Logs out from the FTP server and closes the FTP connection.?New name required -q = quiet /passwordftp secure_read error /SIMULATE Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonym: [ FTP ] CLOSE.ftp get usrpath0-based positionmkutime result -S = Stay (issue command prompt when done) ^C... Show which files would be sent without actually sending them.ftp get srvpath -Y = do not execute Kermit init file ftp secure_read EOF /SMALLER-THAN:numberT  T t  -p files = files to put after autologin (or -s) Upload only those files smaller than the given number of bytes.Syntax: [ FTP ] CD directoryftp get haspath -g files = files to get after autologin         p L 4    8          /TEXT Asks the FTP server to change to the given directory.ftp get skipping because of path -R = recursive (for use with -p) autologin Force text mode. Synonym: /ASCII. Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonyms: [ FTP ] CWD, RCD, RCWD.setmodtime stat failure -p or -g, if given, should be last. Example: character-set-translationftp: acceptCouldn't base 64 encode command (%s) /TENEX refused: exception list?Sorry, no /RECOVER or /START if SEND FILTER selected setmodtime (other) ftp -A kermit.columbia.edu -D kermit -ag TESTFILE collisionABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/scommand(%s) encoding %d bytes Force TENEX (TOPS-20) mode (see HELP SET FTP TYPE). l  ĸ  /TRANSPARENTSyntax: FTP CDUP*.~[0-9]*~?You may not give a PUT filespec and a /LISTFILE setmodtime utime()WARNING: tiny ucbufsiz: %d When uploading in text mode, do not convert chracter-sets. Asks the FTP server to change to the parent directory of its currentftp put wilderror-actionERROR: ucbuf allocation failure /TYPE:{TEXT,BINARY} directory. Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonym: FTP UP.ftp get skip size?You may not give a PUT filespec and a /LISTFILE setmodtime resultdebug.logfilenames Upload only files of the given type. refused: size?%s - "%s" get-filetype-switching /UPDATE      No files matchusername too longpassive-modeSuccess?Error while trying to malloc PROT buffer: If a file of the same name exists on the server, upload only ifSyntax: FTP CHMOD filename permissionsRefused: sizeFile not foundanonymouspermissionsBad character in encoding the local file is newer. Asks the FTP server to change the permissions, protection, or mode offtp get filnam ?Unexpected function code: %d Only one FTP action at a time pleaseprogress-messagesEncoding not properly padded /UNIQUE-SERVER-NAMES the given file. The given permissions must be in the syntax of theftp get asnam Aftp put stringinvalid argument bundling after -ssend-port-commandsDecoded # of bits not a multiple of 8?Unable to negotiate PROT buffer size with FTP server Ask the server to compute new names for any incoming file that has the server's file system, e.g. an octal number for UNIX. Also seeftp get asname Bftp put confirmedserver-character-setOutput buffer too small the same name as an existing file. FTP PUT /PERMISSIONSftp get /update chkmodtimeftp chkmodtime stringUnknown error refused: datePUT /COMMAND before strippingftp cancel_remote entry    ( h  `   ! ! h"  # # t$ % % t&  D , <  , x $ p   T! ! " 0#  PUT /COMMAND after stripping%05d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dunique-server-namesSyntax: FTP [ OPEN ] hostname [ port ] [ switches ]Syntax: FTP DELETE [ switches ] filespecRefused: date?Sorry, a command to send from is required ftp chkmodtime Y2K BUG detectedverbose-modecancel Opens a connection to the FTP server on the given host. The default Asks the FTP server to delete the given file or files.ftp get skip date?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dNo files to putftp cancel_remote send 1 TCP port is 21, but a different port number can be supplied if Synonym: MDELETE (Kermit makes no distinction between single andNo files to get necessary. Optional switches are: multiple file deletion). Optional switches:ftp chkmodtime year`  P   t  d h! L" #  @# 0$ $ #% $& ' Ht' *( ( ) ) $* D+ @, ,- +- . . "L/ / 0  1 \1 2 %3 )h4 ,5  5  5  p6   \7 !  l8 &\9 Ⱥ ftp cancel_remote send 2xlatec overflowDirectory creation failure/after /ANONYMOUS /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT} %s...?Can't create "%s" ftp chkmodtime mkutimeInvalid mode/array?Translation buffer overflow Logs you in anonymously. /EXCEPT:patternftp cancel_remote scommandxlatec buf /USER:text /FILENAMES:{AUTO,CONVERTED,LITERAL}ftp mdelete?New name required for /RENAME /as-name Supplies the given text as your username. /LARGER-THAN:number?