Amanda 2.4 - System-Specific Installation Notes Please read the notes that correspond to the architectures you are installing for. If you find additional gotchas, or anything incorrect in these notes, please send your updates to, after checking that they are not known/fixed problems in the amanda patches page: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solaris 2.6 ----------- You may have compilation errors on statfs.c if you're running, on a Solaris 2.6 host, a gcc that was not build on a Solaris 2.6 host. This happens because gcc stores fixed copies of some Solaris header files on an internal directory. You must rebuild gcc if you get this kind of trouble. Note, however, that gcc does not support Solaris 2.6, you should upgrade to 2.8.0 or higher, or egcs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trusted Solaris --------------- According to Julian Stevens , the format of inetd.conf on Trusted Solaris 1.2 is a bit different. Just before the user name, you should insert the word `untrusted': amanda dgram udp wait untrusted amuser /usr/local/libexec/amandad amandad The patch-system script is *NOT* aware of this detail; you must fix it yourself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SunOS 4.x --------- A bug in GNU tar 1.12 causes it to miscalculate (in fact, to misreport) the size of filesystems. A patch for GNU tar is available in the patches directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultrix ------ The Ultrix dump program contains an explicit check that it is being run by root. This defeats the usual practice of a non-root "operator" userid for dumps. For this reason, the rundump program (a setuid-root wrapper for dump) is enabled by default. If you find rundump is not necessary for you, just configure --without-rundump. The Ultrix restore program will fail if it is not connected to a tty. Since the restore program is invoked in the clients in order to create index files, and it the client is not connected to a tty, index creation will fail. Using GNUTAR instead of DUMP is an option. Thanks to Edwin Wiles for the investigation. Another alternative proposed by Martyn Johnson is to use a modified restore program: use a binary program editor and replace `/dev/tty' with `/dev/nul', for instance, and link /dev/nul to /dev/null. Note that the chosen file name must be exactly 8 bytes long, otherwise you'll break the restore program. A nice one-liner perl script by Martyn Johnson will do the trick (make sure you preserve a copy of the original restore program, it will be rewritten by running this script!): perl -pi -e 'BEGIN { $/ = "/dev/tty" } s-$/-/dev/nul-' restore The Ultrix C compiler seems to be too broken to compile Amanda. You are likely to need gcc or egcs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP/UX ----- You may run into an internal /bin/sh limit when running the configure script. The error message is: ./configure: sh internal 2K buffer overflow Using /bin/posix/sh usually works around the problem. Another solution is to install GNU bash and use it instead of /bin/sh. If `configure' complains about not finding `lex', you'll have to get `flex' installed. Look for its URL in docs/INSTALL. If you use logical volumes, you may refer to mountpoints or full device pathnames instead of device names in the disk list file. According to Stan Brown , amverify won't work with HP/UX's stock `mt'. The work-around is to install GNU cpio, that contains an implementation of `mt', and edit amverify so that MT points to GNU mt and MTOPT is `-f', or reconfigure and rebuild amanda from scratch, making sure it finds GNU mt before the stock mt in the PATH. If you have vxfs filesystems to back up, amanda will pick vxdump automatically. GNU tar 1.12 will incorrectly report the size of backups. There's a patch in the patches directory that fixes this problem. The use of `amhpfixdevs' is deprecated, since you can list mount-points or full device names in the disklist. The script may be removed in future releases of Amanda. Sometimes you may get the error message `Link severed' from an HP/UX client. This is just a cute name the developers of HP/UX found for `Network error'. Reported by Michael Brehl --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux ----- Linux hosts intended to back up efs partitions with dump should install the dump package, as it is not installed by default on most Linux distributions. It is possible to find compiled versions of dump on most Linux sites and CD-ROMs. Note, however, that DUMP for Linux has been quite unreliable, sometimes being unable to perform backups, producing weird error messages such as `master/slave protocol botched', and sometimes creating unrestorable dump images, especially of active filesystems. The first problem can sometimes be fixed by cleaning up outdated entries in /etc/dumpdates, but your best bet is probably GNU tar. Make sure the user that runs configure has permission to run the dump program, otherwise configure