March 25, 1996 Former is a CGI script that is used for processing forms. It is geared toward producing highly configurable forms without the need of writing a script each time a form is needed. All the documentation for Former is in Perl POD format inside the file. INSTALLATION Installation of Former is straight forward. 1. Insure that at least perl 5.001m is installed. 2. Insure that the following perl modules are installed: + CGI + MailTools + Msql 3. Copy the file over to your perl lib area. 4. Copy to your cgi-bin directory. 5. Edit cgi-bin/ and specify where your perl executable is. After that, it is just start using Former. HOW TO USE Former is just a CGI script. It is invoked as: http://www-server/cgi-bin/ It is that easy..... I have include a simple example of the config file and the FDF file (form2.conf and form2.def). Very simple mind you. Former is now in a constant state of flux. Mostly it is getting new code to include new ways of processing forms. If you have ideas, forward them on to me. Gerard Hickey (