#-*-perl-*- # Parse "ls -lR" type listings # use lsparse'reset( dirname ) repeately # By Lee McLoughlin # # $Id: lsparse.pl,v 2000/07/10 17:49:08 jjamor Exp $ # $Log: lsparse.pl,v $ # Revision 2000/07/10 17:49:08 jjamor # Importando LuCAS en nuevo servidor CVS # # Revision 2000/04/08 19:12:37 olea # Importando LuCAS que te cagas... # # Revision 2.7 1994/06/10 18:28:24 lmjm # Another netware variant. # Another dosish system. # VM/CMS from Andrew Mc. # # Revision 2.6 1994/04/29 20:11:06 lmjm # Overcome strange handling of $1 near a pattern match. # # Revision 2.4 1994/01/26 15:43:00 lmjm # Added info-mac parser. # Cleanups to lsparse type lines. # # Revision 2.3 1994/01/18 21:58:20 lmjm # Added F type. # mode handle 't' type. # Added line_lsparse. # # Revision 2.2 1993/12/14 11:09:08 lmjm # Parse more unix ls listings. # Added dosftp parsing. # Added macos parsing. # # Revision 2.1 1993/06/28 15:03:08 lmjm # Full 2.1 release # # # This has better be available via your PERLLIB environment variable require 'dateconv.pl'; package lsparse; # The current directory is stripped off the # start of the returned pathname # $match is a pattern that matches this local( $match ); # The filestore type being scanned $lsparse'fstype = 'unix'; # Keep whatever case is on the remote system. Otherwise lowercase it. $lsparse'vms_keep_case = ''; # A name to report when errors occur $lsparse'name = 'unknown'; # Name of routine to call to parse incoming listing lines $ls_line = ''; # Set the directory that is being scanned and # check that the scan routing for this fstype exists # returns false if the fstype is unknown. sub lsparse'reset { $here = $currdir = $_[0]; $now = time; # Vms tends to give FULL pathnames reguardless of where # you generate the dir listing from. $vms_strip = $currdir; $vms_strip =~ s,^/+,,; $vms_strip =~ s,/+$,,; $ls_line = "lsparse'line_$fstype"; return( defined( &$ls_line ) ); } # See line_unix following routine for call/return details. # This calls the filestore specific parser. sub lsparse'line { # ls_line is setup in lsparse'reset to the name of the function local( $path, $size, $time, $type, $mode ) = eval "&$ls_line( @_ )"; # Zap any leading ./ (Somehow they still creep thru.) $path =~ s:^(\./)+::; return ($path, $size, $time, $type, $mode); } # --------------------- parse standard Unix ls output # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_unix { local( $fh ) = @_; local( $non_crud, $perm_denied ); local( $d ); local( $dir ); if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; # Try and spot crud in the line and avoid it # You can get: # -rw-r--r-ls: navn/internett/RCS/nsc,v: Permission denied # ls: navn/internett/RCS/bih,v: Permission denied # - 1 43 daemon 1350 Oct 28 14:03 sognhs # -rwcannot access .stuff/incoming # cannot access .stuff/.cshrc if( m%^(.*)/bin/ls:.*Permission denied% || m%^(.*)ls:.*Permission denied% || m%^(.*)ls:.*No such file or directory% || m%^(.*)(cannot|can not) access % ){ if( ! $non_crud ){ $non_crud = $1; } next; } # Also try and spot non ls "Permission denied" messages. These # are a LOT harder to handle as the key part is at the end # of the message. For now just zap any line containing it # and the first line following (as it will PROBABLY have been broken). # if( /.:\s*Permission denied/ ){ $perm_denied = 1; next; } if( $perm_denied ){ $perm_denied = ""; warn "Warning: input corrupted by 'Permission denied'", "errors, about line $. of $lsparse'name\n"; next; } # Not found's are like Permission denied's. They can start part # way through a line but with no way of spotting where they begin if( /not found/ ){ $not_found = 1; next; } if( $not_found ){ $not_found = ""; warn "Warning: input corrupted by 'not found' errors", " about line $. of $lsparse'name\n"; next; } if( $non_crud ){ $_ = $non_crud . $_; $non_crud = ""; } if( /^([\-FlrwxsStTdDa]{10}).