may misdetect an ability of dump to accept a -E (for estimates) switch. GNUtar 1.11.8, distributed with some Linux versions, will cause index failures (Index returned -1). Upgrading to GNUtar 1.12 fixes this problem. This is not a Linux-specific problem, but it is quite common in this platform. Amanda now supports the ftape driver version 3.04d. It adjusts the blocksize automatically to 32k and supports QIC volume tables. More details con be found in the file ZFTAPE in this directory. Some releases of dump for Linux, such as the one distributed with Debian 2.0, have modified dump so that it stores dumpdates in /var/lib. If this is your case, you should create a link to it in /etc. Suggested by David Wolfskill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Unix 4 -------------- According to Michael Galloway , the stock DUX4 dump is broken. There is a patch available at When both dump and vdump are available, amanda will use vdump for backing up advfs filesystems only, and dump will be used for the rest. If you'd rather back up all filesystems with vdump, #undef DUMP in config/config.h after running configure. Unfortunately, the output of `dump -E' incorrectly matches a line of output from SAMBA, which gets Amanda's estimate process confused. client-src/sendsize.c will refuse to compile if both HAVE_DUMP_ESTIMATE and SAMBA_CLIENT are defined in config/config.h. Amanda will work correctly if you undefine HAVE_DUMP_ESTIMATE in config/config.h; if you prefer to have incorrect estimates for SAMBA backups, follow the instructions in sendsize.c on removing the compile-time error. According to Oren Laadan , DEC compiler version "DEC C V5.2-033 on Digital UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 564)" (obtained with "cc -V") does not build Amanda properly, in particular, taper.c. Using gcc is OK. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinix 5.43 (Reliant Unix) ------------------------- The use of `amsinixfixdevs' is deprecated, since you can list mount-points or full device names in the disklist. The script may be removed in future releases of Amanda. Sinix port originally by Michael Schmitz . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRIX (all) ---------- When setting the tape device name in either amanda.conf or one of the changer configuration files, make sure you specify the "variable" device name, which has a 'v' on the end. If not, IRIX will write 4KByte blocks instead of the 32KByte blocks Amanda tells it to. This apparantly works OK unless you take the tape to a non-IRIX system, where amrestore will complain about a short (4096) read. If you do end up in this situation, the dd command to use to pipe into your system restore program is: dd if=/dev/whatever bs=4k skip=8 | ... Jean-Francois Malouin reports that, if you are going to use an IRIX host as the tape server, you *must* patch your system with *all* kernel and scsi rollup patches, otherwise you may end up with useless tapes, due to tape rewinding after short periods of inactivity. See for more details. Some unpatched version of xfsdump are reported as not printing estimates. This causes estimates to take much longer than they had to, because backups are always performed twice. According to Mike Acar , patch 2333 for IRIX 5.3 and 6.1 will fix this problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRIX 6 ------ Seems like SGI `make' program is a bit broken, in a way that causes it to rebuild some files if doesn't have to if you happen to run `make' again. Using GNU make fixes this problem. If you have xfs filesystems to back up, amanda will pick xfsdump automatically. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCO --- Jens Krause has reported some problems with GNU tar 1.12 on SCO Release 5. Although the `sparse' files patch was applied, GNU tar would consistently crash. GNU tar had to be built linked with malloc-libraries, and the `--sparse' switches had to be removed from client-src/sendbackup-gnutar.c and client-src/sendsize.c. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreeBSD 3.0 ----------- chg-scsi was not updated to support the new camlib.h-dependent chio.h, so chg-scsi will be automatically disabled if camlib.h is found. You may use chg-chio instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows ----------------- Although amanda won't run standalone on MS-Windows hosts, it is possible to use it to back up their disks, by using SAMBA. Please read docs/SAMBA for more information. SAMBA may be unable to back up some files due to file locking restrictions. Particularly, paging and registry files usually present problems. Backing up page files is pointless, but registry files are quite important to back up. It is possible to create regular files that contain registry information by using the Regback utility, from the Windows NT Resource Kit. Unfortunately, is not part of the Windows NT standard distribution, you have to purchase it separately. Thanks to Ernie Oporto for the tip.