This file lists the subsystems which are required for the 5.3 version of the Real Time programming class. The required subsystems are: - Basic system software: eoe1 eoe2 4Dwm dps_eoe motif_eoe netls_eoe nfs x_eoe ViewKit_eoe - Compilers and developement environment: c_eoe c_dev compiler_eoe compiler_dev dev ftn_eoe ftn_dev gl_dev react x_dev motif_dev - WorkShop environemt: CaseVision WorkShop tooltalk_eoe - Reference materials: insight insight_gloss The following are subsystems which would be beneficial to be installed but are not required: - Basic system software: cadmin desktop_eoe desktop_tools sysmon sysadmdesktop - Compilers and developement environment: 4Dgifts ViewKit_dev c++_dev c++_eoe complib demos - Reference Materials: dvdr motif_books x_books