OpenThought Eric Andreychek eric at Description ----------- OpenThought is a library which implements an API for AJAX/Remote Scripting, which means you can send data to and from the browser without needing to reload the page. OpenThough strives to provide a simple yet powerful and flexible means for creating such applications. Further, it's compatible with a wide range of browsers, from Internet Explorer 4+, Netscape 4+, Mozilla/Firefox, Safari, Opera, Konqeueror, and others. For more information, see the online documentation, or simply install it and run 'perldoc OpenThought'. Installation ------------ perl Makefile.PL make make test make install cp js/OpenThought.js /var/www/$DOCUMENT_ROOT (if not done above) (optional: install the demo app) cp -ra examples/SoulFoodCafe /var/www/$DOCUMENT_ROOT