#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use XML::RSS; use LWP::Simple; use List::Util qw(first); use File::Save::Home qw/make_subhome_directory get_subhome_directory_status/; use Cache::File; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use HTML::Entities; my $VERSION = 0.2; my ( $show_man, $show_help, $debug); my ( $installed_only, $act_as_filter, $reload_changes ); my $feed_uri = 'http://search.cpan.org/uploads.rdf'; my $log = sub{}; GetOptions( 'filter!' => \$act_as_filter, 'uri' => \$feed_uri, 'installed' => \$installed_only, 'debug' => \$debug, 'reload' => \$reload_changes, 'help|?' => \$show_help, man => \$show_man, ); pod2usage(0) if $show_help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $show_man; $log = sub{ print STDERR @_, "\n" } if $debug; if ( $installed_only ) { require Module::Locate; Module::Locate->import(qw/locate/); }; sub dist2module { my ( $m, $v ) = split( qr/-(?=v?\d+\.\d+)/, $_[0] ); $m =~ s/\W/::/g; return $m; } my $uploads = $act_as_filter ? join( '', <> ) : get( $feed_uri ); die( "Unable to obtain uploads from standard input or http" ) unless $uploads; my $cache_dir = get_subhome_directory_status( '.cpan-changes' ); make_subhome_directory( $cache_dir ); my $cache = Cache::File->new ( cache_root => $cache_dir->{abs}, default_expires => '1 week' ); my $rss = XML::RSS->new(); $rss->parse( $uploads ); my @ignore; # print the title and link of each RSS item foreach my $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) { if ( $installed_only ) { my $mod = dist2module( $item->{'title'} ); my $mod_info = eval{ locate( $mod ) }; warn( sprintf "Invalid dist name '%s':\n%s", $item->{'title'}, $@ ) if $@; if ( not $mod_info || $@ ) { push @ignore, $item; next; } }; $log->( "title: ", $item->{'title'} ,"\nlink: $item->{'link'}" ); my $changes; $changes = $cache->get( $item->{link} ) unless $reload_changes; if ( not $changes ) { ( my $src_dir = $item->{'link'} ) =~ s|/~([^/]+)/|/src/\U$1\E/|; my $uri = first{ head( $_ ) } map{ $src_dir . $_ } map{( $_, uc )} qw/Changes ChangeLog/; $changes = $uri ? get( $ uri ) : 'No changelog found'; $cache->set( $item->{link}, $changes ); }; # for some reason we will need to double encode the changes here my $encoded = encode_entities(encode_entities( $changes ),'&'); $item->{description} .= sprintf( "
", $encoded ); $log->( "description: ", $item->{description} ); } if ( $installed_only ) { # filter modules that are not installed locally $rss->{items} = [ grep{ my $item=$_; not grep{ $_ == $item } @ignore } @{$rss->{items}} ]; $log->( "Displaying:\n ".join( "\n ", map{$_->{title}} @{$rss->{items}}) ); }; print $rss->as_rss_1_0; $log->( $rss->as_rss_1_0, "\n\nDONE!\n" ); __END__ =head1 NAME cpan-changes.pl - Enrich CPAN recent module feed with change-log info =head1 SYNOPSIS cpan-changes.pl [options] Options: --uri feed uri [default: http://search.cpan.org/uploads.rdf] --filter use as filter, i.e. retrieve RDF from standard input --installed discard modules that aren't installed locally [EXPERIMENTAL] --reload omits cache look-up and reload all changelogs --debug processed info is logged to standard error --help brief help message --man full documentation =head1 README This program loads the CPAN recent modules feed, either from your local CPAN mirror or as a filter in your favorite feed reader. Afterwards it scans it and tries to fetch the changelog for new module releases and parses them back into the RSS feed. All retrieved changelogs are stored in a cache to minimize the load put onto your local CPAN mirror. =head1 INSTALLED MODULES ONLY This is a fragile hack using custom regexes to guess the module name from the distribution (suggestions how to do this in a standard way would be very welcome) and then just pull the respective item from the internals of XML::RSS. Use with caution! =head1 BUGS Probably many. Up until now this program has only be tested under Linux and in combination with the Liferea feed reader (both as conversion filter and as programmatic source). I'd love to get feedback about your experiences with this module in other environments. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires C, C, C, C, C, C, C and C. I know these are a lot of prerequisites for a simple script (especially L), but as the intended use case for this script in on the desktop of an active perl developer, this should do. =head1 COREQUISITES C for the option to display only changes to locally installed modules. =head1 CPAN META INFO =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN Web Web/RSS =pod OSNAMES any =head1 AUTHOR Sebastian Willert =cut