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ftp getfile local A/asciiftp cancel_remote emptyftp getreply lcs /PASSWORD:text /NODOTFILESftp mdelete failed:FTP snd_renameftp getfile pipename Supplies the given text as your password. If you include a username /QUIETFailed /beforecancelftp getreply rcs but omit this switch and the server requires a password, you are /RECURSIVE (depends on server)ftp get rcvfilter?New name required for /SERVER-RENAME Non-FTP URL: service=/binaryftp cancel_remote prompted for it. /SUBDIRECTORIES?/SERVER-RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ftp getfile matchname host=/commandftp getreply EOF /ACCOUNT:text /SMALLER-THAN:numberftp get pipenameftp put srv_renamftp getfileanonymous/deleteftp cancel_remote Supplies the given text as your account, if required by the server.ftp put mputinitxlateOnly one FTP action at a time please/dotfiles421 Service not available, connection closed by server /ACTIVEH% % &  ' ' 0( ȹ ftp get s2 ANames of files to send, separated by spaces/error-actionftp cancel_remoteftp getreply EOF Forces an active (rather than passive) connection.Syntax: FTP DIRECTORY [ filespec ]unknown command-line option, type "ftp -h" for help/except /PASSIVE Asks the server to send a directory listing of the files that matchftp get nzrtol?MPUT list too long /filenamesftp cancel_remoteUnauthenticated reply received from server: Forces a passive (rather than active) connection. the given filespec, or if none is given, all the files in its currentftp get s2 Bftp put mput nfils/filter directory. The filespec, including any wildcards, must be in theftp get zchki/followlinksftp cancel_remote( ( 8) ع  syntax of the server's file system. Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE.ftp get x_fncftp get BINARY:/imageSyntax: FTP OPTIONS Synonym: RDIRECTORY.ftp get znewndoxput filespec buffer overflowftp get TEXT:/larger-thanftp cancel_remoteftp reply Asks the FTP server to list its current options. Advanced, new,ftp get backup zrename/listfileUnknown reply: %d %s not supported by most FTP servers.,* * + , - $.  ftp get rename incoming Optional as-name template containing replacement variables like \v(filename)ftp getfile size/local-character-setCannot decode reply: %d %s Syntax: FTP VDIRECTORY [ filespec ]Backup/Rename failedOptional name to send it withftp getfile local/move-toCannot decrypt %d reply: %s + t, D- -   Asks the server to send a directory listing of the files that match refused: nameftp getfile t0/nobackupfiles?Cannot set protection level to PRIVATE Can't decode base 64 reply %d (%s) "%s" Syntax: [ FTP ] PUT [ switches ] filespec [ as-name ] the given filespec, or if none is given, all the files in its currentftp put /as-name 2/nodotfiles?Cannot set protection level to SAFE Like FTP MPUT, but only one filespec is allowed, and if it is followed directory. VDIRECTORY is needed for getting verbose directoryftp get skip nameftp put asnambuf/nofollowlinksPROT C by an additional field, this is interpreted as the name under which listings from certain FTP servers, such as on TOPS-20. Try it ifftp get pn/not-afterPROT S to send the file or files. See HELP FTP MPUT. FTP DIRECTORY lists only filenames without details.ftp get x_xlaftp put can't openftp getfile t1/not-beforePROT P?Failure to open %s ftp getfile sec/permissionsftp getreplyT/ / 0 , d/ ,0 0 0 ftp get x_cslftp PUT /LISTFILE openedftp recvrequest rc/quietSyntax: FTP PWDSyntax: FTP FEATURES?Filename required but not given ftp get canceled/recover?Cannot set protection level to PRIVATE Asks the FTP server to reveal its current working directory. Asks the FTP server to list its special features. Most FTP serversftp get x_csr/recursive?Cannot set protection level to SAFE Synonyms: REMOTE PWD, RPWD. do not recognize this command.ftp get skipped/rename-toftp empty calling select...ftp get rc?Read access denied - "%s" /restart3 3 t4 l  3 4 4 p 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 P: : (= = X> 8? ? (@ @ hA B B C \D D E  |?  @ @ A 'A  @tB C #4D D TE HE F G G $xH I (I J J L L "M M HN  N \O O %P )PQ  R  <  tS 0T !T T & = >  ?   /DELETE failed to move to/UNIQUEftp putfile flg/afterftp hookup connect failedSyntax: FTP RESET Specifies that each file is to be deleted from the server after,ftp get srv_renam/UPDATEftp putfile srv_renam Asks the server to log out your session, terminating your access and only if, it is successfully downloaded.ftp get srv_renam?