*\D(\d+)\s*(\w\w\w\s+\d+\s*(\d+:\d+|\d\d\d\d))\s+(.*)\n/ ){ local( $kind, $size, $lsdate, $file ) = ($1, $2, $3, $5); if( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' ){ next; } local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; # This should be a symlink if( $kind =~ /^l/ && $file =~ /(.*) -> (.*)/ ){ $file = $1; $type = "l $2"; } elsif( $kind =~ /^[\-F]/ ){ # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } elsif( $kind =~ /^d/i ){ # Don't create private dirs when not # using recurse_hard. if( ! $main'recurse_hard ){ next; } $type = 'd'; $size = 0; # Don't believe the report size } $mode = &chars_to_mode( $kind ); $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } # Match starts of directories. Try not to match # directories whose names ending in : elsif( /^([\.\/]*.*):$/ && ! /^[dcbsp].*\s.*\s.*:$/ ){ $dir = $1; if( $dir eq '.' ){ next; } elsif( $dir !~ /^\// ){ $currdir = "$here/$dir"; } else { $currdir = "$dir"; } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $match = $currdir; $match =~ s/([\+\(\)\[\]\*\?])/\\$1/g; return( substr( $currdir, 1 ), 0, 0, 'd', 0 ); } elsif( /^[dcbsp].*[^:]$/ || /^\s*$/ || /^[Tt]otal.*/ || /[Uu]nreadable$/ ){ ; } elsif( /^.*[Uu]pdated.*:/ ){ # Probably some line like: # Last Updated: Tue Oct 8 04:30:50 EDT 1991 # skip it next; } elsif( /^([\.\/]*[^\s]*)/ ){ # Just for the export.lcs.mit.edu ls listing $match = $currdir = "$1/"; $match =~ s/[\+\(\[\*\?]/\\$1/g; } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # Convert the mode chars at the start of an ls-l entry into a number sub chars_to_mode { local( $chars ) = @_; local( @kind, $c ); # Split and remove first char @kind = split( //, $kind ); shift( @kind ); foreach $c ( @kind ){ $mode <<= 1; if( $c ne '-' && $c ne 'S' && $c ne 't' && $c ne 'T' ){ $mode |= 1; } } # check for "special" bits # uid bit if( /^...s....../i ){ $mode |= 04000; } # gid bit if( /^......s.../i ){ $mode |= 02000; } # sticky bit if( /^.........t/i ){ $mode |= 01000; } return $mode; } # --------------------- parse dls output # dls is a descriptive ls that some sites use. # this parses the output of dls -dtR # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_dls { local( $fh ) = @_; local( $non_crud, $perm_denied ); if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( /^(\S*)\s+(\-|\=|\d+)\s+((\w\w\w\s+\d+|\d+\s+\w\w\w)\s+(\d+:\d+|\d\d\d\d))\s+(.+)\n/ ){ local( $file, $size, $lsdate, $description ) = ($1, $2, $3, $6); $file =~ s/\s+$//; local( $time, $type, $mode ); if( $file =~ m|/$| ){ # a directory $file =~ s,/$,,; $time = 0; $type = 'd'; $mode = 0555; } else { # a file $time = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); $type = 'f'; $mode = 0444; } # Handle wrapped long filenames if( $filename ne '' ){ $file = $filename; } $filename = ''; $file =~ s/\s*$//; $file = "$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } elsif( /^(.*):$/ ){ if( $1 eq '.' ){ next; } elsif( $1 !~ /^\// ){ $currdir = "$here/$1/"; } else { $currdir = "$1/"; } $filename = ''; $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $match = $currdir; $match =~ s/([\+\(\)\[\]\*\?])/\\$1/g; return( substr( $currdir, 1 ), 0, 0, 'd', 0 ); } else { # If a filename is long then it is on a line by itself # with the details on the next line chop( $filename = $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse netware output # For each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_netware { local( $fh ) = @_; if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # Unix vs NetWare: #1234567890 __________.*_____________ d+ www dd dddd (.*)\n #drwxr-xr-x 2 jrd other 512 Feb 29 1992 vt100 # kind size lsdate file #123456789012sw+ ____.*_______\s+(\d+) \s+ wwwsddsdd:dd\s+ (.