#!/perl/bin # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # GETMAC v1.2 for NT4 1998 Nils Reichen # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This program does a scan of all the connecting computer. # It return the MAC and IP address and if possible the DNS and NetBIOS # name. # # Made by Nils Reichen # EICN, NEUCHATEL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING # Le Locle, Switzerland # # under Perl 5.004_02 for WinNT4.0 # Copyri... ah hell, just take it. # Modify and use as you see fit, but please leave my name and the EICN # name on it as long as it still resembles the original code. # # For runing this under a Unix like: change [ping -n 1] by [ping -c 1] # and change the ipconfig cmd to the ifconfig cmd with a little change # #$Header: /proj/arp/getmac.pl,v 1.2 1998/4/21 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # v1.0 Created: 03.Feb.98 - Created by Nils Reichen # v1.1 Revised 05.Mar.98 - Released Code # v1.2 Revised 21.Apr.98 - netdata.log: style changed -> netdata.dat $ver = "v1.2"; $ver_date = "21.Apr.98"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ print "Start IP address: "; chomp($startIP=); print "End IP address: "; chomp($endIP=); print "\n"; $ipaddress=$startIP; # ipaddress : $ip4.$ip3.$ip2.$ip1 ($ip1)=($ipaddress=~ /\d+\D\d+\D\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ip2)=($ipaddress=~ /\d+\D\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ip3)=($ipaddress=~ /\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ip4)=($ipaddress=~ /(\d+)/); # endIP : $ipe4.$ipe3.$ipe2.$ipe1 ($ipe1)=($endIP=~ /\d+\D\d+\D\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ipe2)=($endIP=~ /\d+\D\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ipe3)=($endIP=~ /\d+\D(\d+)/); ($ipe4)=($endIP=~ /(\d+)/); # check for invalid IP address if (($ip1<=254)&&($ip2<=254)&&($ip3<=254)&&($ip4<=254)&&($ipe1<=254)&&($ipe2<=254)&&($ipe3<=254)&&($ipe4<=254)&&($ip1!=0)&&($ipe1!=0)) { # open database file open(FILE,">>netdata.dat") or die "Cannot open netdata.log: $!"; # Write in database: Hostname MAC and IP address, DNS name and Netbios name $local= `ipconfig /all`; ($localMAC)=($local=~ /(..-..-..-..-..-..)/); $localMAC=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # min to MAJ ($localIP)=($local=~ /IP Address.+: (\d+\D\d+\D\d+\D\d+)/); ($localDNS)=($local=~ /Host Name.+: (\S+)/); $local= `tracert $localIP`; ($localNB)=($local=~ /ms\s\s(\S+)\s.\d+\D\d+\D\d+\D\d+./); print FILE "MAC:$localMAC IP:$localIP DNS:$localDNS WINS:$localNB\n"; print "Local name: ",$localDNS,"\n"; print "NetBIOS name: ",$localNB,"\n"; print "Local IP address: ",$localIP,"\n"; print "Local MAC address: ",$localMAC,"\n\n"; # 'Search network info while(ipaddress < endIP)' loop while (($ip4<$ipe4)or(($ip4==$ipe4)and(($ip3<$ipe3)or(($ip3==$ipe3)and(($ip2<$ipe2)or(($ip2==$ipe2)and($ip1<=$ipe1))))))) { $ping = `ping -n 1 $ipaddress`; if ($ping =~ /bytes=/) { $arp = `arp -a $ipaddress`; # MAC address filter $arp =~ /\s\s...............\s+(..-..-..-..-..-..)/; $macaddr = $1; if($macaddr){ # if ipaddress is the same as the localhost => skip # DNS request for $ipaddress $dns = `nslookup -view $ipaddress`; if ($dns=~ /Name/){ ($dns)=($dns=~ /.+\n.+\n.*\nName.\s\s\s\s(\S+)/); } else{$dns="";} # if no DNS name, $dns=""; # NetBIOS name search $nb= `tracert $ipaddress`; ($nb)=($nb=~ /ms\s\s(\S+)\s.\d+\D\d+\D\d+\D\d+./); # Write in database file: MAC IP DNS NetBIOS print FILE "MAC:$macaddr IP:$ipaddress DNS:$dns WINS:$nb\n"; print "DNS name: ",$dns,"\n"; print "NetBIOS name: ",$nb,"\n"; print "IP address: ",$ipaddress,"\n"; print "MAC address: ",$macaddr,"\n\n"; } } # Incr. IP address if ($ip1 < 254){ $ip1=$ip1+1; } else{ $ip1=1; if ($ip2 < 254){ $ip2=$ip2+1; } else{ $ip2=0; if ($ip3 < 254){ $ip3=$ip3+1; } else{ $ip3=0; if ($ip4 < 254){ $ip4=$ip4+1; } else{ print "\nError, IP>\n"; $ip3=254; $ip2=254; $ip1=254; } } } } # End of incr. IP address # IP address recreated $ipaddress="$ip4.$ip3.$ip2.$ip1"; } close(FILE); # close netdata.dat file }else { print "Error, invalid IP address !\n"; # 255 or 0 } # End of getmac.pl