/RECOVER can not be used with Unicode translation ftp putfile fcs/as-nameftp: connect to address %s: rights, without closing the connection. /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT}ftp get ftp_renameftp PUT restart/asciiTrying %s... When downloading a group of files, what to do upon failure to renamed source file toftp putfile rcs/beforeftp: socket@ $A A B P  transfer a file: quit or proceed to the next one. failed to rename source file toftp PUT update/binaryftp: connectSyntax: FTP RMDIR directory /EXCEPT:patternFatal download errorftp open/collisionftp hookup connect ok Asks the FTP server to remove the directory whose name is given. Exception list: don't download any files that match this pattern.ftp put /FILTER/command This usually requires the directory to be empty. Synonyms: REMOTE See HELP WILDCARD for pattern syntax.FTP PUT gnfileService name or port; or switch/deleteftp hookup getsockname failedftp sendrequest restart RMDIR, RRMDIR. /FILENAMES:{AUTOMATIC,CONVERTED,LITERAL}ftp put asname/error-action Whether to convert incoming filenames to local syntax.X ` l F F    xI  Ļ K  ̻ ܻ  ftp put putfile rcFTP PUT calling scanfile/exceptftp: getsocknameD tE t  /FILTER:commandftp put putfile cancelfile/filenamesftp hookup getsockname oksendrequest pipesend filterSyntax: FTP SITE text Pass incoming files through the given command.ftp put putfile cancelgroupFTP PUT scanfilexYzBoo/filtersendrequest pipename Sends a site-specific command to the FTP server. /LARGER-THAN:number?Fatal upload error: %s ftp put SKIP (Type):/imageC-Kermit?Sorry, send filter + filename too long, %d max. Only download files that are larger than the given number of bytes.delete?%s: file not found - "%s" ftp putfile/larger-thanProxy Userid: HG G H   /LISTFILE:filenamedirectoryinitxlate/listfileProxy Password: ftp send_requestSyntax: FTP SIZE filename Obtain the list of files to download from the given file.Warningftp putfile rcs/local-character-setftp_hookup()tcp_http_proxy Asks the FTP server to send a numeric string representing the size /LOCAL-CHARACTER-SET:name?Fatal: file not found - "%s" /move-toftp: connect of the given file. When downloading in text mode and character-set conversion is?Fatal: Read access denied - "%s" xYzBoo/namelistConnected to %s. Proxy Userid: desired, this specifies the target set.logout?Warning access denied - "%s" FTP PUT nzltor/nobackupfilesftp hookup bad reply8J J ,L ػ  /MOVE-TO:directory?Too many files match /nodotfilesProxy Password: Syntax: FTP STATUS [ filename ] Each file that is downloaded is to be moved to the given local?No files selected ftp putfile chkmodtime/not-afterftp: setsockoptftp send_request() Asks the FTP server to report its status. If a filename is given, directory immediately after, and only if, it has been receivedrename?getnextfile() - unknown failure ftp put /update SKIP (Older modtime): ?This switch does not take arguments /not-beforeftp hookup setsockopt failed the FTP server should report details about the file. successfully.ftp put /update SKIP (Equal modtime): ?This switch requires an argument /permissions /NAMELIST:filenameftp put /update BINARY:/quietftp hookup setsockopt okM pN   Instead of downloading the files, stores the list of files thatftp put /update TEXT:Password for FTP server/recoverftp sendrequest bad sizeSyntax: FTP SYSTEM would be downloaded in the given local file, one filename per line.ftp put /recover BINARY:/recursiveftp sendrequest big size Asks the FTP server to report its operating system type. /NOBACKUPFILESftp put /recover TEXT:Username for FTP server/rename-toftp hookup bad Don't download any files whose names end with .~~.ftp put BINARY:/restartftp sendrequest size P P `Q @R R S p  /NODOTFILESftp put TEXT:Account for FTP server/server-character-setftp sendrequest date mismatchSyntax: FTP TYPE { TEXT, BINARY, TENEX } Don't download any files whose names begin with period (.).Remote directory/server-rename-toftp sendrequest /restart SKIP Puts the client and server in the indicated transfer mode. /QUIETftp putfile fcs Carriage return to confirm to command, or switch/smaller-than ASCII is a synonym for TEXT. TENEX is used only for uploading 8-bit Suppress the file-transfer display.?Not usable with FTP - "%s" file character set:/subdirectoriesREST 0ftp sendrequest zfseek fails binary files to a 36-bit platforms such as TENEX or TOPS-20 and/or /RECOVERftp cmdlinget nfils server character set:FSEEK: %s: %s downloading files from TENEX or TOPS-20 that have been uploaded in Resume a download that was previously interrupted from the point of character sets:/tenexRemote system type is %s. TENEX mode. failure. Works only in binary mode. Not supported by all servers.Hostname; or FTP commandno conversionftp openftp lunet/transparent Synonym: /RESTART.ftp sendrequest rc ftp open trying "%s %s"... /to-screenT U $V м  /RECURSIVEftp put canceled/updateftp sendrequest zxinSyntax: FTP UMASK number Create subdirectories automatically if the server sends filesHostname or addressftp openftp A ftpopen success Asks the FTP server to set its file creation mode mask. Applies recursively and includes pathnames (most don't).ftp put skippedftp sendrequest zxin only (or mainly) to UNIX-based FTP servers. /RENAME-TO:textDOING GET... ftp put errortcp/ip # D   ȃ Є   ,  І  @ TOPS20local: %s: %s Each file that is downloaded is to be renamed as indicated just,?ftp what? "help ftp" for hints ftp put not canceledftpopen lunet substitution/error-actionTOPS10netoutЀ X    ؄   after, and only if, it has arrived successfully.Remote accountftp cmdlinget filnam ftp open trying "%s %s"... /exceptDefault transfer mode is %s Syntax: FTP CHECK remote-filespec /SERVER-CHARACTER-SET:nameftp put ST_OKftp openftp B ftpopen success/filenamesBINARY Asks the FTP server if the given file or files exist. If the When downloading in text mode and character-set conversion is desired ftp account: "%s" /larger-thanTEXT ("ASCII")netout remote-filespec contains wildcards, this command fails if no server this specifies the original file's character set on the server.ftp get znewn /simulate: WOULD BE SENT: ftp open trying "%s %s"... /nobackupfilesMODE S files match, and succeeds if at least one file matches. If the /SERVER-RENAME:text ftp cd: "(up)" ftp get backup zrenameno remote fileftp openftp C ftpopen success/nodotfilesSTRU Fftp sendrequest canceled remote-filespec does not contain wildcards, this command succeeds if Each server source file is to be renamed on the server as indicatedRemote directoryftp get rename incoming /simulate: WOULD BE SENT:/quiet the given file exists and fails if it does not. immediately after, but only if, it has arrived succesfully.?Backup/Rename failed remote file older ftp open trying "%s %s"... /recursiveftp sendrequest ok /SMALLER-THAN:number ftp cd: "%s" refused: name /simulate: WOULD BE SENTftp openftp D ftpopen success/smaller-thanftp_login Download only those files smaller than the given number of bytes.Permissions or protection codeftp openftp D ftpopen connected/subdirectoriesanonymous /TEXTftp get skip name skipped:ftp sendrequest canceled Force text mode. Synonym: /ASCII.Remote filenameftp get rcftp openftp xopenftp rcanonymous /TENEXftp get cancelfile complete, sized   Sorry, FTP command help not available yet Force TENEX (TOPS-20) mode (see HELP SET FTP TYPE).ftp get cancelgroupautomatic /TRANSPARENT ftp chmod: %s DOING MGET... canceled by userconverted Name ( When downloading in text mode, do not convert chracter-sets.SITE CHMODliteral Canceling... /TO-SCREEN ftp closing... ftp mget remote_files B failed: The downloaded file is to be displayed on the screen.Number of secondsRemote username or ID      Name ( Syntax: SET FTP parameter value /UPDATE Type "help set ftp ?" for a list of parameters. Equivalent to /COLLISION:UPDATE. Download only those files that are ftp query idle timeout... ftp cmdlinget filnamRemote passwordbinary Type "help set ftp xxx" for information about setting newer than than their local counterparts.SITE IDLEftp get znewn parameter xxx. Type "show ftp" for current values. ftp idle timeout set: %d... ftp get backup zrenamePASS dummy SET FTP AUTOLOGIN { ON, OFF }    D 4 SITE IDLEftp get rename incomingSITE CHMODRemote account or Enter or CR to confirm the commandftp recvrequest cmd Tells Kermit whether to try to log you in automatically Syntax: FTP HELP [ command [ subcommand... ] ]Remote filename?Backup/Rename failed chmodftp recvrequest local as part of the connection process. Asks the FTP server for help about the given command. First use refused: name chmod failed ftp user "%s" password "%s"... Password:ftp recvrequest remote SET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION { ON, OFF } FTP HELP by itself to get a list of commands, then use HELP FTP xxx ftp modtime "%s"... ftp recvrequest pipename Whether to translate character sets when transferring to get help for command "xxx". Synonyms: REMOTE HELP, RHELP.ftp get skip name deletedftp recvrequest xlate text files with FTP. OFF by default. %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dftp get rc failed to delete Account:  4  t  %s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT ftp get cancelfileftp recvrequest fcsSyntax: SET FTP COLLISION { BACKUP,RENAME,UPDATE,DISCARD,APPEND,OVERWRITE } Syntax: FTP IDLE [ number ]ftp get cancelgroup moved source toftp doftpmkdFTP login failed. Tells what do when an incoming file has the same name as If given without a number, this asks the FTP server to tell its failed to move source toftp recvrequest rcs an existing file when downloading with FTP. current idle-time limit. If given with a number, it asks the serverIP hostname or address renamed source file toMKD command not recognized, trying XMKD Logged in as anonymous (%s) Syntax: SET FTP DEBUG { ON, OFF } to change its idle-time limit to the given number of seconds.Command failed to rename source file to Whether to print FTP protocol messages. ftp putfile srvrn Syntax: SET FTP ERROR-ACTION { QUIT, PROCEED }    t  P  ftp status "%s"... ftp putfile srvrn What to do when an error occurs when transferring a group Syntax: FTP USER username [ password [ account ] ]ftp putfile ftp_renameRemote directory name@(#)curses.