*)\n #- [R----F--] jrd 197928 Sep 25 15:19 kermit.exe #d [R----F--] jrd 512 Oct 06 09:31 source #d [RWCEAFMS] jrd 512 Sep 04 14:38 lwp # Another netware variant #d [R----F-] 1 carl 512 Mar 12 15:47 txt # And another.. #- [-RWCE-F-] mlm 11820 Feb 3 93 12:00 drivers.doc # And another.. #-[R----F-] 1 supervis 256 Nov 15 14:21 readme.txt if( /^([d|l|\-]\s*\[[RWCEAFMS\-]+\])\s+(\d+\s+)?\S+\s+(\d+)\s*(\w\w\w\s+\d+\s*(\d+:\d+|\d\d\d\d))\s+(.*)\n/) { local( $kind, $size, $lsdate, $file ) = ( $1, $3, $4, $6); if( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' ){ next; } local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; # This should be a symlink if( $kind =~ /^l/ && $file =~ /(.*) -> (.*)/ ){ $file = $1; $type = "l $2"; } elsif( $kind =~ /^-/ ){ # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } $mode = &netware_to_mode( $kind ); if( $kind =~ /^d/ ) { # a directory $type = 'd'; $size = 0; # Don't believe the report size } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } elsif( /^[dcbsp].*[^:]$/ || /^\s*$/ || /^[Tt]otal.*/ || /[Uu]nreadable$/ ){ ; } elsif( /^.*[Uu]pdated.*:/ ){ # Probably some line like: # Last Updated: Tue Oct 8 04:30:50 EDT 1991 # skip it next; } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # Convert NetWare file access mode chars at the start of a DIR entry # into a Unix access number. sub netware_to_mode { local( $kind ) = @_; local( @kind, $c, $k ); # Ignore all but the mode characters inside [] $k = $kind; $k =~ s,.*\[(.*)\].*,$1,; @kind = split( //, $kind ); $mode = 0; # init $mode to no access foreach $c ( @kind ){ if( $c eq 'R' ) {$mode |= 0x644;} ## r/w r r if( $c eq 'W' ) {$mode |= 0x222;} ## w w w if( $c eq 'F' ) {$mode |= 0x444;} ## r r r } return $mode; } # --------------------- parse VMS dir output # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_vms { local( $fh ) = @_; local( $non_crud, $perm_denied ); if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( /^\s*$/ ){ next; } if( /^\s*Total of/i ){ # Just a size report ignore next; } if( /\%RMS-E-PRV|insufficient privilege/i ){ # A permissions error - skip the line next; } # Upper case is so ugly if( ! $lsparse'vms_keep_case ){ tr/A-Z/a-z/; } # DISK$ANON:[ANONYMOUS.UNIX] if( /^([^:]+):\[([^\]+]+)\]\s*$/ ){ # The directory name # Use the Unix convention of /'s in filenames not # .'s $currdir = '/' . $2; $currdir =~ s,\.,/,g; $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $currdir =~ s,^/$vms_strip,,; if( $currdir eq '' ){ next; } $match = $currdir; $match =~ s/([\+\(\)\[\]\*\?])/\\$1/g; #print ">>>match=$match currdir=$currdir\n"; return( substr( $currdir, 1 ), 0, 0, 'd', 0 ); } # MultiNet FTP # DSPD.MAN;1 9 1-APR-1991 12:55 [SG,ROSENBLUM] (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) # CMU/VMS-IP FTP # [VMSSERV.FILES]ALARM.DIR;1 1/3 5-MAR-1993 18:09 local( $dir, $file, $vers, $size, $lsdate, $got ); $got = 0; # For now ignore user and mode if( /^((\S+);(\d+))?\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+-\S+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+)/ ){ ($file, $vers, $size, $lsdate) = ($2,$3,$4,$5); $got = 1; } elsif( /^(\[([^\]]+)\](\S+);(\d+))?\s+\d+\/\d+\s+(\d+-\S+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+)\s*$/ ){ ($dir,$file,$vers,$lsdate) = ($2,$3,$4,$5); $got = 1; } # The sizes mean nothing under unix... $size = 0; if( $got ){ local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = 'f'; local( $mode ) = 0444; # Handle wrapped long filenames if( $filename ne '' ){ $file = $filename; $vers = $version; if( $directory ){ $dir = $directory; } } if( defined( $dir ) ){ $dir =~ s/\./\//g; $file = $dir . '/' . $file; } $filename = ''; if( $file =~ /^(.*)\.dir(;\d+)?