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Server IP address? Server path? boot: client IP address: %s root addr=%s path=%s Switching to APCI console. ct%d: request status fail %d ct%d err: vu 0x%x, pend 0x%x, bn%ld, R 0x%x F 0x%x A 0x%x I 0x%x 079450hpib%d at sc%d le%d: card failed to initialize le%d: been babbling, found by '%s'le%d: memory error in '%s' byele_pollle%d_poll: rmd status 0x%x le_poll: chained packetcsr0 when bad things happen: %xle_put(way before xmit)le_put(before xmit)le_put(after xmit)le%d: transmit timeout, stat = 0x%x le_put(timeout)le%d: reset and retry packet le_put: xmit error, buf %d le_put(xmit error)le%d: transmit underflow le%d: lost carrier %s: called dumb_windowmove boot interrupted, resetting... rd(%d,%d,0,%d): request status fail %d rd(%d,%d,0,%d) err: vu 0x%x, block %ld, R0x%x F0x%x A0x%x I0x%x 091340091220rdgetinfo: rdstrategy error %d rd(%d,%d,%d): WARNING: %s scsi%d at sc%d scsi%d error: scsiabort scsi%d: unexpected scsi phase %d sd(%d,%d,%d): block=%x, error=0x%x sd(%d,%d,0,0): init failed (stat=%x) sdgetinfo: sdstrategy error %d sd(%d,%d,%d): WARNING: %s >> Available commands: >> %s - %s Disk to boot from? invalid disk name %s booting: %s -s boot: %s panic: can't reboot, halting >> %s, Revision %s (from NetBSD %s) >> HP 9000/%s SPU sys_inst> unknown command: %s swapbootffs fstype? [%s] Please use one of: FFS block size? [%d] FFS block size must be a multiple of %d. FFS fragment size? [%d] FFS fragment size must be a multiple of sector size (%d). FFS fragment size must be an even divisor of FFS block size (%d). Select disk type. Valid types: %d %s Disk type (number)? [%d] Disk model name? [%s] Disk pack name? [%s] Bad sectoring? [%c] Ecc? [%c] Removable? [%c] Interleave? [%d] Rpm? [%d] Trackskew? [%d] Cylinderskew? [%d] Headswitch? [%d] Track-to-track? [%d] Drivedata 0? [%d] Drivedata 1? [%d] Drivedata 2? [%d] Drivedata 3? [%d] Drivedata 4? [%d] Bytes/sector? [%d] Sectors/track? [%d] Tracks/cylinder? [%d] Sectors/cylinder? [%d] Cylinders? [%d] Total sectors? [%d] Enter partition table. Note, sizes and offsets are in sectors. %c partition: offset? [%d] size? [%d] badsect ecc removableunknownNo disklabel to show. Corrupted disklabel. disk type %d (%s), %s: %s%s%s interleave %d, rpm %d, trackskew %d, cylinderskew %d headswitch %d, track-to-track %d, drivedata: %d %d %d %d %d bytes/sector: %d sectors/track: %d tracks/cylinder: %d sectors/cylinder: %d cylinders: %d total sectors: %d %d partitions: size offset %c: %d, %d cannot write disklabel, errno = %d %s cannot open %s You will be asked several questions about your disk, most of which require prior knowledge of the disk's geometry. There is no easy way for the system to provide this information for you. If you do not have this information, please consult your disk's manual or another informative source. Disk to label?cannot read disk %s, errno = %d Successfully read %d bytes from %s (z)ap, (e)dit, (s)how, (w)rite, (d)one > Successfully wrote label to %s Disk for miniroot?Source? (N)FS, (t)ape, (d)one > Name of miniroot file? le0a:can't open %s can't stat %s Copying miniroot from %s to %s...Which tape device? File number (first == 1)? Invalid file number: %s Invalid device name: %s XXXCopy how many %d byte blocks? Invalid block count: %s Zero blocks? Ok, aborting. can't open %s file %c Copying %s file %d to %s...Unknown source: %s Read error, errno = %d Bad write at block %d, errno = %d done Successfully copied miniroot image. unuseddisklabelplace partition map on diskplace miniroot on diskboot from minirootresetreset the systemhelpdisplay command list/netbsdSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyccdvndATAPIRAIDjfscgdvinumflashdmrumpdmd8.3NetBSD/hp300 Miniroot Installer1.13 (Sat May 4 18:57:00 UTC 2024)nfsread: short packet, %lu < %ld nfs_open: must mount first. nfs@` bootprecv: unknown vendor 0x%lx bootp: bad socket. %d bootp: no reply recvrpc: reject, astat=%d, errno=%d getport: %scallrpc: error = %d read header failedread header shortELF=0x%lx open %ssendudp: bad write (%zd != %zu)lseek textread text/%d+%ldread dataseek data+[%ldread symbolsread string table+%d]symbol table too shortread stringsseek strings+ [lseek phdrread program headers%s%luread text error+%lulseek section headersread section headerslseek symbols.SUNW_ctf%s%ldlseek noteread noteNetBSDUnknown error: code %dbad adaptor numberbad controller numberbad drive numberbad partitioncan't read disk labelunlabeledDevice not configuredOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryStale NFS file handleInappropriate file type or formatExec format errorInput/output errorInvalid argumentNot a directoryinvalid file offsetPermission deniedsendip: bad write (%zd != %zu)arpwhohas: overflowed arp_list! arp: no response for %ssendrecv: short write! (%zd < %zu)netboot: no interfaces left untriednetboot: couldn't probe %s%d 1.2.10|/-\heap full (%p+%zu)0123456789abcdefincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect data checkincorrect length checkA@!  @a`10  @`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O `Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! 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