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)initscr.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)refresh.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92L M Q S T U V W X Y Z \ ` d h l p t x |                             xx|dumb:ambseohzinmimsncosulxnalbcbtcdceclcmcrdcdldmdoedeihoicimipllmandnlpcsesfsosrtatetiucueupusvbvsve@(#)tstp.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92returning ERR (2) @(#)addch.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)termcap.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92/etc/termcap/etc/termcapTermcap entry too long Bad termcap entry Infinite tc= loop Termcap entry too long E^^\\::n r t bf @(#)tputs.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/835MS7) @(#)tgoto.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/83Unknown error@(#)data.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)strlen.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)printf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)malloc.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)setbuf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)ctype.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92 ((((( AAAAAABBBBBB @(#)conv.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)sprintf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)strncpy.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)getenv.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)signal.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)fprintf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)strncmp.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)system.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)fdopen.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)alarm.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)scanf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)sleep.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)time.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)ctime.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec@(#)fopen.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)fclose.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)filbuf.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)fread.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)fputs.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)flsbuf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)getwd.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92can't open ..can't chdir to ..read error in ..read error in ..can't change back to .@(#)popen.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)getpwent.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92/etc/passwdS8STSST$ST@T>T@TDTAT%d.%d.%d.%d.in-addr.arpahosts.byaddrhosts.bynamehosts-%dhosts.byaddrhosts.byaddrHOSTALIASES%.*s.%.*s@(#)strftime.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)mktemp.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)doprnt.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92InfinityInfinity 000000000000000000000123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef+InfinityInfinity-Infinity+InfinityInfinity-Infinity@(#)calloc.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)setvbuf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)i_errno.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)_locale.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)i_conv.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)setjmperr.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92longjmp botch @(#)findiop.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)doscan.c 7.2 ULTRIX 2/25/93@(#)tzset.c 7.3 (ULTRIX) 9/30/92localtime/etc/zoneinfo`/M:/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/A//:/V/V/V/V/VVVV     <;Zx0N<[y1Oh l t x   ,  h             GMT+nn:nn@(#)doopen.c 7.1 ULTRIX 7/22/92@(#)getstdiobuf.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92@(#)getsvc.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92     ,  8  D  netgroupnetworksprotocolsservices/etc/svc.confgetsvc: stat of %s failed /etc/svc.confgetsvc: stat failedgetsvc: cannot initialize from %s /etc/svc.conf/etc/svc.confinit_svc: cannot open %s, errno = %d /etc/svc.confinit_svc: bad format in file %s /etc/svc.confinit_svc: cannot close %s, errno = %d /etc/svc.confinit_svc: cannot close %s, errno = %d /etc/svc.confPASSLENMINPASSLENMAXSECLEVELENHANCED@(#)getcommon.c 7.1 (ULTRIX) 7/22/92yellowup: getdomainname system call missing @(#)ndbm.c 7.1 (ultrix) 9/1/92ndbm: split not paired =951-)%! 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