$/ ){ if( ! $vms_keep_dotdir ){ $file = $1 . $2; } $type = 'd'; $mode = 0555; } $lsparse'vers = $vers; #print "file=|$file| match=|$match| vms_strip=|$vms_strip|\n"; $file =~ s,^,/,; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; if( ! defined( $dir ) ){ $file = "$currdir/$file"; } $file =~ s,^$vms_strip,,; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; #print "file=|$file|\n"; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } elsif( /^\[([^\]]+)\](\S+);(\d+)\s*$/ ){ # If a filename is long then it is on a line by itself # with the details on the next line local( $d, $f, $v ) = ($1, $2, $3); $d =~ s/\./\//g; $directory = $d; $filename = $f; $version = $v; } elsif( /^(\S+);(\d+)\s*$/ ){ # If a filename is long then it is on a line by itself # with the details on the next line $filename = $1; $version = $2; } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse output from dos ftp server # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_dosftp { local( $fh ) = @_; while( 1 ){ if( $pending ){ $_ = $pending; $pending = ''; } else { if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } $_ = <$fh>; # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Ignore the summary at the end and blank lines if( /^\d+ files?\./ || /^\s+$/ ){ next; } } # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( m|(\S+)\s+(\S+)?\s+(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s*(.*)| ){ local( $file, $commasize, $hrs, $min, $mon, $day, $yr ) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); $pending = $8; # TODO: fix hacky 19$yr local( $lsdate ) = "$day-$mon-19$yr $hrs:$min"; local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; local( $size ) = $commasize; $size =~ s/,//g; if( $file =~ m:(.*)/$: ){ $file = $1; $type = 'd'; $size = 0; # Don't believe the report size } else { # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse output from a slightly DOS-like dir command # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink # 03-16-94 06:29AM . # 03-16-94 06:29AM .. # 04-11-94 11:48PM creative # 03-08-94 07:17AM 5504 article.xfiles.intro # 02-28-94 11:44AM 3262 article1.gillian.anderson sub lsparse'line_dosish { local( $fh ) = @_; while( 1 ){ if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } $_ = <$fh>; # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Ignore blank lines if( /^\s+$/ ){ next; } # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( m,(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+)(AM|PM)\s+(\d+|)\s+(\S+), ){ local( $mon, $day, $yr, $hrs, $min, $ampm, $dir_or_size, $file ) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); if( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' ){ next; } $hrs += 12 if $ampm =~ /PM/; # TODO: fix hacky 19$yr local( $lsdate ) = "$day-$mon-19$yr $hrs:$min"; local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = ($dir_or_size eq '' ? 'd' : 'f'); local( $mode ) = 0; local( $size ) = 0; $size = $dir_or_size if $dir_or_size =~ /^\d/; $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse output from supertcp ftp server # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink # . 11-16-94 17:16 # .. 11-16-94 17:16 # INSTALL 11-16-94 17:17 # CMT 11-21-94 10:17 # DESIGN1.DOC 11264 05-11-95 14:20 # README.TXT 1045 05-10-95 11:01 # WPKIT1.EXE 960338 06-21-95 17:01 # CMT.CSV 0 07-06-95 14:56 # . 11/16/94 17:16 # .. 11/16/94 17:16 # INSTALL 11/16/94 17:17 # CMT 11/21/94 10:17 # DESIGN1.DOC 11264 05/11/95 14:20 # README.TXT 1045 05/10/95 11:01 # WPKIT1.EXE 960338 06/21/95 17:01 # CMT.CSV 0 07/06/95 14:56 sub lsparse'line_supertcp { local( $fh ) = @_; while( 1 ) { if( $pending ){ $_ = $pending; $pending = ''; } else { if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } $_ = <$fh>; # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Ignore the summary at the end and blank lines if( /^\d+ files?