The Mesa 3D Graphics Library


Mesa implements OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0. More information about OpenGL ES can be found at

OpenGL ES depends on a working EGL implementation. Please refer to Mesa EGL for more information about EGL.

Build the Libraries

  1. Run meson configure with -D gles1=true -D gles2=true and enable the Gallium driver for your hardware.
  2. Build and install Mesa as usual.
Alternatively, if XCB-DRI2 is installed on the system, one can use egl_dri2 EGL driver with OpenGL|ES-enabled DRI drivers
  1. Run meson configure with -D gles1=true -D gles2=true.
  2. Build and install Mesa as usual.

Both methods will install libGLESv1_CM, libGLESv2, libEGL, and one or more EGL drivers for your hardware.

Run the Demos

There are some demos in mesa/demos repository.


Dispatch Table

OpenGL ES has an additional indirection when dispatching functions

  Mesa:       glFoo() --> _mesa_Foo()
  OpenGL ES:  glFoo() --> _es_Foo() --> _mesa_Foo()

The indirection serves several purposes

Other than the last case, OpenGL ES uses APIspec.xml to generate functions to check and/or converts the arguments.