La primera sesión con PIX Firewall

Si conectamos al firewall por consola a través de una línea serie entramos directamente sin necesidad de contraseña, en modo no privilegiado; esto lo sabemos porque nos aparece el prompt siguiente:
Si en este prompt tecleamos la orden `?', nos mostrará la ayuda disponible en el modo sin privilegios:
dixie> ?
enable          Enter privileged mode or change privileged mode password
pager           Control page length for pagination
quit            Disable, end configuration or logout
Son pocos comandos con los que apenas se puede hacer nada; la orden pager nos permite ajustar el número de líneas para paginar, la orden quit (o exit) sale del firewall, y la orden enable nos pasa a modo superusuario, pidiendo la contraseña (que por defecto será `cisco'); cada orden del PIX se puede abreviar (por ejemplo, en lugar de enable podríamos teclear ena):
dixie> ena
Password: *****
Como vemos, al estar en modo privilegiado, el prompt cambia y nos muestra una almohadilla; en este modo ya podemos reconfigurar parámetros del PIX, y tenemos más órdenes disponibles que antes:
dixie# ?
arp             Change or view the arp table, and set the arp timeout value
auth-prompt     Customize authentication challenge, reject or acceptance prompt
configure       Configure from terminal, floppy, or memory, clear configure
copy            Copy image from TFTP server into flash.
debug           Debug packets or ICMP tracings through the PIX Firewall.
disable         Exit from privileged mode
enable          Modify enable password
flashfs         Show or destroy filesystem information
kill            Terminate a telnet session
pager           Control page length for pagination
passwd          Change Telnet console access password
ping            Test connectivity from specified interface to <ip>
quit            Disable, end configuration or logout
reload          Halt and reload system
session         Access an internal AccessPro router console
terminal        Set terminal line parameters
who             Show active administration sessions on PIX
write           Write config to net, flash, floppy, or terminal, or erase flash
Para comenzar a reconfigurar el firewall nos pondremos en modo configuración (desde modo privilegiado) con la orden configure (la `t' corresponde a Terminal); de nuevo, cambia el prompt que nos aparece en consola:
dixie# con t
En este modo disponemos de más comandos para configurar el PIX; como siempre, podemos verlos con la orden `?':
dixie(config)# ?
aaa             Enable, disable, or view TACACS+ or RADIUS
                user authentication, authorization and accounting
access-group    Bind an access-list to an interface to filter inbound traffic
access-list     Add an access list
age             This command is deprecated. See ipsec, isakmp, map, ca commands
alias           Administer overlapping addresses with dual NAT.
apply           Apply outbound lists to source or destination IP addresses
arp             Change or view the arp table, and set the arp timeout value
auth-prompt     Customize authentication challenge, reject or acceptance prompt
aaa-server      Define AAA Server group
ca              CEP (Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
        Create and enroll RSA key pairs into a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure).
clock           Show and set the date and time of PIX
conduit         Add conduit access to higher security level network or ICMP
crypto          Configure IPsec, IKE, and CA
configure       Configure from terminal, floppy, or memory, clear configure
copy            Copy image from TFTP server into flash.
debug           Debug packets or ICMP tracings through the PIX Firewall.
disable         Exit from privileged mode
domain-name     Change domain name
dynamic-map     Specify a dynamic crypto map template
enable          Modify enable password
established     Allow inbound connections based on established connections
failover        Enable/disable PIX failover feature to a standby PIX
filter          Enable, disable, or view URL, Java, and ActiveX filtering
fixup           Add or delete PIX service and feature defaults
flashfs         Show or destroy filesystem information
ipsec           Configure IPSEC policy
isakmp          Configure ISAKMP policy
global          Specify, delete or view global address pools,
                or designate a PAT(Port Address Translated) address
hostname        Change host name
vpdn            Configure VPDN (PPTP) Policy
interface       Identify network interface type, speed duplex, and if shutdown
ip              Set ip address for specified interface,
                define a local address pool, or
                toggle Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding on an interface.
kill            Terminate a telnet session
link            This command is deprecated. See ipsec, isakmp, map, ca commands
linkpath        This command is deprecated. See ipsec, isakmp, map, ca commands
logging         Enable logging facility
map             Configure IPsec crypto map
mtu             Specify MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) for an interface
name            Associate a name with an IP address
nameif          Assign a name to an interface
names           Enable, disable or display IP address to name conversion
nat             Associate a network with a pool of global IP addresses
outbound        Create an outbound access list
pager           Control page length for pagination
passwd          Change Telnet console access password
ping            Test connectivity from specified interface to <ip>
quit            Disable, end configuration or logout
radius-server   Specify a RADIUS aaa server
reload          Halt and reload system
rip             Broadcast default route or passive RIP
route           Enter a static route for an interface
session         Access an internal AccessPro router console
snmp-server     Provide SNMP and event information
sysopt          Set system functional option
static          Map a higher security level host address to global address
tacacs-server   Specify a TACACS+ server
telnet          Add telnet access to PIX console and set idle timeout
terminal        Set terminal line parameters
tftp-server     Specify default TFTP server address and directory
timeout         Set the maximum idle times
url-cache       Enable URL caching
url-server      Specify a URL filter server
virtual         Set address for authentication virtual servers
who             Show active administration sessions on PIX
write           Write config to net, flash, floppy, or terminal, or erase flash
© 2002 Antonio Villalón Huerta