\./ || /^\s+$/ ){ next; } } # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; s/\s+$//; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; local( $file, $dirsize, $date, $time ) = split(" ", $_, 4); local( $mon, $day, $yr ) = split ( /[-\/]/, $date, 3); if( defined $file ){ next if ( $file eq '..' || $file eq '.' ); $pending = $5; local( $lsdate ) = "$day-$mon-$yr $time"; local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; if ( $dirsize eq '' ) { $type = 'd'; $size = 0; } else { $type = 'f'; $size = $dirsize; $size =~ s/,//g; } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse output from a basic OS2 server # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink # 0 DIR 04-11-95 16:26 . # 0 DIR 04-11-95 16:26 .. # 0 DIR 04-11-95 16:26 ADDRESS # 612 A 07-28-95 16:45 air_tra1.bag # 195 A 08-09-95 10:23 Alfa1.bag # 0 DIR 04-11-95 16:26 ATTACH # 372 A 08-09-95 10:26 Aussie_1.bag # 310992 06-28-94 09:56 INSTALL.EXE sub lsparse'line_os2 { local( $fh ) = @_; while( 1 ){ if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } $_ = <$fh>; # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Ignore blank lines if( /^\s+$/ ){ next; } # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( m,(\d+)\s+((\S+)\s+)?((\S+)\s+)?(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\S+), ){ local( $size, $flags, $dir, $mon, $day, $yr, $hrs, $min, $file ) = ($1, $3, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11); if( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' ){ next; } # Maybe there are no flags just a DIR?? if( $flags ne '' && $dir eq '' ){ $dir = $flags; $flags = ''; } # TODO: fix hacky 19$yr local( $lsdate ) = "$day-$mon-19$yr $hrs:$min"; local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = ($dir eq 'DIR' ? 'd' : 'f'); local( $mode ) = 0; local( $size ) = 0; $size = $dir_or_size if $dir_or_size =~ /^\d/; $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse output from chameleon ftp server # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_chameleon { local( $fh ) = @_; while( 1 ) { if( $pending ){ $_ = $pending; $pending = ''; } else { if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } $_ = <$fh>; # Ignore the summary at the end and blank lines if( /^\d+ files?\./ || /^\s+$/ ){ next; } } # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; s/\s+$//; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; local( $file, $dirsize, $mon, $day, $yr, $time, $perm ) = split(" ", $_, 7); if( defined $file ){ next if $file eq '..' || $file eq '.'; $pending = $5; local( $lsdate ) = "$day-$mon-$yr $time"; local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; if( $dirsize eq '' ){ $type = 'd'; $size = 0; } else { $type = 'f'; $size = $dirsize; $size =~ s/,//g; } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse standard MACOS Unix-like ls output # for each file or directory line found return a tuple of # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # time is a Un*x time value for the file # type is "f" for a file, "d" for a directory and # "l linkname" for a symlink sub lsparse'line_macos { local( $fh ) = @_; local( $non_crud, $perm_denied ); if( eof( $fh ) ){ return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; # Stomp on carriage returns s/\015//g; # I'm about to look at this at lot study; if( /^([\-rwxd]{10}).*\s(\d+\s+)?(\S+)\s+\d+\s*(\w\w\w\s+\d+\s*(\d+:\d+|\d\d\d\d))\s+(.*)\n/ ){ local( $kind, $size, $lsdate, $file ) = ($1, $3, $4, $6); local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); local( $type ) = '?'; local( $mode ) = 0; if( $kind =~ /^-/ ){ # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } elsif( $kind =~ /^d/ ){ $type = 'd'; $size = 0; # Don't believe the report size } $currdir =~ s,/+,/,g; $file =~ s,^/$match,,; $file = "/$currdir/$file"; $file =~ s,/+,/,g; return( substr( $file, 1 ), $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s", $_ ); } } return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- parse lsparse log file format # lsparse'line_lsparse() is for input in lsparse's internal form, # as it might have been written to a log file during a previous # run of a program that uses lsparse. The format is: # filename size time type mode # where size and time are in decimal, mode is in decimal or octal, # and type is one or two words. sub lsparse'line_lsparse { local( $fh ) = @_; if( $lsparse'readtime ){ alarm( $lsparse'readtime ); } if( eof( $fh ) ){ alarm( 0 ); return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; if( /^(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+((l\s+)?