Acme-MetaSyntactic-soviet This module is a theme for Acme::MetaSyntactic, giving the NATO codenames for various Soviet equipments. INSTALLATION To install this module, use the CPAN shell or cpanminus. Or you can use the manual way by running the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install There is also a Build.PL file, but since Module::Build is no longer recommended, this installation procedure has not been tested for this version. SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Acme::MetaSyntactic::soviet You can also look for information at: meta::CPAN Please report problems with Github's issues tracker: WHY THIS THEME ABOUT SOVIET STUFF? First, because Acme::MetaSyntactic is fun. Second: As a wargamer interested (among other eras) in the air combat and the naval combat in the second half of the XXth century, be it hypothetical wars or historical wars, I have no problems to find lists of Soviet aircraft with their NATO designations and Soviet missiles with their NATO designations. On the other hand, finding a comprehensive list of radars or sonars is difficult. When I discovered Internet and the web, I had hope finding a website that would give me the list I did not find in printed books. No luck. So, I would have to build myself a webpage with the list of soviet radars. When I saw how would render POD files, I decided to format the list as a POD file and to have it displayed by How would I do that? By writing a Perl module. Since then, has disappeared from the web, but does a POD rendering as good as That's OK for me. So I know there is a webpage listing all soviet radars with their NATO designation, this webpage is the POD documentation for Acme::MetaSyntactic::soviet. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2008, 2012, 2016, 2021 Jean Forget This program is free software; you can redistribute it and you can modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.