#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qscrollview.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
enum MenuIDs
*A class that lets the user draw with the mouse. The
*windows knows how to redraw itlself.
class ScribbleArea : public QWidget
Q_OBJECT // necessary beacuse ScribbleArea contains slots
public slots:
void setColor( QColor );
void slotLoad( const QString& );
void slotSave( const QString& );
virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* );
virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* );
virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
private slots:
void slotClearArea();
QPoint _last;
QColor _currentcolor;
QPixmap _buffer;
QPopupMenu* _popupmenu;
class ScribbleWindow : public QWidget
private slots:
void slotAbout();
void slotAboutQt();
void slotColorMenu( int );
void slotLoad();
void slotSave();
void colorChanged( QColor );
void load( const QString& );
void save( const QString& );
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
QMenuBar* _menubar;
QPopupMenu* _filemenu;
QPopupMenu* _colormenu;
QPopupMenu* _helpmenu;
QScrollView* _scrollview;
ScribbleArea* _scribblearea;
#include "qtscribble.moc"
* The constructor. Initializes the member variables, and creates a
* pop-up menu that will pop up when the right mouse button is
* clicked
//initialize member variables
_currentcolor = black;
// dont blank the window before repainting
setBackgroundMode( NoBackground );
// create a popup menu
_popupmenu = new QPopupMenu();
_popupmenu->insertItem( "&Clear", this, SLOT( slotClearArea() ) );
* The destructor.Deletes the pop-upmenu.
delete _popupmenu;
* Thsi slot sets the current color for the drawing area. It will be
* conected with the color Changed( QColor ) signal from the ScribbleWindow.
void ScribbleArea::setColor( QColor new_color )
_currentcolor = new_color;
* This slot clears the drawing area by filling the off-screen buffer with
* white , and then ncopying it over to the window.
void ScribbleArea::slotClearArea()
// fill the off-screen buffer with plain white
_buffer.fill( white );
* This method does the actual loading. It relies on QPixmap ( and the
* underlying I/O machinery ) to determine the filetype.
void ScribbleArea::slotLoad( const QString& filename )
if( !_buffer.load( filename ) )
QMessageBox::warning( 0,"Load error", "Could not load file" );
repaint(); // refresh the window
* this mehtod does the actual saving. We hard-code the file type as
* BMP. Unix users might want to replace this file type with XPM.
void ScribbleArea::slotSave( const QString& filename )
if( !_buffer.save( filename, "XPM" ) )
QMessageBox::warning( 0, "Save error", "Could not save file " );
* This virtual method is called when the pointer is on the window
* and the user presses the mouse button. When the right mouse button
* is pressed, it pops up a previously constructed pop-up menu. Otherwise,
* it just records the position of the mouse at the time of the click.
void ScribbleArea::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
if( event->button() == RightButton )
_popupmenu->exec( QCursor::pos() );
_last = event->pos(); // retrieve the coordinates from the event
* This virtual method is called whenever the user moves the mouse
* while the mouse button is pressed. If we had called
* setMouseTracking( true ) before, this method would also be called
* when the mouse was moved without any button pressed. We know that
* we haven't, and thus don't have to check whether any buttons are
* pressed.
void ScribbleArea::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
// create a QPainter object for drawing onto the window
QPainter windowpainter;
// and other QPainter object for drawing into off-screen pixmap
QPainter bufferpainter;
// start painting
windowpainter.begin( this ); //this painter paints into the window
bufferpainter.begin( &_buffer ); // and this one in the buffer
// set a standard pen with the currently selected color
windowpainter.setPen( _currentcolor );
bufferpainter.setPen( _currentcolor );
// draw a line in both the window and the buffer
windowpainter.drawLine( _last, event->pos() );
bufferpainter.drawLine( _last, event->pos() );
// done with painting
// remember the current mouse position
_last = event->pos();
* This virtual method is called whenever the widget needs
* painting. Such as when it has been obscured and then revealed again.
void ScribbleArea::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event )
// copy the image from the buffer pixmap to the window
bitBlt( this, 0, 0, &_buffer );
* This virtual method is called whenever the window is resized. We
* use it to make sure that the off-screen buffer is always the same
* size as the window.