\S+)\s+(\d+)\n$/ ){ # looks good. # note that $type is two words iff it starts with 'l' local( $name, $size, $time, $type, $mode ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $6 ); $mode = oct($mode) if $mode =~ /^0/; return( $name, $size, $time, $type, $mode ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s\n", $_ ); } } alarm( 0 ); return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- Info-Mac all-files # -r 1974 Jul 21 00:06 00readme.txt # lr 3 Sep 8 08:34 AntiVirus -> vir # ... # This is the format used at sumex-aim.stanford.edu for the info-mac area. # (see info-mac/help/all-files.txt.gz). # sub lsparse'line_infomac { local( $fh ) = @_; if( $lsparse'readtime ){ alarm( $lsparse'readtime ); } if( eof( $fh ) ){ alarm( 0 ); return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; next if /^;/; if( /^([l-].)\s*(\d+)\s*(\w\w\w\s+\d+\s*(\d+:\d+|\d\d\d\d))\s+(.*)\n/ ){ local( $kind, $size, $lsdate, $file ) = ($1, $2, $3, $5); local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); # This should be a symlink if( $kind =~ /^l/ && $file =~ /(.*) -> (.*)/ ){ $file = $1; $type = "l $2"; } elsif( $kind =~ /^[\-F]/ ){ # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } else { printf( "Unparsable info-mac line: %s\n", $_ ); next; } return( $file, $size, $time, $type, 0444 ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s\n", $_ ); } } alarm( 0 ); return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # --------------------- CTAN files list # 22670 Mon Jul 20 12:36:34 1992 pub/tex/biblio/bibtex/contrib/aaai-named.bst # sub lsparse'line_ctan { local( $fh ) = @_; if( $lsparse'readtime ){ alarm( $lsparse'readtime ); } if( eof( $fh ) ){ alarm( 0 ); return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; if( /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\w\w\w\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+\d+)\s+(.*)\n/ ){ local( $size, $lsdate, $file ) = ($1, $2, $3); local( $time ) = &main'lstime_to_time( $lsdate ); return( $file, $size, $time, 'f', 0444 ); } else { printf( "Unmatched line: %s\n", $_ ); } } alarm( 0 ); return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # ------------------------------ VM/CMS # # DIRACC EXEC A1 F 132 84 3 01/25/93 14:49:47 # DIRUNIX SCRIPT A1 V 77 1216 17 01/04/93 20:30:47 # MAIL PROFILE A2 F 80 1 1 10/14/92 16:12:27 # # (pathname, size, time, type, mode) # pathname is a full pathname relative to the directory set by reset() # size is the size in bytes (this is always 0 for directories) # for this we guess that it is record length * nrecords -- usually false # time is a Un*x time value for the file -- this is good from the m/f # type is always "f" for a file sub lsparse'line_cms { local( $fh ) = @_; if( $lsparse'readtime ){ alarm( $lsparse'readtime ); } if( eof( $fh ) ){ alarm( 0 ); return( "", 0, 0, 0 ); } while( <$fh> ){ # Store listing print main'STORE $_; chop; next unless /\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+/; s/^\s+//; # Upper case is so ugly if( ! $lsparse'vms_keep_case ){ tr/A-Z/a-z/; } local( $fname, $ftype, $fdisk, $rectype, $lrecl, $recs, $blocks, $ldate, $tod ) = split(/\s+/, $_); return( join('.', ($fname, $ftype, $fdisk)), $lrecl * $recs, &main'lstime_to_time( "$ldate $tod" ), 'f' ); } alarm( 0 ); return( '', 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } # ----- 1;