* To retain the original drawing, it is first copied
* to a temporary buffer. After the main buffer has been resized and
* filled with white, the image is copied from the temporary buffer to
* the main buffer.
void ScribbleArea::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event )
QPixmap save( _buffer );
_buffer.resize( event->size() );
_buffer.fill( white );
bitBlt( &_buffer, 0, 0, &save );
/* The next few lines build up the menu bar. We first create the menus
* one by one, then add them to the menu bar. */
_filemenu = new QPopupMenu; // create the file menu
_filemenu->insertItem( "&Load", this, SLOT( slotLoad() ) );
_filemenu->insertItem( "&Save", this, SLOT( slotSave() ) );
_filemenu->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( quit() ) );
_colormenu = new QPopupMenu; // create de color menu
_colormenu->insertItem("B&lack", COLOR_MENU_ID_BLACK );
_colormenu->insertItem("&Red", COLOR_MENU_ID_RED );
_colormenu->insertItem("&Blue", COLOR_MENU_ID_BLUE );
_colormenu->insertItem("&Green", COLOR_MENU_ID_GREEN );
_colormenu->insertItem("&Yellow", COLOR_MENU_ID_YELLOW );
QObject::connect( _colormenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotColorMenu( int ) ) );
_helpmenu = new QPopupMenu; // create the help menu
_helpmenu->insertItem("&About QtScribble", this, SLOT( slotAbout() ) );
_helpmenu->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT( slotAboutQt() ) );
_menubar = new QMenuBar( this ); // create a menu bar
_menubar->insertItem( "&File", _filemenu );
_menubar->insertItem( "&Color", _colormenu );
_menubar->insertItem( "&Help", _helpmenu );
/** We create a QScrollView and ScribbleArea. The ScribbleArea will
* be managed by scroll view */
_scrollview = new QScrollView( this );
$num_to_guess = 42;
$message = "";
if (!isset($_POST[guess])) {
$message = "Bienvenido a la maquina de adivinar!";
} elseif ($_POST[guess] > $num_to_guess) {
$message = "$_POST[guess] es my grande! Intente un numero menor";
} elseif ($_POST[guess] < $num_to_guess) {
$message = "$_POST[guess] es muy pequenio! Intente un numero mas grande";
} else { // must be equivalent
$message = "Bien hecho!";
<title>Un script de PHP para adivinar un numero</title>
<?php print $message ?>
<form action="<?php print $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] ?>" method="POST">
Escriba su numero aqui: <input type="text" name="guess">
</html>etGeometry( 0, _menubar->height(), width(), height() - _menubar->height() );
_scribblearea = new ScribbleArea();
_scribblearea->setGeometry( 0, 0, 1000, 1000 );
_scrollview->addChild( _scribblearea );
QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( colorChanged( QColor ) ), _scribblearea, SLOT( setColor( QColor ) ) );
QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( save( const QString& ) ), _scribblearea, SLOT( slotSave( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( load( const QString& ) ), _scribblearea, SLOT( slotLoad( const QString& ) ) );
void ScribbleWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event )
/* When the whole window is resized, we have to rearrage the geometry
* in the ScribbleWindow as well. Note that the ScribbleArea does not need
* to be changed */
_scrollview->setGeometry( 0, _menubar->height(), width(), height() - _menubar->height() );
void ScribbleWindow::slotAbout()
QMessageBox::information( this, "About QtScribble 4","This is the QtScribble 4 application\n (C) 1998-2001 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer\n");
void ScribbleWindow::slotAboutQt()
QMessageBox::aboutQt( this, "About Qt" );
void ScribbleWindow::slotColorMenu( int item )
switch( item )
emit colorChanged( yellow );
emit colorChanged( darkRed );
emit colorChanged( darkBlue );
emit colorChanged( darkGreen );
emit colorChanged( black );
* This is the slot for the menu item File/Load. It opens a
* Qfiledialog to ask the user for a filename, then emits a save()
* signal with the filename as a parameter
void ScribbleWindow::slotLoad()
/** Open a file dialog for loading. The default directory is the
* current directory, the filter *.bmp.
QString filename = "test.gif";
//QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(".","Images(*.gif)", this );
/** This is the save equivalent to slotLoad(). Again, we just ask for a
*filename and emit a signal.
void ScribbleWindow::slotSave()
/*Open a file dialog for saving. The default directory is the
* current directory, the filter *.bmp.
QString filename = "test.gif";
//QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(".","Images(*.gif)", this);
if( !filename.isEmpty() )
emit save( filename );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
QApplication myapp( argc, argv );
ScribbleWindow* mywidget = new ScribbleWindow();
mywidget->setGeometry( 50, 50, 400, 400 );
myapp.setMainWidget( mywidget );
return myapp.exec();
}. Ejecutando el siguiente comando se tendrï¿12todo el directorio incluï¿12o en el paquete